Category Archives: India Tourism

Fai una visita in India incredibile per ottenere un’esperienza di vita deliziosa

Turismo in India :-
Essendo un paese bellissimo, l’India è diventata la destinazione turistica più famosa dell’Asia meridionale. Attrae turisti da tutto il mondo offrendo loro un’esperienza turistica unica al fine di custodire i momenti indimenticabili per i prossimi anni. In India, ci sono una vasta gamma di opzioni turistiche apprezzate dai turisti durante i loro periodi di vacanza. Il paese è rinomato per le sue caratteristiche culturali e geografiche uniche. La cultura e la geografia uniche hanno reso l’India, una destinazione turistica di primo piano nel mondo. Con un potenziale turistico perfetto, il paese ha numerose attrazioni turistiche, che attirano quasi tutti i tipi di turisti da tutto il mondo.

Una breve storia dell’India:
Proprio come la storia dell’Umanità, la storia indiana è troppo vecchia. La storia e la cultura dell’India sono antiche e dinamiche, tornando all’avvio della civiltà umana. La storia indiana è scandita da una costante integrazione con le persone che migrano, oltre alla cultura diversificata che circonda l’India. Essendo situato nel cuore dell’Asia, la storia indiana è un vero crocevia di culture che variano dall’Europa alla Cina. In breve, la storia dell’India inizia con l’ascesa della civiltà della valle dell’Indo in alcune città come Lothal, Mohenjo-Daro e Harappa e l’arrivo degli Ariani.

Celebrazioni: fiere e festival in India :
L’India è considerata a livello mondiale terra di vivaci festeggiamenti, in quanto è possibile individuare la vita e la cultura degli indiani al momento della celebrazione di numerose fiere e festival, che vengono celebrati in ogni città indiana con spirito elevato. C’è una nobile causa e un’identità significativa che si trova dietro ogni festival basato su tradizioni, rituali, monsone, leggende e storia. Ci sono fiera storica, fiera religiosa, fiera del bestiame, fiera di adorazione degli animali, fiera dei monsoni e anche cambio stagione. Quasi tutte le feste denotano colore, dedizione, vivacità, alto spirito, pace, potere, ebullience, umanità, attività sportiva, cibo appetitoso, preghiere, rituali e performance artistica. Quando si parla di turismo in India, non c’è dubbio che la fiera ei festival saranno in cima alle priorità tra i turisti per assistere alle incredibili feste indiane.

Punti salienti del turismo in India :-
I punti salienti del turismo in India possono essere classificati in diverse opzioni tra cui patrimonio, fauna selvatica, avventura, ristagno, spiaggia, medicina, natura e monsone che attirano turisti di tutto il mondo.
Turismo culturale e del patrimonio:
In generale, parlare l’India è semplicemente un paese asiatico ricco di cultura e tradizione. In questo paese, sarete in grado di individuare una serie di monumenti culturali e del patrimonio che attirano i turisti a livello globale. Taj Mahal ad Agra, Qutub Minar e Red Fort a Delhi, Ajanta e Ellora Caves e diversi forti e palazzi del Rajasthan sono considerati alcuni dei testimonial viventi della cultura e del patrimonio indiani.

Turismo di avventura :
Il paese cattura anche le menti degli appassionati di avventura offrendo loro una meravigliosa opportunità per dedicarsi a molte attività sportive e di avventura. La regione himalayana è popolarmente conosciuta come il paradiso degli appassionati di avventura. Shimla, Leh e Manali sono alcune delle ben note destinazioni himalayane in cui i turisti possono godere delle attività avventurose offerte dalle grandi montagne. Safari in jeep, safari nella natura, trekking, rafting sul fiume, sport invernali, sport acquatici sono alcune attività divertenti.

Turismo naturalistico e naturalistico :
Il paese è composto da innumerevoli parchi nazionali e riserve naturali. Safari in jeep e safari con gli elefanti sono il modo migliore per scoprire le piante e gli animali dei parchi nazionali e dei santuari indiani. Corbett, Ranthambore, Kaziranga, Sariska, Bandhavgarh, Periyar e Kanha sono alcune destinazioni popolari per la fauna indiana.

Turismo balneare:
Sembra essere il turismo più affascinante di tutti in quanto svolgerà un ruolo essenziale quando si tratta di sviluppare il turismo indiano. Le spiagge trovate in Kerala e Goa sono famose in tutto il mondo. La spiaggia di Kovalam nel Kerala è considerata la più bella località balneare del mondo.

Turismo stazione di collina :
Potresti crederci o no, l’India vanta una vasta gamma di pittoresche e attraenti stazioni di collina che sono estremamente popolari tra gli amanti della natura, i vacanzieri e le coppie della luna di miele. Shimla, Manali, Mussorie, Dehradun, Kashmir, Munnar, Srinagar, Kodaikanal, Ooty sono alcune famose stazioni collinari che si trovano in India.

Il miglior periodo per visitare l’India:
Tieni presente che l’India ha numerosi modelli meteorologici. Il momento migliore per fare una visita è da ottobre a marzo durante il quale si otterrà caldo, asciutto e soleggiato. Ma il dicembre e il gennaio si sono rivelati molto più interessanti. L’aumento delle temperature sperimentato da aprile a maggio potrebbe comportare viaggi di valore brillante, tuttavia è possibile prevedere temporali con elevata umidità. Quindi, il momento migliore per fare un viaggio in India è da novembre quando il monsone finisce.
Principali attrazioni:
Alcune delle principali attrazioni incluse nel turismo in India sono Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar, Red Fort e India Gate, mentre altri includono Lotus Temple, Hawa Mahal, Amber Fort, Golden Fort, Dal Lake e Golden Temple per alcuni nomi.
Cose da fare in India:
Un’ampia quantità di attività turistiche si trova in India per intrattenere quasi tutti i turisti, indipendentemente dall’età e dal sesso. Il turismo in India offre molte attività da fare come visitare luoghi del patrimonio culturale, siti religiosi, musei, monumenti, parchi di divertimento, escursioni a piedi e in bicicletta, formazioni geologiche, escursioni a terra, zoo, acquari, giardini, crociere, gite in acqua e vela , trekking sulle grandi montagne, safari in jeep, safari sui cammelli, giro in elefante, shopping in India, osservazione degli uccelli nei santuari della fauna selvatica, apprendimento dello yoga, vita in una casa sull’albero e molti altri. Questi sono certamente qualcosa da cui i turisti traggono spesso piacere.
Come raggiungere:
Viaggiare in India è ora molto più facile che mai visto che è ben collegato con quasi tutti i paesi del mondo. La maggior parte degli stati ha il proprio aeroporto nazionale o internazionale, dando molta convenienza a coloro che preferiscono le vie aeree per raggiungere l’India. Quando si tratta di ferrovie, la maggior parte delle città ha linee metropolitane, che rendono il tuo viaggio completamente senza problemi. Anche, otterrete servizi di autobus frequenti all’interno delle città per raggiungere la destinazione desiderata.

Turismo in India
Pacchetti turistici dell’India
India Autonoleggio

A Visit To Incredible India To Get Delightful Lifetime Experience

India Tourism :-

Being a beautiful country, India has become the South Asia’s most famous tourism destination. It attracts tourists from worldwide by providing them a unique tourism experience in order to cherish the unforgettable moments for the upcoming years. In India, there are a wide range of tourism options being cherished by the tourists during their vacation times. The country is found to be wildly renowned for its unique cultural and geographical features. The unique culture and geography have made India, a prominent tourist destination in the world. With perfect tourism potential, the country has copious tourist’s attractions, which captivate almost all sorts of tourists from all over the world.

A brief history of India : –

Just like the history of Mankind, the Indian history is too old. The history and culture of India is ancient as well as dynamic, moving back to the starting of human civilization. The Indian history is punctuated by means of constant integration together with the migrating people in addition to diverse culture, which surround India. Being located in the heart of Asia, the Indian history is a really crossroads of cultures varying from Europe to China.  In short, the history of India starts with the rise of Indus Valley civilization in certain cities like Lothal, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa and the arrival of Aryans.

Celebrations: Fairs and Festivals In India :-

India is globally referred as land of vibrant celebration as you can able to spot the life and culture of Indian people at the time of celebration of several fairs and festivals, which are celebrated in every Indian town with high spirit. There is a noble cause and significant identity found behind each and every festival based upon traditions, rituals, monsoon, legends and history. There are historical fair, religious fair, cattle fair, animal worship fair, monsoon fair and also changing season fair. Almost all the festivals denote color, dedications, vivacity, high sprit, peace, power, ebullience, humanity, sports activity, appetizing food, prayers, rituals and artistic performance. When it comes to India Tourism, there is no doubt that fair and festivals will be on top priority amongst the tourists in order to witness the amazing Indian festivals.

Highlights of India Tourism :-

Highlights of India tourism can be classified into different options including heritage, wildlife, adventure, backwater, beach, medical, nature and monsoon that appeals worldwide tourists.

Generally, speaking India is simply an Asian country rich in culture and tradition. In this country, you will able to spot a number of cultural and heritage monuments that appeal tourists globally. Taj Mahal in Agra, Qutub Minar & Red Fort in Delhi, Ajanta and Ellora Caves and several forts and palaces of Rajasthan are considered to be some of the living testimonials to Indian culture and heritage.

The country also captures the minds of adventure enthusiasts by offering them a wonderful opportunity to engage themselves into a lot of sport and adventure activities. Himalayan region is popularly known the paradise for adventure enthusiasts. Leh and Shimla Manali are some of the well-known Himalayan destinations in which tourists could get pleasure from adventure activities given by the great mountains. Jeep safari, wildlife safari, trekking, river rafting, winter sports, water sports are some enjoyable activities.

The country consists of innumerable national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Jeep safaris and elephant safaris are the best way to discover the plants and animals of Indian national parks and sanctuaries. Corbett, Ranthambore, Kaziranga, Sariska, Bandhavgarh, Periyar and Kanha are some popular destination for Indian wildlife.

  • Beach tourism :-

It seems to be the most fascinating tourism among all as it will play an essential role when it comes to developing Indian Tourism. Beaches found in Kerala and Goa are famous worldwide. Kovalam beach in kerala is referred to be the world’s finest beach resort

  • Hill station tourism:

You may believe it or not, India boasts of a wide variety of picturesque and eye-catching hill stations that are extremely popular among nature lovers, vacationers and honey moon couples. Shimla, Manali, Mussorie, Dehradun, Kashmir, Munnar, Srinagar, Kodaikanal, Ooty are some famous hill stations found in India.

Best time to visit India :-

Keep it in mind that India has numerous weather patterns. The best time to make a visit is from October to March during which you will get warm, dry as well as sunny weather. But, the December & January are found to be much cooler. Increasing temperatures experienced from April to May might result in brilliant value trips, however you could able to expect thunderstorms with high humidity. So, the best time for making a travel to India is from November when the monsoon gets ended.

Major attractions :-

Some of the major attractions included in India Tourism are Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar, Red Fort and India gate as well, whereas others include Lotus Temple, Hawa Mahal, Amber Fort, Golden Fort, Dal Lake and Golden temple to a few names.

Things to do in India :-

Ample amount of tourist activities is found in India to entertain almost all the tourists regardless of age and sex. India Tourism offers you many a number of activities to do like Visiting to heritage places, religious sites, museums, monuments, amusement parks, walking and biking tours, geologic formations, shore excursions, zoos, aquariums, gardens, cruises, sailing and water tours, trekking on great mountains, jeep safaris, camel safari, elephant ride, shopping in India, bird watching in wildlife sanctuaries, learning Yoga, living in a tree house and many more. These are certainly something, which tourists often get pleasure from.

How to reach :-

Travelling to India is now much easier than ever before as it is well-connected with almost the countries of the world. Most of the states have their own domestic or international airport by giving much convenience to those who prefer airways to reach India. When it comes to railways, majority of the cities have metro lines, which make your journey completely hassle free. Even, you will get frequent bus services inside the cities to reach your desired destination.

India Tourism 

India Tour Packages

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Udaipur ” The Venice Of East”

The Venice Of East Uaipur :-

Udaipur is called “The Venice Of East” and “City Of Lakes” . Because The city have major attraction of tourist places, Forts and lakes.  Udaipur is the glimmering star on Rajasthan’s map. Its many lakes and its environs soaked in Mewar history are attractions that people from all over the world come to visit. There are many places to visit in Udaipur and many around it. There is a reason the city is known as the Venice of the East. There are many big and grand lakes as well as several smaller ones in the city.Close to the Lake City are other attractive lakes, most notably Jaisamand Lake. The Ahar River also flows through Udaipur. Located in the desert of Rajasthan, Udaipur is a beautiful paradox. The many palaces around the city add to the glamour. There is no worthier reflection for a glassy lake than a marble palace after all. The best time to visit Udaipur is undoubtedly during the winter months. The summer heat is too high for you to subject yourself to voluntarily. The winter months are perfect to visit Udaipur. Udaipur is easily approachable from all the important cities of India including Delhi, Mumbai, and Jaipur. So, if you are exhausted of your restless plans and daily routine, then plot a trip to the city of lakes.A tour to the extravagant city of Udaipur would absolutely become a memorable part of your life and you will treasure these memories throughout your life.


The Lake Palace :-

The Lake Palace in Udaipur is located on the Jag Niwas Island on a sprawling 1.5 hectare land. This magnificent structure was built on the Lake Pichola by Maharana Jagat Singh in 1734. Once a summer palace for the royalty of Udaipur, it has now been converted into a heritage hotel. Still retaining the grandeur, it resembles a fairy tale kingdom. Enhancing the magical aura are the rippling waves and beautiful sunset. The intricate craftsmanship and aesthetic handicrafts and textiles add to the beauty this place. The elegant white marble palace is a fantasy as it arises softly from the blue waters. 4 acres of rock have been used to lay the foundation of this palace and was known as Jag Niwas after its founder.

The palace highlights include fountains, gardens, pillared terraces, painted mirrors, pink stone work, lotus leaves and cusped arches. Dhola Mahal, Bada Mahal, Phool Mahal, Ajjan Niwas and Kush Mahal are some of the apartments in here. There are various facilities available in the palace for the guests like swimming pool, bar, restaurants, café and conference hall. There is also a 24 hour business center and 8 meeting rooms with fully updated equipment for corporate meetings and conferences. In here are 12 banquet halls for cocktail parties, wedding and other related functions.


City palace :-

The City Palace in Udaipur in the state of Rajasthan has a lot in its store to reveal the age-old history it possesses. The royal building is a huge complex with plenty of rooms and pillars inside. It took more than 300 years to complete the structure properly.

Started during the time of Maharana Udai Singh II. The lake Pichola nearby is the highlight when you get ready for a tour of the greatest places to visit in Udaipur. Since it is the biggest building in Udaipur it is considered as one of the best sightseeing destinations.  The flamboyant structure with a blend of Mughal and Rajasthani architectural style dominates other famous palaces and buildings around the city very authentically. It is located on a hilltop where you can enjoy a real panoramic view of lake Pichola and the Lake Palace on the banks of this particular lake.


Jagmandir :-

Known as Lake Garden Palace, Jag Mandir has been built on the island of Lake Pichola. The construction of this structure has been credited to the three Maharanas of Mewar. This palace was started by the Maharana Amar Singh in the year of 1551 and was later carried on by Maharana Karan Singh and completed by Maharana Jagat Singh.

Hence it is called Jagat Mandir or Jag Mandir. Serving as a summer resort and pleasure area for the royal family of Mewar, this place is also famous for holding parties and wedding functions. In here you will find Gul Mahal, Darikhana, Garden Courtyard, Bara Patharon ka Mahal, Zenana Mahal, and Kunwar Pada ka Mahal. Jag Mandir is the main palace and it includes the Gul Mahal. The towers at the corner are octagonal in shape and have cupolas on the top. Residential suites, reception halls and internal courts adorn the palace. The architecture of the building reflects Mughal and Rajput style. The Zenana Mahal is constructed adjoining to the main temple and the Kunwar Pada ka Mahal is located at the western end of the structure. The Gul Mahal was built by Maharana Amar Singh and it was developed by Maharana Jagat Singh for housing the Mughal prince Khurram. The palace has been built with sandstone, black marble, and has a crescent of Islam fixed on the dome of the structure.


Saheliyon Ki Bari :-

Saheliyon ki Bari is a beautiful garden in the city of Udaipur and is one of the popular Udaipur tourist places. Fountains, marble art and the lush lawns attract the public each time. Saheliyon ki Bari in English means the ‘garden of maids’. This garden represents a green retreat of Maharana Sangram Singh in the desert lands and was built in the 18th Century for the royal ladies of Mewar.

It is situated on the banks of the lake Fateh Sagar and is one of the stunning places to visit in Udaipur. According to the legend here, the garden was personally designed by the king and gifted to his queen. The queen had 48 maids accompanying her after the marriage and to offer them peace and happiness away from the regular life, this garden was built. There are four water pools, marble elephants, fountains and kiosks around the here. The bird fountains and the lotus pool are very popular. The stunning and romantic view of the garden makes it a special place for lovers. Rain fountains were added to the garden later by Maharana Bhopal Singh.


Lake Pichola :-

This is one of the most important places to visit in Udaipur. Lake Pichola is the reason we call Udaipur the ‘City of Lakes’. Built in 1362, and extending 3 miles in length and 2 miles in breadth, this lake is an essential part of Udaipur and far by its best feature. Astonished and amazed by the beauty of Lake Pichola, Rudyard Kipling once wrote: “If the Venetian owned the Pichola Lake, he might say with justice, `see it and die'”. Take Kipling at his word and visit Lake Pichola when in Udaipur, both in the day and at night. the lake takes on a whole new character depending on the time of the day. In the morning, lake and palaces are quiet.

The lake is speckled with tourist boats and people clicking selfies line the shores. As night creeps in, all the Palaces around the lake light up and illuminate the lake. No boats, no birds, nothing to see except the lit-up palaces as they stand impressively around the lake. It is an awe-imposing spectacle. The iconic sites around the lake include Udaipur City Palace, Mohan Mandir, Eklinggarh Fort, Jag Mandir, Pichola Palace etc. The Sitamata Game Sanctuary is located on its western shore.


Rajasthan Tourism

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Rajasthan Land Of Heritage-Culture-Royalty

Rajasthan Land Of Heritage – Culture – Royalty

Rajasthan is the largest state of India, it is one of the most popular tourism destinations in India. This state has great tourism potential and enthralls tourists and vacationers with its awe-inspiring tourism options in the forms of culture, tradition, temples, art & architecture, history, forts & palaces, monument, havelis, wildlife sanctuaries & parks, rippling sand dunes, Thar Desert etc.

There are many fascinating travel destinations in the state which can be visited, explored and enjoyed on your travel and tours in this royal state of India.

Jaipur :-

Jaipur is the capital of this state.  Jaipur is also the largest city in the princely state of Rajasthan.It was founded in 1727, by the Kachwaha Rajput Ruler Sawai Jaisingh II, who was the ruler of Amber. Jaipur is also known by the nickname ‘Pink City of India’ which is due to the distinctive saffron or pink color of the buildings of city. The planning of the city was done according to the Vedic Vastu Shastra (Indian architecture). The well planned streets and detailed and artistic architecture make it one of the top preferred tourist locations.

Forts, monuments, temples, Gardens, museums and vast market places of Jaipur bring tourists who come from all around the world to experience the food, fun and frolic at this wonderful town. Jaipur is also home to a huge no. of arts and craft with over 20 unique specializations. Jaipur is the state capital city and very popular tourist destination in India. Worth visit attractions in Jaipur city are  Amber Fort, City Palace, Albert Hall Museum, Hawa Mahal, Jantar Mantar, Jaigarh Fort, Nahargarh Fort and Heritage Hotels And much more places to visit


Udaipur :-

Udaipur is also known as the City of Lakes. The city was the capital of the Sisodiya Rajputs of Mewar and it was founded in 1553 by the Sisodiya Rajput Ruler Maharana Udai Singh II. The Mewar Rajputs founded the city to relocate their capital from Chittor to a more secure location.

Udaipur city is known for its elegant palaces, forts, and lovely lakes. It is one of the most beautiful and romantic cities in India. Key attractions of tourist interest in the city are City Palace, Jagdish Temple, Lake Palace, Pichola Lake, Fateh Prakash Palace, Monsoon Palace, Fateh Sagar Lake, Udai Sagar Lake, Eklingji Temple, Nagda Temple, etc. While in a few texts, it has been termed as the Venice of the East. Today, most of the palaces have been converted into hotels, thus attracting a huge no. of tourist crowd to this city.

Jodhpur :-

Jodhpur is also the second most populated city of Rajasthan after Jaipur. The city was founded in 1459 by the Rathore Rajput Ruler, Rao Jodha Singh of Marwar. The city was founded as Marwar’s new capital after the fall of the former capital of Mandore. Jodhpur is also called the Sun City as it enjoys a bright sunny weather all year round. Strategically, it is considered to be the most important city of western Rajasthan

Jodhpur is an important tourist destination as well. Jodhpur has been listed many a times in various tourism magazines and documentaries and has topped the lonely planet’s list of most extraordinary place to stay in 2014. The various hill forts, palaces and the old walled city are just a handful of attractions from the multitude that this wonderful city has to offer. Jodhpur is also known as the Blue City of India, Jodhpur is the second largest city in the state. It is a wonderful tourist place to be visited on Rajasthan travels and tours with attractions like mammoth Mehrangarh Fort, Jaswant Thada Memorial, Umaid Bhawan Palace, Mandore Gardens and many heritage hotels.


Jaisalmer : –

Jaisalmer is also known as the Golden City of India The aptly named “golden city”, which comes from its view during the day, the city of Jaisalmer lies in the heart of the Thar Desert. The city was founded by The Bhati Rajput ruler Maharawal Jaisal Singh in 1156 Ad. The city gets its name from the golden sands of the Thar Desert and the same golden colored sandstone used in the city’s architecture. The city is a famous tourist spot due to its magnificent architecture and the various arts and crafts which are unique to this region.

The city thrives on tourism, and can be called a home away from home for a huge no. of tourists from all around the world. Key attractions of tourist interest in the city are Its Golden Fort, Jain Temples, Havelis and an exciting trip to rippling sand dunes of vast Thar Desert. The unique feature about the city of Jaisalmer is its architecture. It was built as a walled city which makes it one of the largest living forts in the world. The fort has numerous eateries that offer Italian, French and local cuisines. Visit during the months of November and December and you will enjoy this castle city to its fullest


Bikaner :-

Bikaner is also known as the Camel City, Bikaner is a wonderful tourist place to visit in Rajasthan. It holds a prime position in boosting tourism in Rajasthan with major attractions like Junagarh Fort, Lalgarh Palace, Havelis, and sand dunes.

The city of Bikaner was founded in 1488 by the Rathore Rajput Ruler Rao Bika. Rao Bika was the son of the Rathore Ruler Rao Jodha who founded Jodhpur.     The place is known for its forts and food. The various arts and crafts of this place are also unique, especially the intricately carved windowpanes called jharokhas.  It is one town we would personally recommend for you to visit if you want to experience the authentic taste of rajasthani cuisines. The various fairs held in Bikaner also attract a huge no. of visitors from all around India and the world. Bikaner is a wonderful tourist place to visit in Rajasthan. It holds a prime position in boosting tourism in Rajasthan with major attractions like Junagarh Fort, Lalgarh Palace, Havelis, sand dunes And  the famous temples like Karni Mata and Laxmi Nath Temple etc.


Pushkar :-

Pushkar is a holy city in Rajasthan. It is one of the most sacred cities in India with lots of attractions like Lord Brahma Temple, Gayatri Temple, Savitri Temple,  Pushkar Palace, Rose Gardens, Pushkar Ghats, etc.

Lying in the Ajmer District of Rajasthan, the holy City of Pushkar is often described as the king of pilgrimage sites in India. The town is located at the shores of the Pushkar Lake, which was created by the tears of Lord Shiva. The town is famous for its temples and various Ghats which are frequented by hundreds of visitors during the annual bath.


Chittorgarh :-

The ancient city of Chittorgarh also known as Chittor, was said to have been founded by the Maurya Dynasty. However its significance rose when the Ruler of the Sisodiya Rajput Clan of Mewar captured the city in 734 Ad and made it the capital of Mewar. The place is known to be the birthplace of many great warriors and historical figures like the Great Maharana Pratap and the Hindu saint, Meera Bai.

One of the major places to visit in Chittorgarh is the Chittorgarh fort, which is the largest fort in India. The fort was founded in the 7th century by the 1st Sisodiya Rajput Ruler Bappa Rawal and spreads over an area of 2.8 sq kilometers and its highest elevation point is 1,075 meters above sea level. The fort complex itself contains several palaces, gardens and temples most of which have a great historical significance.

Mount Abu :-

The place takes pride of it being the only hill station in the desert state of Rajasthan. Mount Abu is situated in the Aravalli mountain range and is a part of the Sirohi District of Rajasthan. Mount Abu was known as the Arbuda Mountain, which has been mentioned in the Hindu Epic Mahabharata and is known for to be the place where the Great Sage Vashishta retired. The hill station houses many ancient sites and temples which are frequented by many pilgrims from across India along with many forts and lakes.

The Mount Abu Wildlife Sanctuary, Trevor’s Crocodile Park, Nakki Lake, the most Famous Dilwara Jain temples, and the  Achalgarh Fort which was built in the 17th century is  the major attraction of city to visit

Ranthambhore :–

Ranthambore is one of the most popular destinations of Rajasthan tourism. It is globally famous for Ranthambore Tiger Reserve & National Park.  The key attractions of the park are tigers, Ranthambore Fort, Jogi Mahal and ancient banyan tree. The Ranthambore Fort and the Ranthambore National park Both places are the attraction of city. The Ranthambore national Park and its wild life century is the heaven for wild life photographers.

Rajasthan Tourism

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Historical Rajasthan The Land Of Heritage  :-

Historical Rajasthan The Land Of Heritage  :-

The mystic land of Rajasthan is best known for its religious significance and famous fair. As tourist comes floating to this land for it interesting leftovers of ancient time. Ensure you investigate a portion of the best places to visit in Rajasthan. Improving your entire involvement in this antiquated city are the extravagant and all around selected places which will make your vacation a grand one.

Jaipur :-

The capital city of Rajasthan, Jaipur is fondly dubbed as the Pink city; it sits on the edge of the Thar desert and is surrounded by the Aravalli hills. The contrasting attractions of Jaipur is The Amber Fort, Nahargarh , jaigarh Hawa Mahal, Jantar mantar and much more.


Hawamahal  which is known as the grandiose pink sandstone Palace of Winds, towers overlooking the busy streets and bazaars and is a unique sight for the tourists. Jantar Mantar is a UNESCO world heritage site that dates back to the 18th century and is a major tourist attraction.

Amber Fort, Renowned as the ancient citadel of the Kachwahs clan, the Amber fort is one of the prominent tourist attraction in Jaipur and a UNESCO world heritage site in the city of Jaipur. Often the next point of discussion when someone talks about Jaipur, Amer Fort in the outskirts of the city is a classic example of the Rajputana legacy. Being one of the very popular forts of Rajasthan. These are best attraction to see in city During Summer Season


Udaipur :-

Often called the” Venice of the East “and regularly referred to as the” city of lakes “, Udaipur is full of beautiful gardens, temples, forts, city palace and the famous Pichola Lake, Fateh Sagar, Udai Sagar and Swaroop Sagar and much more attractions. The City Palace of Udaipur Well known as one of the biggest palaces in Rajasthan, the City Palace is a beautiful and grand building in Udaipur. Built back in 1559 by Maharana Udai Singh, the City Palace is set on the banks of Pichola Lake.

Lake pichola is one of the largest lakes in Udaipur, Lake Pichola is an artificial lake which was built by a tribesman Pichhu  Banjara. Considered to be the oldest, the lake is one of the major attractions in Udaipur. Lake Pichopla is set on the backdrop of lush green hills, which certainly adds to its charm. These are best attraction to see in city During Summer Season


Mount Abu :-

Mount Abu is Rajasthan’s only hill station and an altitude of approximately 1,220 meters above sea level, this pristine place not to become a bitter cold winter for a visit. The best time to visit this palace is during summer.  In summers the sunsets, boat cruises on the Lake Nakki, trekking land of beauty and magnificent Hindu and Jain temples, Mount Abu make it one of the most famous places in Rajasthan.  And there Are Much more activites  to do in mount abu like Paragliding, Boat Safari etc.

Nakki Lake is one of the most famous lakes in Mount Abu. It is an artificial lake that also has provisions for boating. Tourists visiting this place thoroughly enjoy their experience. Moreover, you can also enjoy the excitement of horse riding along the bank of the lake. It will surely be a memorable experience for you.


Ranthambore :-

Ranthambore the land of tigers.  Ranthambore have The largest national park of Rajasthan. Ranthambore National Park also happens to be a popular one in North India. This used to be the hunting grounds of maharajas, in the erstwhile era. Along with its neighboring sanctuaries (Mansingh and Kaila Devi), Ranthambore National park covers an area of 392 km sq. It is mainly popular for its population of tigers. The park is nestled upon an edge of a plateau, and is bounded by two rivers (Banas and Chambal). Government of India declared the area a Project Tiger Reserve in 1973, and in 1980 it was declared a national park.

The popular Ranthambore Fort is located inside the park. This is where maharajas relaxed after the hunting session in the jungle. The fort has been regarded as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Ancient temple, mosque, hunting pavilions, crocodile lakes are found around the fort. The park is open between October to June and is considered to be the best place to spot tigers in Rajasthan. Other than tigers, leopards, nilgai, sloth bear, sambal and several other wild animals and birds call the vicinity their home. About 300 species of birds are found chirping and sitting on the branches. These are best attraction to see in city During Summer Season. It will surely be a memorable experience for you.

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Agra The City Of Love :-

Agra The City Of Love :-


Taj Mahal :-

One of the Seven Wonders of the World, Taj Mahal is showpiece architecture of fine Mughal craftsmanship. It was built under the aegis of Shah Jahan as a memorial for his beloved wife Arjumand Bano Begum. Her body is enshrined in the tomb at the Taj Mahal. The designs of this structure incorporate Persian and Mughal architecture. The highlight of the structure is the tomb which is a large structure made completely of marble. There is a dome made of marble that surmounts this region. It is spectacularly designed. The exterior decorations are as impressive as the interiors and are consistent with the surface area and the proportionality of the designs is meticulously planned and executed. Paint was the chief constituent for the decorations. In accordance with the Islamic doctrine prohibition, there are no anthropomorphic forms anywhere in the design scheme. There are multiple verses from the Qur’an used inside the complex. The interior chamber is impressively decorated with precious and semiprecious gemstones. Geometrically shaped as an octagon, this space has multiple entry points. After you have visited the interiors, experience the salubrious gardens of the Taj Mahal when on a tour of places to see in Agra. The complex is surrounded by well-kept gardens and there is a marble water tank in the middle. You can find neatly lined avenues of trees. There are plenty of fountains that are lined in order as well. Located in Agra, the magnificent monument is open from sunrise to sunset and closed to the public on Fridays. The mosque inside the Taj is open for prayers though. Visiting this place is a beautiful and romantic experience.

Agra Fort :-

Also called the Red Fort, this structure dates back to the 16th century. It is situated near the gardens of the Taj Mahal. Made of red sandstone, Agra Fort has walls that surround for at least two kilometers and more. Inside are many splendid palaces such as Jahangir Palace and Khas Palace. It is over here that you will find the grand hall of audiences called Diwan-i-Khas. Also on location are a couple of magnificent mosques. The Red Fort, like the Taj Mahal, is an ode to the rich legacy of the Mughals. These structures indicate the glorious past that existed during the medieval period, and must form part of any itinerary of places to visit in Agra. The Agra Fort was built in 1565 under the aegis of Akbar. Situated on the right bank of the Yamuna River, this fort and the Taj form a unity of monuments. Both structures complement each other given that they are in the same vicinity. You can enter the fort through the Delhi or Amar Singh Gates. The bigger entrance is the former. As you go in the fort complex through the Delhi gate, you approach the inner portal. Also called the Hathi Pol this entrance is a magnificent one. Inside the tower you would be amazed at the Muhammam Burj which is an octagonal spire. The Shish Mahal is in this complex where you see some splendid reception rooms. The complex is beautifully constructed and palatial. The two mosques within this mosque are built of white marble. The Moti Masjid and Nagina Masjid are the two mosques that leave you spellbound with their structural beauty. These mosques were built under the aegis of Aurangzeb. The whole complex has intricate carvings and most structures inside are made of pure marble. The influence of Indo-Muslim art is strong in these surroundings.

Mehtab Bagh :-

This is a garden complex located in the vicnity of the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort. Located in Agra and on the banks of the Yamuna River, Mehtab Bagh is a Charbagh planned garden. The spaces inside the garden are equally portioned into separations. The square shaped picturesque land measures exactly 300 x 300 metres. There were several gardens built on the banks of the river during the Mughal regime in all the places to visit in Agra. This one was the last of them. It is believed that this garden was built under the aegis of Babur. The garden was first envisioned by Shah Jahan. He selected an ideal spot for viewing the Yamuna River. He wanted a pleasure garden lit by the soft rays of the moon. Hence he named this garden Mehtab Bagh. There are plenty of pools and pavillions in the garden. The walkways are covered with white plaster. There are plenty of fruit trees here. The garden was made as an extension of the gardens in the Taj Mahal. The idea here was to make a moonlit garden. At night the pools here reflect the view of the Taj Mahal. When Shah Jahan wanted the Mehtab Bagh, he wanted the garden exclusively for himself. He wanted to watch the reflections of the Taj in the water pools and also enjoy the view of the Yamuna River. The garden is now a horticultural delight. There are scores of plant species here. The Mehtab Bagh has been periodically restored by the Archaeological Survey. You can reach this garden on either side of the river. You can take a ferry ride for a few minutes from the Taj Mahal’s Eastern side to reach this garden. Experience a wonderful creation of imagination put into reality at the Mehtab Bagh.

Moti Masjid :-

Built by Shah Jahan, the Moti Masjid is also called the Pearl Mosque. It is one of the architectural wonders in Agra. The reason it is called the Pearl Mosque is that it radiates like a pearl especially when the sun is shining bright. The mosque was exclusively built by the emperor for his royal court members. The mosque was built between the years 1648 and 1654. It stands on a sloping ground. The pearly white insides of the mosque are enthralling to the eye. In the centre of the court is situated a marble tank. There is also a sundial made of a marble pillar and octagonal shaped in the vicinity. The main entrance is located to the East of the structure. It is huge and opens up to a better view of the mosque than the other gates. The large prayer chamber is flanked by multiple arches. There are 21 bays inside the prayer chamber and some of them have vaulted soffits. The Western wall is the one that intrigues the most. The beautiful carvings on this wall leave you spellbound. There are even prayer halls for women at the Moti Masjid. This space is separated from the main hall. A marble screen separates the women’s prayer chamber from the rest. Some people are of the opinion that some architectural aspects of this mosque resemble that of Moscow’s St Basils Cathedral. Located on the banks of the Yamuna River, the view from this mosque is simply amazing and is one of the best views amongst places to visit in Agra. To the right of this mosque is the famous Diwan-e-Aam.

Fatehpur Sikri :-

Built by Akbar, the Mughal emperor in 1570, the city was a tribute to Sufi Saint. Fatehpur Sikri is a perfect blend of Indian, Islamic and Persian architecture and it was built using red sandstone. For around 10 years, the city remained the capital of Mughal Empire. The city has a 6-kilometer long wall on three sides and there are towers and gates. It houses some of the city’s important buildings namely Buland Darwaza, Birbal’s House, Panch Mahal and Jama Masjid. The entire city along with all the important constructions including royal palaces, Jama Masjid and courts were declared as World Heritage Site in the year 1986.

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Fairs And Festivals Of Rajasthan

Rajasthan’s Fair & Festival  :-

When we think about Rajasthan, we think of colors and brightness, royalty and hospitality, celebrations and feasts, music and dance, culture and tradition, history and heritage. Rajasthan packs the essence of Incredible India in 1 state. And the experience of Rajasthan is never complete unless you have a taste of the myriad fairs and festivals that it has to offer. They are a celebration of life, culture, heritage, and nature, in true Rajasthani style. Here are some of the festivals of Rajasthan you must experience at least once in your lifetime. Rajasthan is a cheerful state that celebrates its vibrant culture through an array of fairs and festivals running all year round, adding numerous colors to the arid land of the state. These glaring fairs and festivals come with a chance for the travellers to delve into the art, culture, traditions that are very nicely interwoven with the state’s royal history. Rajasthan is a unique place that believes in celebrating life. And to savour the true flavours of this amazing land, visit during this festivity and become a part of it. These varieties of fairs and festivals infuse life into the barren land of Rajasthan and fill the colors of joy all around.


Desert Festival Jaisalmer :-

A three-day event organised by the Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation in the month of February, it is an absolute bonanza that celebrates the delights of the desert. The atmosphere is alive with song and dance, with the artists dressed in bright colours and traditional finery, depicting the tragedies and accomplishments of the desert. The best part about the festival is the folk dance performance on the last day of the event. A showcase of desert rituals and life, camel races, gymnastic stunts, several competitions like longest moustache, turban tying, Mr Desert etc, delicious food and interesting stalls selling handicrafts and other souvenirs will make it a memorable 3 days of your life

Camel Festival Bikaner :-

Organised in the honour of the ship of the desert, the Camel Festival is a spectacular festival celebrated in Bikaner. Just like the other celebrations of Rajasthan, this festival kicks off with great pomp and show. Celebrated every year in the pleasant January, the Camel Festival is a two-day long affair with a colourful parade of the decked up camels against the backdrop of the magnificent Junagadh Fort. It includes camel race, camel games and other cultural performances. Though celebrated to glorify the camels of Rajasthan, this festival also includes the traditional Rajasthani folk performances. The festival concludes with an awe-inspiring display of fireworks, illuminating the majestic skies of Bikaner.

Nagaur Festival Nagaur :-

Nagaur Fair is the 2nd largest cattle feast in India. This carnival provides the largest platform for trading cattle, cows, bullocks, oxen, camel and horses. People are seen wearing vibrant dresses and long moustaches. Visited by many tourists every year, Nagaur Fair captures the essence of Rajasthan and will blend you with their beautiful culture. Folk and cultural competition keeps on happening side by side. Various games like tug-of-war, camel races, cock fights etc are organized for the entertainment of tourists.

Pushkar Fair :-

Every year in the month of Kartik, Pushkar Mela is celebrated. Drawing in 50,000 camels and 200,000 people, this fair is considered as the largest platform to buy and sell camels, cattle and horses – most of the trading, however, is completed in the days leading up to the fair. This carnival gathers camel traders and associates from all the parts of the world. One can witness unusual performances like camel dancing, bump riding, neck shaking and various other things. A huge camel procession is organized on the 1st day followed by various competitions and trading activities. Owners decorate their camels with paints, jewellery, cloths etc. By the end of the day, live dance and music performances are organized to celebrate the culture of Rajasthan. One the last day, fireworks are organized to lighten-up the entire city and illuminate the deserts of Pushkar.

Elephant Festival Jaipur :-

Here comes Holi and the best manner to celebrate it in Rajasthan is by being a part of the Elephant festival. This parade is considered as a symbol of Rajasthan royalty. This event begins with a huge procession of large and beautiful elephants. For this special day, elephants are groomed, painted, dressed and embodied with heavy ornaments like gold. All the participants of this festival are female elephants and they take part in race, tug of war and polo. The festival pulls huge crowd and is loved by all. Beside this, there are live musical and dance performance too.

Gangaur Festival  :-

Soon after Holi, the people of Rajasthan celebrate the festival of Gangaur. It commences on the day right after Holi and lasts for 18 days. The festival is celebrated by the womenfolk with great enthusiasm and devotion for Gauri, the consort of Lord Shiva. While married women worship Gauri, unmarried women worship the Goddess to get blessed with good husbands. All the female members gather to dress the image of Isar and Gangaur and then carry them in a ceremonial procession through different parts of the city. This is the time of year when all the women put their best foot forward and look like a diva.

Holi Festival  :-

The colourful state of Rajasthan celebrates Holi much the same way as Mathura. Crowds of people come together before the full moon night and light huge bonfires to burn the residual dried leaves of the winter. On the second day, people throw coloured water and powders (gulal and kumkum) at each other and make merry. Singing, dancing and the traditional beats of dhol add to the gaiety of the occasion.

Mewar Festival Udaipur  :-

Here comes the spring! This is the time when Mewar festival takes place. During this festival, women carry the statues of Isar and Gangaur towards Lake Pichola. The whole city of Udaipur is decorated beautifully in colourful streamers and one can feel that a grand celebration is round the corner. The Mewar festival is one of the most important celebrations of Udaipur and the rich culture of Rajasthan is at its all time best. This is an event that should not be missed if you are travelling to Udaipur.

Summer Festival Mount Abu :-

To celebrate the exuberance and spirit of this small hill station, every year Mount Abu organizes a 3 days cultural festival on Buddh Purnima. This carnival starts with a procession, live dance programme on the first day, followed by sports activities like skating race, horse race, boat race and various other on the 2nd and the 3rd day. The festival comes to an end with an electrifying fire work and a road show by the CRPF band.




Udaipur The Venice Of India :-

Udaipur is the glimmering star on Rajasthan’s map. Its many lakes and its environs soaked in Mewar history are attractions that people from all over the world come to visit. There are many places to visit in Udaipur and many around it. There is a reason the city is known as the Venice of the East. There are many big and grand lakes as well as several smaller ones in the city.Close to the Lake City are other attractive lakes, most notably Jaisamand Lake. The Ahar River also flows through Udaipur. Located in the desert of Rajasthan, Udaipur is a beautiful paradox. The many palaces around the city add to the glamour. There is no worthier reflection for a glassy lake than a marble palace after all. The best time to visit Udaipur is undoubtedly during the winter months. The summer heat is too high for you to subject yourself to voluntarily. The winter months are perfect to visit Udaipur. Udaipur is easily approachable from all the important cities of India including Delhi, Mumbai, and Jaipur. So, if you are exhausted of your restless plans and daily routine, then plot a trip to the city of lakes.A tour to the extravagant city of Udaipur would absolutely become a memorable part of your life and you will treasure these memories throughout your life.


The Lake Palace :-

The Lake Palace in Udaipur is located on the Jag Niwas Island on a sprawling 1.5 hectare land. This magnificent structure was built on the Lake Pichola by Maharana Jagat Singh in 1734. Once a summer palace for the royalty of Udaipur, it has now been converted into a heritage hotel. Still retaining the grandeur, it resembles a fairy tale kingdom. Enhancing the magical aura are the rippling waves and beautiful sunset. The intricate craftsmanship and aesthetic handicrafts and textiles add to the beauty this place. The elegant white marble palace is a fantasy as it arises softly from the blue waters. 4 acres of rock have been used to lay the foundation of this palace and was known as Jag Niwas after its founder. The palace highlights include fountains, gardens, pillared terraces, painted mirrors, pink stone work, lotus leaves and cusped arches. Dhola Mahal, Bada Mahal, Phool Mahal, Ajjan Niwas and Kush Mahal are some of the apartments in here. There are various facilities available in the palace for the guests like swimming pool, bar, restaurants, café and conference hall. There is also a 24 hour business center and 8 meeting rooms with fully updated equipment for corporate meetings and conferences. In here are 12 banquet halls for cocktail parties, wedding and other related functions.

City palace :-

The City Palace in Udaipur in the state of Rajasthan has a lot in its store to reveal the age-old history it possesses. The royal building is a huge complex with plenty of rooms and pillars inside. It took more than 300 years to complete the structure properly. Started during the time of Maharana Udai Singh II. The lake Pichola nearby is the highlight when you get ready for a tour of the greatest places to visit in Udaipur. Since it is the biggest building in Udaipur it is considered as one of the best sightseeing destinations.  The flamboyant structure with a blend of Mughal and Rajasthani architectural style dominates other famous palaces and buildings around the city very authentically. It is located on a hilltop where you can enjoy a real panoramic view of lake Pichola and the Lake Palace on the banks of this particular lake.

Jagmandir :-

Known as Lake Garden Palace, Jag Mandir has been built on the island of Lake Pichola. The construction of this structure has been credited to the three Maharanas of Mewar. This palace was started by the Maharana Amar Singh in the year of 1551 and was later carried on by Maharana Karan Singh and completed by Maharana Jagat Singh. Hence it is called Jagat Mandir or Jag Mandir. Serving as a summer resort and pleasure area for the royal family of Mewar, this place is also famous for holding parties and wedding functions. In here you will find Gul Mahal, Darikhana, Garden Courtyard, Bara Patharon ka Mahal, Zenana Mahal, and Kunwar Pada ka Mahal. Jag Mandir is the main palace and it includes the Gul Mahal. The towers at the corner are octagonal in shape and have cupolas on the top. Residential suites, reception halls and internal courts adorn the palace. The architecture of the building reflects Mughal and Rajput style. The Zenana Mahal is constructed adjoining to the main temple and the Kunwar Pada ka Mahal is located at the western end of the structure. The Gul Mahal was built by Maharana Amar Singh and it was developed by Maharana Jagat Singh for housing the Mughal prince Khurram. The palace has been built with sandstone, black marble, and has a crescent of Islam fixed on the dome of the structure.

Saheliyon Ki Bari :-

Saheliyon ki Bari is a beautiful garden in the city of Udaipur and is one of the popular Udaipur tourist places. Fountains, marble art and the lush lawns attract the public each time. Saheliyon ki Bari in English means the ‘garden of maids’. This garden represents a green retreat of Maharana Sangram Singh in the desert lands and was built in the 18th Century for the royal ladies of Mewar. It is situated on the banks of the lake Fateh Sagar and is one of the stunning places to visit in Udaipur. According to the legend here, the garden was personally designed by the king and gifted to his queen. The queen had 48 maids accompanying her after the marriage and to offer them peace and happiness away from the regular life, this garden was built. There are four water pools, marble elephants, fountains and kiosks around the here. The bird fountains and the lotus pool are very popular. The stunning and romantic view of the garden makes it a special place for lovers. Rain fountains were added to the garden later by Maharana Bhopal Singh.

Lake Pichola :-

This is one of the most important places to visit in Udaipur. Lake Pichola is the reason we call Udaipur the ‘City of Lakes’. Built in 1362, and extending 3 miles in length and 2 miles in breadth, this lake is an essential part of Udaipur and far by its best feature. Astonished and amazed by the beauty of Lake Pichola, Rudyard Kipling once wrote: “If the Venetian owned the Pichola Lake, he might say with justice, `see it and die'”. Take Kipling at his word and visit Lake Pichola when in Udaipur, both in the day and at night. the lake takes on a whole new character depending on the time of the day. In the morning, lake and palaces are quiet. The lake is speckled with tourist boats and people clicking selfies line the shores. As night creeps in, all the Palaces around the lake light up and illuminate the lake. No boats, no birds, nothing to see except the lit-up palaces as they stand impressively around the lake. It is an awe-imposing spectacle. The iconic sites around the lake include Udaipur City Palace, Mohan Mandir, Eklinggarh Fort, Jag Mandir, Pichola Palace etc. The Sitamata Game Sanctuary is located on its western shore.

Bagore Ki Haveli :-

Bangore ki haveli is a beautiful palace in Udaipur on the waterfront of Lake Picholi and is an amusing spot among the tourist places in Udaipur. It was built during the 18th century and still holds the pride and majestic attitude of the royal family of ancient rulers in a perfect manner. It consists of more than a hundred rooms along with the displays of costumes and modern art. It houses the famous paintings of the Mewar regime inside the Queen’s chamber. In addition, the palace is filled with pieces of art on glass. Wide corridors, windows and spacious rooms enhances the attractiveness of the palace to a higher level. The Rajput clans’ presence is still preserved inside the palace in the forms of jewellery boxes, hukkas, pan boxes and the furniture items used during that period. This is a perfect place to witness the proper Rajput architectural styles displayed very well.

Shilpgram Museum :-

Shilpgram (meaning “craftsmen’s village”) is a rural arts and crafts complex, located three kilometers from Udaipur and set up by the government in 1986. It showcases rural life and traditions from Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Goa. The complex has huts from each of the states, incorporating their distinctive architectural features. Artisans also sell their wares and perform folk dances. Horse rides and camel rides are offered as well. The complex really comes alive during the 10 day Shilpgram Arts & Crafts Fair in late December. Otherwise, although it’s a great concept, it tends to be sadly rather lackluster.

Eklingji Temple :-

The Eklingji Temple Complex is one of the architectural sights you need to put on your list of places to visit in Udaipur. It is a complex whose foundation dates back to 734 AD. The first temple of the complex was built back then by Bappa Rawal and dedicated to Eklingji. Eklingji is a form of Shiva and the complex is full of figurines of Shiva along with figurines of Parvati, Saraswati, Ganesh, Kartik and Nandi. Over the time, the complex has grown to house 108 temples, all of them are made out of marble and granite with complex designs cut into the stone. The sole temple of the Lakulish sect in India, known simply as the Lakulish Temple and built in 971 is also housed here. This complex is a not just a place for history enthusiasts and people who want to pay their respects in the temple. It is a place full of memories of a distant past; a time when modern technology could not aid in the construction of complicated buildings. The main temple, built in the 15th century, has a structure topped with elaborate domes that will boggle your mind. Appreciation for the marvellous stone work will be the overwhelming sentiment you experience when you walk around the 108 temples. You can understand the time at which the temples were built through the plaques outside the respective temple or you could hire a local guide to walk you around the complex.

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Jaipur  :- The Pink City Of India

Jaipur  :- The Pink City Of India

The Capital of the modern state of Rajasthan, Jaipur is a modern city built according to the specifications laid down in ancient architectural texts Famously known as the ‘Pink City,’ the city boasts the rich and cultural heritage of Indian history. Beautiful and well-maintained forts, camel rides, bustling street markets and what not, Jaipur is a perfect blend of the past and present. Known as the pink city on account of the flush colour of its sandstone palaces, it is a major centre for handicrafts.

in 1727 AD Jaipur was founded by Sawai Jai Singh II, a great ruler as well as renowned mathematician and astrologer. Vidhyadhar Bhattacharya, designed Jaipur as per the Hindu treatise, Shilp Shastra. In 1876 Jaipur dressed itself in pink to welcome Prince Albert, consort of queen Victoria, and earned the epitaph ‘Pink City’. The excellent handicrafts of Jaipur are exquisite gold jewellery enameled or inlaid with precious stones, blue pottery, carving on wood, stone & ivory, block print & tie & dye textiles, handmade paper etc.

Must Visit Places in Jaipur

Amber Fort and Palace  :-

Located amidst the picturesque and rocky Aravalli Hills, Amber Palace is a not-to-be-missed place to in Jaipur. The foundation stone of this palace was laid by Raja Man Singh I and was completed by Mirja Raja Jai Singh. Beguiling beauty of the red sandstone and white marble adds to the magnificence. While the high formidable walls defended its residents from enemy attacks, the main building of the citadel served its people with all the luxuries and amenities.The scenic backdrop of the Maota Lake and panoramic views of sunrise and sunset contribute to the eternal beauty of this palace. Intricate wall paintings, frescos and the use of precious gems and jewels in these paintings add to its timeless beauty. Sheesh Mahal or the ‘Palace of Mirror’ is also one of the captivating halls to visit within Amber Palace. Decorated with numerous pieces of mirror tiles, this hall was designed in such a way, even a single ray entering into it can illuminate the entire hall.

Hawa Mahal Palace of the Winds  :-

Hawa Mahal or Palace of the Winds, or also called Palace of the Breeze, is one of the important places to visit in Jaipur. Built by Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh in 1798, Hawa Mahal is a five-storey extension in the form of a honeycomb. This unique building has 953 small windows, called jharokas, decorated with intricate lattice work. The entire palace represents the crown of the Hindu God, Lord Krishna. Even though this palace was built during ancient times, it reflects the scientific vision of Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh in a distinct way. The windows of this palace have been designed in such a way that irrespective of the time or season of the year, cool breeze always persists inside the palace. Due to this reason, Hawa Mahal was the favourite summer holiday destination of the Rajput family and is today a popular place to visit in Jaipur. Another purpose of this palace was to prevent outsiders from catching a glimpse of the royal women. The incredible lattice of windows were designed in a way that it allowed a clear view of the outside world to the insiders, yet restricted outsiders from being able to stare inside the palace.

Nahargarh Fort :-

To get a panoramic view of Jaipur city, Nahargarh Fort is the ideal place to visit. Built by Jai Singh II, Nahargarh Fort was originally named Sudarshangarh and was later renamed as Nahargarh or the Abode of Tigers. The then Maharaja of Jaipur constructed this fort in order to tighten the security of the region. It also served as a safety shelter to the British wives during the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857. Located on the rocky ridge of Aravalli Hills, Nahargarh Fort offers the most striking view of Jaipur’s scenic landscape. During the night, when the entire Jaipur city gets lit up, Nahargarh Fort offers the most sparkling view of the entire city. Rooms in this fort are connected through common corridors and are well decorated with delicate wall and ceiling paintings. The royal families also used this fort as a popular destination for their summer excursions and picnics. Jungles around Nahargarh Fort served as popular hunting places for the Maharajas of Jaipur.

Jal Mahal  :-

It was during the Rajput era that India has seen some of the glorious forts and palaces. Jal Mahal or the Water Palace is one of the classic names in the list of Rajputana architecture. Located in the middle of the Man Sagar Lake, this palace is also a fusion of Mughal and Rajput styles of architecture. Built in red sandstone, Jal Mahal is a five-storey building, of which four storeys remain underwater when the lake is filled. This, in turn, offers a breathtaking view of the palace and makes it one of the important Jaipur tourist places so if you are in Jaipur, Jal Mahal is one of the must-visit places in the tour list. Since the palace is located in the middle of the lake, traditional boats are used to reach the palace. The clear water of the lake and the scenic Aravalli mountain range dotting this palace, offer a splendid view of Jal Mahal. The location of Jal Mahal makes it an indigenous home to some of the colourful migratory birds, several species of fish and rich flora and fauna. Flamingo, Great Crested Grebe, Pintail, Kestrel, Coot and Grey Wagtail are some of the migratory birds that can be found around Jal Mahal.

Jaigarh Fort :-

Each of the palaces and forts in Jaipur is unique in its own way. Amongst all the forts and palaces, Jaigarh Fort is the most spectacular in the list of places to visit in Jaipur. This fort is situated on the rugged promontory of the Aravalli Hills, called the Cheel ka Teela or the Hill of Eagles. If the majestic appearance of Jaigarh Fort has to be compared with other forts and palaces in Jaipur, it will surely stand ahead of most. Built in the year 1726 by Jai Singh II, Jaigarh Fort is also known as the Fort of Victory. The thick walls of this fort are of red sandstone, run about 3 km, and are dominated by watchtowers. The granaries, water reserves and storage systems in this fort are the finest examples of ancient science and technology. Some of the best places to visit here are the Ram Harihar Temple, Kal Bhairav Temple and a museum that showcases primitive arms and ammunition. Once a popular cannon foundry of the Mughals and Rajputs, Jaigarh Fort is also home to Jaivana, the world’s largest cannon-on-wheels.

City Palace :-

Located in the heart of Jaipur, City Palace is the most remarkable monument in the list of places to visit in Jaipur. Guarded by huge impounding walls, this palace is a fusion of Rajput and Mughal architecture.  Whether with its everlasting architecture or the enchanting decorations, City Palace has kept the amplitude of the Rajputs alive. Constructed during 1729-1732, under the supervision of Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II, the City Palace boasts of very minute detailing. Chandra Mahal and Mubarak Mahal comprise the major portion of this palace. Udai Pol, Jaleb Chowk, Tripolia Gate and Virendra Pol are the entrances to this palace. Embossed with fine artworks and engravings, every corner of this palace is filled with immemorial imprints from the past. The entrance to Chandra Mahal is adorned with enticing peacock gates, which depict the four seasons and Hindu Gods through its splendid artworks. Diwan-i-Khas and Diwan-i-Aam of Mubarak Mahal served as gathering places of the Royals. Both of these halls are ornamented with crystal chandeliers. A portion of this palace has been converted into a museum, depicting the elegance of the Rajputs and is open to the public. Maharani Palace and Baggi Khana are the two most striking museums among these. Maharani Palace, which was once the royal hall of the Rajput queens, now displays the weapons and ammunition used by the Royal Family. Baggi Khana showcases the different carriages used by the Royal Families of Jaipur.

Jantar Mantar  :-

Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh, the ruler of Jaipur was one of the best theorists of ancient India. After achieving the milestones of constructing the planned city Jaipur, as well as several other scientific and architectural epitomes, the Maharaja built five astronomical instruments to study space. These instruments were called Jantar Mantar, which means Calculating Instrument. The largest of these instruments is located in Jaipur and has been declared as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Jantar Mantar consists of fourteen geometric devices that measure time, predict eclipses, track the location of stars and the Earth’s movement around the sun. Samrat Yantra is the largest instrument in this observatory and it was used to forecast time. Plotting the shadow of Samrat Yantra, the time for eclipses and the arrival of monsoons can be calculated. Samrat Yantra is also the largest sundial in the world. Jantar Mantar now serves as one of the major Jaipur tourist places and a pioneering source to amateur astronomy students.

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Major Attraction Of Jodhpur (Sun City)

Jodhpur’s Top Places To Visit :-

Jodhpur is the second largest city in the Rajasthan. Jodhpur is one of the top heritage places in India and also one of the best places to experience Rajasthan tourism.  Also known as the ‘Sun City’, Jodhpur was founded by Rao Jodha, the Chief of Rathore Clan in 1459 CE. Jodhpur grew into a fine modern city under the reign of Maharaja Umed Singh. Jodhpur City’s Major attractions Are Mehrangarh Fort, Umaid Bhawan Palace, Jaswant Thada, and Ghanta Ghar And Many More. Mehrangarh Fort is one of the must visit places in Jodhpur. This fort is one of the largest forts in India and is still run by Jodhpur Royal family. Winter is the best time to visit Jodhpur and is the peak season for tourist activities. One can enjoy desert camping, sightseeing and its famous festivals like Desert Kite festival, Marwar Festival, and many other highlights of Jodhpur during winter.


Mehrangarh Fort  Jodhpur  :-

The Mehrangarh Fort, built by Rao Jodha in 1459 in Jodhpur, is one of the largest forts in the country. It is situated at the top of a 410 feet elevated hill and guarded by massive walls. Located in the centre of the city, the fort covers an area of approximately 5 Kms of a hill. Its walls have a height of 36 metres and width of 21 metres. The intricate carvings on the walls of the fort, the sprawling courtyards, its impressive history, striking palaces, museums and galleries allures tourists from all over the world. There are six different galleries in the Mehrangarh Museum: Elephant’s howdahs, Palanquins, Daulat Khana, Armoury, Paintings and the Turban Gallery. National Geological Monument, Nagnecha Mataji Temple, Chamunda Temple and Rao Jodha Desert Rock Park are the tourists’ attractions in Mehrangarh Fort.

Umaid Bhavan Palace :-

Step into scrumptious luxury at Umaid Bhavan Palace – a celebrated destination when it comes to famous places in Jodhpur. Among the largest private residences on the globe, this palace is named after Maharaja Umaid Singh, grandfather of the current owner Gaj Singh. Crowned with several features that make it an exquisite structure, the palace has 347 rooms and a part of it is operated by Taj Group of Hotels. This palace holds a prominent place among places to see in Jodhpur. A museum is also housed in a part of this magnificent structure. Don’t miss to see its galleries housing various regal items, one gallery dedicated to display a variety of an item. For instance, a gallery showcases a host of royal clocks, and one of those display royal vintage cars.

Mandore Gardens :-

Jodhpur sightseeing is incomplete without visiting these gardens. Brimming with cenotaphs, old temples, and several other Madore Garden is another wonderful destination to take you for a trip back in time. The hall of heroes, dedicated to Rajput folk heroes and several deities, stands close to the cenotaphs. Their statues are carved in stone and flamboyant. The Shrine of the Three Hundred Million Gods is another attraction of this garden. Climb up the hill to have a look at the ruined city of Mandore with its old palace. And, beware of langur monkeys in this garden. They play around in hordes.

Jaswant Thada Jodhpur :-

Your Mehrangarh visit is coupled by a trip to Jaswant Thada. As both the monuments are at a stone’s throw, these are tourist places to visit in Jodhpur in one day. Standing adjacent to Mehrangarh Fort, this is a cluster of majestic cenotaphs in white marble. Built in 1899 A.D. in memory of Maharaja Jaswant Singh II, the main cenotaph of these holds portraits of various Rathore rulers. While visiting places in Jodhpur, at this place, you will feel tranquility all around. Also, you will realize that it is more of a temple where deceased rulers are worshipped. Also known as Taj Mahal of Marwar, carvings of this monument are beautifully intricate. A spectacular multi-level garden, a pond, and exquisitely carved gazebos manifold its charm. Visit it on a sunny day to behold it beauty in full bloom. When it is kissed by sun rays, the extremely thin marble sheets, of which it is made up, glow golden. Make a wish here. Locals believe that the monument grants your wishes

Osian Temples Jodhpur :-

Another on the list of places to visit in and around Jodhpur is Osian. This destination awaits you at a distance of 65 km from Jodhpur in the ancient desert town of Osian. Baptized as Osian Temples, these 15 beautifully sculpted Hindu and Jain temples invite you. Hailing from the 7th and 8th centuries, these sacred places prove the architectural proficiency of ancient India. Make sure that you visit Sun Temple here with other famous places in Jodhpur as it is the oldest of all.