Category Archives: Bikaner tour packages

orchha Tour

Orchha is a town in Madhya Pradesh near the banks of Betwa river. The medieval city of Orchha seems to have frozen in time, its palaces and temples still retaining their original grandeur. Orchha had the distinction of being the capital of one of the largest and most powerful kingdoms of Central India. The Bundela Rajput chieftain, Rudra Pratap, founded the city, located by the side of the beautiful Betwa River, in the 16th century. The word Orchha means ‘hidden’. When the Tughlaqs, who were ruling Delhi in the 15th century, pushed the Bundelkhand rajas out of Garkhundar, they retreated to distant Orchha.

Orchha travel offers detailed information on the important tourist destinations, dinning and accommodation facilities and means of transportation of the town. Orchha is a small town in the Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pradesh, which is situated at a distance of 120 kilometers from Gwalior and 178 kilometers from Khajuraho. The best time to visit Orchha is between October and March.

Orchha was founded in 16th century by Rudra Pratap, a Bundela chieftain. The rich historical legacy of the town is preserved in the beautiful stone sculptors and the ancient forts and buildings of the town. The travel to Orchha provides the tourists with an opportunity to explore the rich cultural heritage of the town. One must tour Orchha to discover the rich architectural splendor of the town.

A travel to Orchha would take you to a scenic destination where austere hills rise in striking contrast with the lush green surrounding along the limpid flowing river Betwa. Tourist attractions in Orchha still retain much of their pristine charm.

Orcha Fort

Orchha, situated on river Betwa, has various historical legends associated with it. However, not much of it is known before the 1501 A.D. when the city was founded by Rudra Pratap sinhg, a Rajput ruler of Bundelkhand. He was the first king of Orchha and built the Orchha Fort.

The city was attacked by the Mughal Army under the generalship of Shah Jahan, in the early part of the 17th century. The Mughals gained reign over the city and ruled here till 1641 A.D. All the attempts of the Marathas to rule over Orchha went in vain and in the year 1783, Tehri was declared as the capital of Orchha.

The city was ruled by Hamir Singh from 1848 to 1874 A.D and in the year 1865, the king gained the title of the ‘Maharaja’. Maharaja Pratap Singh sat on the throne of Orchha in 1874.

Orchha was declared as a part of Madhya Pradesh in the year 1956.


Ram Raja Orcha

Madhukar Shah Ju Dev (1554-1592) was a devotee of Banke Bihari (Lord Krishna) while his wife Queen Ganesh Kunwari was a devotee of LordRam.One day the King and the Queen went to Lord Krishna’s temple but the temple had closed by that time. The queen urged the king to go back but the king wanted to stay. So both the king and queen decided to stay back. They joined a group of devotees who were singing and dancing in praise of Lord Krishna outside the temple and started singing and dancing. It is believed that Lord Krishna and Radha personified and danced with them and golden flowers were showered on them.


After this the king asked the queen to accompany him to Mathura but the queen wanted to go to Ayodhya. The queen was adamant at which the king said that “You keep praying to Ram but Ram never appears in front of us. If you want to go to Ayodhya then go, but return only when you have the child form of Ram with you.” The queen left the palace and started the journey to Ayodhya. She ordered her servants to start building a temple (Chaturbhuj Temple) for Lord Ram.


On reaching Ayodhya, the Queen started praying to Lord Ram. The Queen fasted and prayed for about a month but Lord Ram did not appeared. So she jumped into the river. Just then Lord Ram appeared in child form in the Queen’s lap. Lord Ram told the queen that she could ask for a boon, at which the queen asked Ram to come with her in child form to Orchha. Ram agreed to go but he put forth three conditions: “I will travel only in Pukh Nakshatra. When Pukh Nakshatra will end I will stop and resume only when Pukh Nakshatra sets in again. Secondly, once I reach Orchha, I will be the King of Orchha and Thirdly, the first place you seat me will be my final place.” The Queen agreed and started her journey. It took 8 months and 27 days for the queen to reach Orchha from Ayodhya on foot (between 1574 to 1575).


King Madhukar Shah meanwhile had a dream where Lord Banke Bihari scolded him on discriminating between Lord Ram and himself. King was very apologetic. When he woke up he found out that the queen was returning from Ayodhya. King apologized to the queen but she did not accept king’s apology. On returning to Orchha, the queen went back to her palace with baby Ram but Lord Ram transformed into an idol and got transfixed in the queen’s palace itself.


To this day the Ram Raja Temple is in the queen’s palace and not in the Chaturbhuj Temple .Additionally, as promised by the queen, Lord Ram is the King of Orchha, hence the name Ram Raja Temple


Jehangir Palace Orch

Orchha is an emerald of Madhya Pradesh, and has a proud to be the city of Rajputs. The town situated Northern part of Central Indian in Madhya Pradesh state. Rudra Pratap Singh was a Bundela Ruler who initiated the construction of Orchha, during the medieval times of 16th century, but couldn’t complete it as he had been killed while saving a cow from the clutches of a Tiger. As Rudra Pratap has no child so his younger brother Bharti Chand became king and continued the work. After Bharti Chand next king was his son Ram Shah (1592-1605). But turn around took place when Bir Singh Dev was declared as Maharaja of Orchha by Mughal Emperor Jahangir as he helped Jahangir during his revolt against Akbar. Just to give thanks to Jahangir, Bir Singh ordered to construct Jahangir Palace and later invited Jahangir to visit Orchha and stay here. The most dashing Bundela Ruler Bir Singh Deo built around 52 forts and other things across the region during his 22 years of odd age, in them famous were citadel of Jhansi, the rembling Narsingh Dev at Datia, apart from Sheesh Mahal, which is now converted into a Heritage Hotel.


This palace was built by Raja Bir Singh Deo-1 in between years 1605 to 1626. It was made in honor of Mughal emperor Jahangir. During that time Bundela rulers of Orchha maintains good relationship with Mughals. Here entire palace is constructed around a square shaped courtyard with side of 67.6 meter each. It is a three storied palace built mainly with red and yellow sandstone and have 136 rooms decorated with wall paintings. Being constructed to resemble the good relationship of Bundelas (Hindus) with Mughals (Muslims) here we can identify the confluence of both Hindu and Islamic architectures like in domes, rooms, entrance gates, terraces, corridors. It is a percy-brown monuments covering a square of 220 feet side and rising into an immense rectangular mass supporting 8 graceful domes. It encompasses all qualities that is expected in a medieval castle. Palace is built on the bank of Betwa river with surrounding of green forest offering picturesque and romantic surrounding view. Presence of elephant images and painting inside rooms gives a touch of hindu architecture in building. Behing palace their is a camel stable. Although whole building isdedicated to Jahangir and Raja Bir Singh Deo friendship but when Jahangir came here, he stayed here for just one night.


Jahangir palace is just adjacent to Raj Mahal of Orchha. It is a Betwa river facing palace covering about 220 square feet area. It is now maintained by Madhya Pradesh Archeology department. Raj Mahal and Jahangir palace are main tourist attractions for visitors. It is open for visitors from sunrise to sunset. Tourists are required to take entrance ticket from ticket counter their before visiting this historical monument. Guides are available their in the service of visitor but it is not mandatory for visitor to take their service. Here we can get guides of different languages like Hindi, English, French, Spanish etc. Ticket taken from counter is not just limited for Raj Mahal and Jahangir Palace but can be used as entrance pass for visiting other nearby monuments like cenotaphs, temples etc. Usually it takes about one hour or more to completely visit the palace. Photography is allowed inside the palace. While visiting the Jahangir palace, one can notice the presence of vultures mostly on palace domes as inviting visitors to shoot them. If you want to see the palace in night under artificial light system, you can attend light & sound show just similar to Khajuraho light & sound show. It is separately charged where visitor can visit the monument in night and can also hear the commentary explaining the history, facts and myths of these monuments.

of Lord Vishnu with four arms but was originally meant for Lord Rama’s idol.

Legends say that when Lord Rama’s idol which is placed at the Rani Niwas, the private residence of Raja Madhukar’s wife- Maharani Gansh Kunwar, rejected to move to the temple, an idol of Lord Vishnu with four arms was kept in the temple and this is how the temple came to be known as Chaturbhuj Temple.


The magnificent architecture of Chaturbhuj Temple, Orchha in Madhya Pradesh attracts thousands of visitors every year. The temple stands on a huge, stone platform, which itself is a lofty rectangular building with a very simple exterior, ornamented on two large and four small spires. Chaturbhuj temple’s interior is rather devoid of carving ornament. The great loftiness of its ceiling is an unusual feature in a hindu temple.



Bikaner Festival dei cammelli – Testimoni accattivanti pratiche ritualistiche e abitudini multicolori

Il festival dei cammelli Bikaner è considerato un festival celebrato ogni anno con una devozione al cammello, un animale robusto e privo del quale il deserto sarà ritenuto incompleto. Essendo organizzato dal dipartimento del turismo del Rajasthan, il festival è davvero un evento perfetto per le persone che vogliono assistere allo stato del deserto del Rajasthan completamente nella sua colorata gloria. Anche le celebrazioni consistono in esibizioni folk date dagli artisti locali.

Una breve storia del Camel Festival Bikaner :-
Questo evento annuale è particolarmente celebre per gli animali duri, che sopravvivono nelle severe condizioni del deserto. Il festival è molto importante per la popolazione del Rajasthan in quanto non c’erano automobili trovate nei primi tempi e solo allora i cammelli erano diventati una fonte essenziale di trasporto e di sostentamento nello stato del Rajasthan. Per questo motivo esiste una lunga relazione tra Bikaner e cammello, dal momento che Bikaner è considerata l’unica e inimitabile regione di riproduzione dei cammelli nei periodi precedenti. Le gentili bestie che sono state allevate qui sono addirittura arruolate nell’esercito. Pertanto, il corpo dei cammelli viene anche chiamato Ganga Risala, che ha servito nelle guerre indo-pakistane e nelle guerre mondiali. L’esercito indiano mantiene ancora un reggimento in cui questi coraggiosi animali vengono lealmente serviti nella forza di sicurezza del confine.

Celebrazione del Bikaner Camel Festival :-
Il festival inizia con la sfilata di cammelli splendidamente decorati, che a sua volta offre uno spettacolo colorato sullo sfondo del forte di Junagarh. Alcuni dei festeggiamenti includono la mungitura dei cammelli, le corse dei cammelli, il design delle pellicce, le acrobazie dei cammelli, la competizione di razza migliore e anche i concorsi di bellezza dei cammelli. I commercianti e gli artigiani provenienti da tutta l’India convergeranno su Bikaner per trarre piacere dal festival e così, ci sarà un sacco di opportunità per acquistare souvenir, mangiare e scattare una serie di foto meravigliose per apprezzare i vostri momenti. Oltre alle celebrazioni sopra menzionate, ci sono anche altre feste tra cui danzatori del fuoco, ballerine di turbine e fuochi d’artificio che illuminano la città fortificata del deserto. Ti piacerà sicuramente il tè, che viene preparato dal latte di cammello insieme agli snack.

Punti salienti del Bikaner Camel Festival :-
Anche se il festival è organizzato esclusivamente per glorificare la nave del deserto – i cammelli, la tradizionale danza popolare del Rajasthan insieme alla musica aggiungeranno un grande fascino a questo festival. I viaggiatori possono godersi le fantastiche esposizioni di cammelli, vestiti con una collana tradizionale, una cavigliera pesante e briglie vivaci, che mostrano un ottimo gioco di gambe per le dune di sabbia dorata. Inoltre, assistete alla serie di giochi di cammelli, eventi di corse di cammelli in associazione con altre rappresentazioni culturali. Circa centinaia e persino migliaia di turisti, viaggiatori e gente del posto dovrebbero partecipare a questo tradizionale festival indiano. Senza alcun dubbio, possono provare un piacere assoluto nell’ambiente delizioso.

Date del festival dei cammelli Bikaner:-
Il festival del cammello Bikaner è organizzato su base annuale di solito nel mese di gennaio a causa del clima piacevole in questo periodo. Per il prossimo anno, il festival dovrebbe essere iniziato il 13 gennaio e concluso il 14 gennaio. Sì, è un festival di due giorni.

Principali attrazioni :-
Il festival dei cammelli Bikaner è diventato uno dei festival più colorati ed energici del paese, trasformato in una piccola città nel deserto di Bikaner , un luogo di visita obbligato per i turisti. L’affascinante danza del fuoco aggiungerà anche più glamour al festival. I loro spettacoli e le loro abilità non sono altro che sensazionali. Inoltre, c’è una sensazione rilassante dalla musica popolare melodica che sicuramente incanterebbe quasi tutti quelli che la ascoltano completamente. Quando si tratta di fantastici spettacoli di burattini, le bambole burattina vestite con colori vivaci narrano gli affascinanti folklore locali. Il festival dei cammelli di Bikaner ti offrirà anche un’eccellente opportunità per assaporare l’eccezionale sudore prodotto dal latte di cammello. I piatti locali saranno sicuramente appetibili per tutti gli amanti del cibo. Cerca le bancarelle presenti nei mercati che offrono gioielli squisiti, vasellame, artigianato e delizie rare.

Cose da fare in Bikaner :-
Bikaner vanta numerose attività per i suoi visitatori. In realtà, è meglio conoscere i migliori cammelli da equitazione del paese. Oltre a sperimentare un safari in cammello, Bikaner ti permette anche di fare shopping e visitare il forte di Junagarh, l’allevamento di cammelli Bikaner, il tempio Deshnok Karni Mata e il Gajner Palace Bikaner.

1. Safari sui cammelli :-
I cammelli, che sono generalmente chiamati come la nave del deserto, possono portare un gruppo di individui sul dorso. Fin dal punto di partenza fino alla fine, un individuo sarà in grado di assistere alle dune di sabbia dorata e alle diverse regioni inesplorate di Bikaner. Non ci saranno regole disponibili da seguire durante la sicurezza. Ti darà sicuramente un sorriso calmante sul viso di tutti.

2. Shopping :-
Bikaner non fallirà mai e ti sorprenderà attraverso gli oggetti unici presenti nei suoi mercati. Quindi, il luogo sarebbe anche chiamato “Paradiso dello shopping”. I mercati locali tendono a offrire diverse eccellenti opportunità con l’intenzione di scegliere prodotti realizzati in pelle di cammello insieme a vestiti, oggetti d’antiquariato in legno, oggetti d’arte e artigianato e gioielli. I tappeti particolarmente fatti di lana intrecciata sono popolari qui.

3. Visitare il Forte di Junagarh :-
Il cortile del forte insieme a balconi, finestre e chioschi sono esempi ideali di artigianato di quei giorni. È davvero affascinante assistere alle meravigliose cutwork e ai punti fatti su biglie e pietre rosse. Le diverse parti del palazzo, tra cui Phool Mahal, Badal Mahal, Hawa Mahal, Anup Mahal, Dewan-il-khas, rifletteranno il magnifico design strutturale di Bikaner.

Come raggiungere :-
Bikaner si trova nelle immediate vicinanze di Delhi, Agra, Kolkata e Jaipur, è accessibile in aereo, in aereo o addirittura in treno da qualsiasi luogo senza alcun problema. L’aeroporto di Nal si trova a soli 13 km da ovest di Bikaner. Inoltre, autostrade come NH 11, 15 e 89 collegheranno Bikaner con diverse altre grandi città dell’India.

Turismo del Rajasthan
Pacchetti turistici del Rajasthan
Rajasthan noleggio auto

Major Attraction Of Bikaner City :-

Major Attraction Of Bikaner City :-
This north Indian state of Rajasthan is to the east of the border adjoining Pakistan. The beauty of Bikaner is the Thar Desert and the amazingly stunning golden sand dunes. This city is colourful and vibrant and offers a plethora of places to visit in Bikaner. The rich cultural heritage is associated with Bikaner since its establishment in the year 1488 AD. Rao Bika Ji, who was a great warrior, developed the city. The city is well admired for its ancient temples, remains of Harappan culture, massive forts, palaces and much more. You will also find the ornate architecture and buildings standing alone from the 16th-century. Bikaner has been a favourite for vacationers from all over the world. They come here to see the local markets, rich heritage, cultural sites, Thar deserts and to experience the civilization that has remains since Harappan era. Some of the prominent places to visit in Bikaner are Junagarh Fort, Prachina Museum, Karni Mata Temple, Gajner Palace, sand dunes safari, Rampuriahaveli, Bhandasar Jain temple, The Royal Cenotaphs, Lalgarh Palace, Kote Gate, Shiv Bari temple, Kodamdeshwar temple and much more


Junagarh Fort :-
Junagarh Fort was built in the year 1593 by Raja Rai Singh. The fort complex houses some magnificent palaces constructed in red sandstone and marble. The fort structure consists of temples and palaces. The delicately done galleries, lawns, and windows catch the eyes of the visitors. The Zenana quarters, in particular, lures the attention of tourists as they display impeccable designs of great creative skills. The Karan Mahal, Anup Mahal, Chandra Mahal and Phool Mahal are some major attractions here. It is assumed that crocodiles were raised in the water canal surrounding the impressive fort. The architecture is a fine mixture of Mughal, Gujarati and Rajput style.

Lallgarh Palace :-
Another structural wonder in Bikaner is Lalgarh Palace. This magnificent palace was constructed by Maharaja Ganga Singh in the new 20th century. The palace has now been transformed into a hotel and thus is an excellent place to spend your holiday. The extravagant Rajputana design blended with the elegant interior décor draws visitors here. The palace also incorporates a museum that is located inside the Ganga Niwas. Here one can witness the miniature paintings that are linked to Bikaner school of art. There is also a library that has a large collection of Sanskrit Manuscripts printed on parchments, plaques of silver, copper and gold. The artifacts belonging to Harappan culture and Kushan and Gupta Age are also preserved here.

Prachina Museum :-
Located in the great Junagarh Fort, this museum hosts royal costumes, textiles and accessories of Rajasthani royalty. The ‘Poshaks’ (garments worn by ladies) are a reminder of the now lost craft of traditional designs, styles and workmanship. The family portraits on display narrate a story about how changing cultural settings influenced the style of immortalising the former rulers.

Karni Mata Temple :-
Karni Mata Temple is likely a standout amongst the most renowned spots to visit in Bikaner. This sanctuary is known for its sizable populace of rats that are the lasting occupants here. Going back to the 15thcentury, this sanctuary is devoted to Karni Mata who was the incarnation of Goddess Durga. Legend has it that when Karni Mata’s child passed on, she asked for Yama to restore her child’s life, however, Yama did not. Along these lines, Karni Mata being the incarnation of Goddess restored the life of her child and proclaimed that from now onwards her family won’t confront demise yet be resurrected as ratsoday, there are around 20,000 rats that live in the sanctuary premises and undoubtedly pull in the consideration of numerous voyagers. The temple is sculpted from stones and marble, which features silver gates, built by Maharaja Ganga Singh, and a hanging mesh that protects rats from birds.


Shiv Bari Temple :-
Located just 6 kilometres from Bikaner, this Shiva temple is fortified by a high wall. It was commissioned and built by Maharaja Doongar Singh in the 19th century to commemorate his father Maharaja Lal Singh. The highlights of this red stone temple are beautiful wall paintings, the four-faced black marble Shiva statue and a bronze Nandi statue facing the Shiva-Lingam. The temple also houses two large reservoirs of water known as bawaris.


Gajner Palace :-
Gajner Palace is among the popular sightseeing attractions of Bikaner, situated on the bank of a lake. The castle was built by former ruler of the Bikaner province, Maharaja Ganga Singh Ji. Gajner Palace was a hunting and vacation lodge during old times. where the King of Bikaner and royal family yielded their passion for hunting with the guests. Constructed in red sandstone, is a classic representation of craftsmanship. Intricately sculpted pillars, jharokhas and screens are the major draws of the palace. Located in the middle of a thick forest, visitors can sight wandering birds like Imperial Sand Goose, Antelopes, and Black Bucks along with Nilgais, Chinkaras, Blue Bull and Deer can be sighted.

Shri Laxminath Temple :-
Established around 1526 by Maharaja Lunkaran of Bikaner, Shri Laxminath Temple is one of the oldest temples around Bikaner. It is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi who are considered to be the main deities of Bikaner. It is built from white marble and red sandstone from Jaisalmer and is also beautifully decorated with many beautiful paintings and sculptures. Also, the doorway has some intricate handiwork done in silver.

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