Geography of Delhi is the capital of India. The state is spread over an area of 1483 square kilometer. According to the Indian geography the state is located at the center of the Indian subcontinent, amidst the ranges of Himalaya and the Aravalli. Delhi geography encompasses the location, climatic conditions, vegetation and so on.
The latitudinal and longitudinal location of Delhi are 23.38 degree north and 77.13degree east. The state stands at the northern part of India. Haryana and Uttar Pradesh are the other states, which share their borders with Delhi in the west and east respectively. Delhi geography divides the state into three parts- the Delhi ridge, the Yamuna flood plain and the plains. The Yamuna river plains are very fertile as they are flooded by the river and is rich in alluvial soil. The Delhi ridge is the most important characteristic of the state and is a part of the Aravalli range that passes through Delhi.
Delhi Weather varies with the different climatic conditions that are faced by this city. Delhi is a city characterized by weather extremes. The geographical location of this city influences the weather conditions of Delhi. Delhi experiences tropical steppe type of climate and hence its seasons are marked with extreme temperatures.
The summer season commences in the month of April in Delhi and continues till July. During this season, continental air blows over the city and makes the weather in Delhi very dry and hot. Summer weather condition of Delhi is characterized by scorching heat and unbearable temperature. Temperature reaches almost 45?C in the summer months. On the contrary, winter, which lasts from December to January, is extremely cold. Temperature falls to almost 5?C during the winter months in Delhi. The rainy season in Delhi begins in June and continues almost till October. Delhi receives most of its rain during this period from the Northwesterly winds. Most of the precipitation occurs in the month of July. The weather condition of Delhi remains pleasant during the rainy season, but humidity level remains high.
The Vegetation of Delhi varies with its varied topography and comprises small and medium sized plants and shrubs. One important aspect about the vegetation of Delhi is that it is widely scattered and do not form any shade as such over any part in the city.
To study the nature of vegetation that grows in the different parts of the city, it is first important to know about the topographical variations of Delhi. The entire topography of Delhi is divided into a ridge, the Yamuna Flood Plain, the Plain. It is interesting to note here that each of these regions is marked by distinct type of vegetation. The ridge area of the city offers the right factors that favor the growth of acacias and other cacti. However, during the monsoon, herbaceous plants grow in abundance in the ridge. As far as the plain region of Delhi is concerned, it is characterized by shisham trees. And finally, riverine type of vegetation grows along the plain of Yamuna.
Vegetation of Delhi mainly comprise of medium size trees and herbs. However Delhi is known for its varied flowering plants. Weeds and grass grow on the banks of the Yamuna river.