Category Archives: Pushkar Fair

Pushkar: vedere la storia e la cultura

I migliori posti da visitare a Pushkar :
Pushkar non ha bisogno di presentazioni per la gloria, la storia e la cultura che esibisce. Una delle antiche città del paese, situata ad Ajmer, è stata ampiamente conosciuta per il suo significato religioso poiché la città vanta uno dei rarissimi templi di Lord Brahma (dio indù). La fiera annuale del bestiame, il lago sacro, una manciata di attività avventurose e infinite emozioni da catturare alla telecamera: Pushkar ha tutto per tutti i viaggiatori avidi. Poco prima di presentarti un elenco esclusivo di luoghi da visitare a Pushkar, ecco alcuni elementi essenziali.
Lago Pushkar : –
Il Rajasthan ha un numero di attrazioni che offre una grande esperienza ai turisti. Il Rajasthan offre molta varietà ai turisti. Le sue attrazioni turistiche spaziano dal deserto alle fortezze e ai palazzi. Il posto ha anche un numero di bellissimi laghi e giardini. I laghi in particolare riescono ad attirare molti turisti. Questi laghi non solo offrono una bellezza paesaggistica, ma hanno anche un grande significato spirituale. Quindi, non solo i turisti regolari, attira anche un gran numero di devoti. Il lago Pushkar è uno dei luoghi turistici più visitati del Rajasthan. Le fiere e i festival in questo posto saranno un’attrazione aggiuntiva per i turisti. è anche considerato uno dei luoghi di pellegrinaggio più importanti del Rajasthan. Il lago vive soprattutto un alto numero di turisti durante i mesi di ottobre-novembre in cui si tiene una fiera del bestiame in questa regione. Migliaia di turisti affollano il luogo per assistere alla fiera e fare un tuffo santo nel lago. La pratica di fare un tuffo nelle acque del lago di Pushkar è considerata di buon auspicio. Quindi, una visita al lago Pushkar è d’obbligo durante il tuo tour in Rajasthan.

Brahma Temple Pushkar : –
Pushkar ha ben 400 templi in questa regione. Tra i vari templi, il tempio di Brahma è uno dei templi più visitati del Rajasthan. È uno dei luoghi di pellegrinaggio più importanti da visitare nel Rajasthan. Il tempio di Brahma a Pushkar è davvero una visita degna. Il tempio è dedicato a Lord Brahma. Il tempio fu costruito nel 14 ° secolo in prossimità del lago Pushkar. Ci sono un certo numero di caratteristiche del tempio che sicuramente attireranno la tua attenzione. Caratteristiche come le pareti del tempio racchiuse con monete d’argento riflettono una grande opera d’arte. C’è anche una grande tartaruga d’argento sul pavimento. La splendida architettura del tempio è una grande attrazione per i turisti. Visitando il tempio, sarete in grado di conoscere molto dell’architettura del Rajasthan. Il tempio di Brahma a Pushkar è l’unico tempio in India ad essere dedicato a Brahma. Oltre a questo, il tempio ha anche un numero di altro significato spirituale ad esso collegato. Ci sono anche un numero di credenze ad esso collegate. Si ritiene che il tempio sia stato formato da un incidente. Fu la caduta accidentale di un fiore di loto dai palmi di Lord Brahma a creare il tempio. Quando il fiore cadde nella valle di Pushkar, creò un lago che vanta la bellezza divina. Questo lago divenne in seguito popolare come il lago Pushkar. La bellezza serena del luogo funge da luogo perfetto per ospitare il bellissimo tempio di Brahma.

Apteshwar Temple Pushkar : –
Pushkar con molte attrazioni turistiche si adatta perfettamente alle esigenze dei viaggiatori. Con le attrazioni turistiche che vanno dai laghi ai templi, riesce ad offrire molto ai turisti. I templi di Pushkar sono infatti una delle attrazioni turistiche più famose del Rajasthan. Il Tempio Apteshwar si posiziona come uno dei templi più visitati del Rajasthan. Offre una miscela perfetta di splendida architettura e importanza spirituale attirando così sia i turisti che i devoti. Il tempio Apteshwar fu costruito nel 12 ° secolo. Il tempio è dedicato a Lord Shiva ed è una delle attrazioni più popolari di Pushkar. Richiede uno sguardo dettagliato come le varie caratteristiche dell’architettura del tempio. La magnifica architettura del tempio ti affascinerà sicuramente con la sua bellezza. Infatti, mentre osservi l’intricato lavoro, rimarrai incerto sulla straordinaria abilità degli operai di quell’epoca.


Sarafa Bazar : –
Shopping per bigiotteria e artigianato a Sarafa Bazar è una delle migliori cose da fare a Pushkar. Pensa al Rajasthan e ottieni colori. I mercati di Pushkar sono un perfetto ambasciatore di prodotti artigianali, tessili, gioielli e pelletteria del Rajasthan. Da bigiotteria a turbante: i mercati come Sarafa Bazar e Bada Bazar hanno tutto ciò che ha affascinato turisti da tutto il mondo. I vestiti del Rajasthani ricamati, gli arazzi, l’artigianato sono qualcosa che non ci si può permettere di perdere.

Palazzo Pushkar : –
Palazzo Pushkar è uno dei palazzi più noti del Rajasthan. La famosa residenza reale si trova a 145 chilometri dall’aeroporto più vicino ea soli 13 chilometri dalla stazione ferroviaria. Non è lontano dalla fermata dell’autobus o perché è a soli 0,5 km dalla fermata dell’autobus. La meravigliosa architettura del palazzo ti offre una foto dell’architettura del Rajasthan. Quindi, i turisti affollano il palazzo in gran numero per avere un’idea dettagliata delle varie caratteristiche dell’architettura del Rajasthan. Il palazzo è attualmente trasformato in un hotel storico. Tuttavia, la trasformazione non aveva saccheggiato nessuna delle sue caratteristiche reali. In effetti, ha aperto una grande opportunità per i turisti di avere un vero assaggio dell’ospitalità reale. Le bellissime camere arredate con gusto sono un piacere per gli ospiti. I bei prati e la lobby ti riportano ancora all’era reale. Tuttavia, anche se non sono ospiti dell’hotel, sarà comunque una visita degna di assistere allo splendido palazzo.

Man Mahal : –
L’uomo Mahal Pushkar è uno dei più grandi palazzi di Pushkar. Costruito come guest house di Raja Man Singh I, il palazzo è uno dei luoghi più interessanti da visitare a Pushkar. L’uomo Mahal Pushkar è un palazzo dei sogni. Fu costruito per servire lo scopo di una guest house reale per Raja Man Singh I. Questo palazzo fu usato principalmente dal Raja durante il suo viaggio a Pushkar. Anche se il palazzo è stato trasformato in un hotel storico, tuttavia vanta le varie caratteristiche dell’era reale del Rajasthan. L’hotel è attualmente gestito dalla Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation. Situato a est di Sarovar, è assolutamente da visitare in Rajasthan. Visitando l’uomo Mahal, non solo potrai goderti la bellezza del palazzo ma anche la vista mozzafiato dei laghi e dei templi intorno al lago. Il palazzo è davvero uno splendido pezzo di architettura. Tuttavia, se visiti il ​​palazzo come ospite, sperimenterai un diverso livello di ospitalità.

Turismo del Rajasthan
Rajasthan Autonoleggio
Rajasthan Pacchetti turistici

Pushkar : See The History And Culture

Top Places To Visit In Pushkar :-

Pushkar does not need any introduction for the glory, history and culture that it exhibits. One of the ancient cities of the country, located in Ajmer, it has been largely known for its religious significance as the city boasts of one of the very rare temples of Lord Brahma(Hindu god). The annual cattle fair, the holy lake, a handful of adventure activities, and endless emotions to capture on camera — Pushkar has it all for any avid traveler. Just before we introduce you to an exclusive list of places to visit in Pushkar, here are a few essentials.

Pushkar Lake :-

Rajasthan has a number of attractions that offers a great experience to the tourists. Rajasthan offers a lot of variety to tourists. Its tourist attractions range from desert to forts and palaces. The place also has a number of beautiful lakes and gardens. The lakes in particular manage to attract a lot of tourists. These lakes not only offer scenic beauty but also have a lot of spiritual significance. Hence, not only regular tourists, it also attracts a large number of devotees. The Pushkar Lake is one of the most visited tourist spots in Rajasthan. The fairs and festivals at this place will be an added attraction for the tourists. it is also regarded as one of the most important pilgrimage spot in Rajasthan. The lake especially experiences a high tourist count during the months of October-November as a cattle fair is held in this region. Thousands of tourists flock the place to witness the fair and take a holy dip in the lake. The practice of taking a dip in the waters of Pushkar Lake is regarded auspicious. Hence, a visit to the Pushkar Lake is a must during your tour to Rajasthan.

Brahma Temple Pushkar :-

Pushkar has as many as 400 temples in this region. Among the various temples, the Brahma temple is one of the most visited temples in Rajasthan. It is one of the most important pilgrimage spot to visit in Rajasthan. Brahma temple in Pushkar is truly a worthy visit. The temple is dedicated to Lord Brahma. The temple was built in the 14th century in close proximity to the Pushkar Lake. There are a number of features of the temple that will surely attract your attention. Features like the walls of the temple being wrapped up with silver coins reflect a great art work. There is also a great silver turtle on the floor. The splendid architecture of the temple is a major draw for the tourists. On visiting the temple, you will be able to know a lot about the Rajasthani architecture. The Brahma temple in Pushkar is the only temple in India that is dedicated Lord Brahma. Apart from this, the temple also has a number of other spiritual significance attached to it. There are also a number of beliefs attached to it. It is believed that the temple had been formed by an accident. It was the accidental fall of a lotus flower from the palms of Lord Brahma that created the temple. As the flower fell into the Pushkar valley, it created a lake that boasts divine beauty. This lake later became popular as the Pushkar Lake. The serene beauty of the place acts as a perfect place to host the beautiful Brahma temple.

Apteshwar Temple Pushkar :-

Pushkar with a lot of tourist attractions perfectly suit the needs of the travelers. With tourist attractions ranging from lakes to temples, it manages to offer a lot to the tourists. The temples in Pushkar are in fact one of the most popular Rajasthan Tourist Attractions. The Apteshwar Temple positions itself as one of the most visited temples in Rajasthan. It offers a perfect blend of splendid architecture and spiritual importance thus attracting both tourists as well as devotees. The Apteshwar Temple was constructed in the 12th century. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is one of the most popular attractions in Pushkar. It demands a detailed look as the various features of the architecture of the temple. The magnificent architecture of the temple will surely mesmerize you with its beauty. In fact, while looking at the intricate work, you will be left wondering about the tremendous skill of the workers of that era.

Sarafa Bazar :-

Shopping for trinkets and handicrafts in Sarafa Bazar is one of the best things to do in Pushkar. Think Rajasthan and you get colors. The markets in Pushkar are a perfect ambassador of Rajasthani handicrafts, textile, jewellery and leather products. From trinkets to turban – the markets like Sarafa Bazar and Bada Bazar have it all that has been fascinating tourists from all across the globe. The embroidered Rajasthani clothes, wall hangings, handicrafts are something that one can’t afford to miss.

Pushkar Palace :-

Pushkar palace is one of the most acknowledged palaces in Rajasthan. The famous royal mansion is located 145 kilometers from the nearest airport and only 13 kilometers from the railway station. It is not far away from the bus stand either as it is only 0.5 kilometer away from the bus stand. The marvelous architecture of the palace provides you a picture of the Rajasthani architecture. Hence, tourists flock the palace in large numbers to get a detailed idea of the various features of the Rajasthani architecture. The palace is currently converted into a heritage hotel. However, the transformation had not plundered away any of its royal features. In fact, it has opened a great opportunity for tourists to get a real taste of royal hospitality. The beautiful rooms with tasteful décor are a pleasure for the guests. The beautiful lawns and lobby further takes you back to the royal era. However, even if are not a guest of the hotel, it will still be a worthy visit to witness the splendid palace.

Man Mahal :-

The Man Mahal Pushkar is one of the greatest palaces of Pushkar. Built as a guest house of Raja Man Singh I, the palace is one of the most attractive spot to visit in Pushkar. The Man Mahal Pushkar is a dream palace. It was built to serve the purpose of royal guest house for Raja Man Singh I. This palace was mostly used by the Raja during his trip to Pushkar. Though the palace had been converted in into a heritage hotel yet it boasts the various features of the royal era of Rajasthan. The hotel is currently run by the Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation. Located in the east of Sarovar, it is a must visit in Rajasthan. By visiting the Man Mahal, you will not only enjoy the beauty of the palace but also the breathtaking view of the lakes and temples around the lake. The palace is truly a splendid piece of architecture. However, if you are visiting the palace as a guest then you will be experience a different level of hospitality.

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orchha Tour

Orchha is a town in Madhya Pradesh near the banks of Betwa river. The medieval city of Orchha seems to have frozen in time, its palaces and temples still retaining their original grandeur. Orchha had the distinction of being the capital of one of the largest and most powerful kingdoms of Central India. The Bundela Rajput chieftain, Rudra Pratap, founded the city, located by the side of the beautiful Betwa River, in the 16th century. The word Orchha means ‘hidden’. When the Tughlaqs, who were ruling Delhi in the 15th century, pushed the Bundelkhand rajas out of Garkhundar, they retreated to distant Orchha.

Orchha travel offers detailed information on the important tourist destinations, dinning and accommodation facilities and means of transportation of the town. Orchha is a small town in the Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pradesh, which is situated at a distance of 120 kilometers from Gwalior and 178 kilometers from Khajuraho. The best time to visit Orchha is between October and March.

Orchha was founded in 16th century by Rudra Pratap, a Bundela chieftain. The rich historical legacy of the town is preserved in the beautiful stone sculptors and the ancient forts and buildings of the town. The travel to Orchha provides the tourists with an opportunity to explore the rich cultural heritage of the town. One must tour Orchha to discover the rich architectural splendor of the town.

A travel to Orchha would take you to a scenic destination where austere hills rise in striking contrast with the lush green surrounding along the limpid flowing river Betwa. Tourist attractions in Orchha still retain much of their pristine charm.

Orcha Fort

Orchha, situated on river Betwa, has various historical legends associated with it. However, not much of it is known before the 1501 A.D. when the city was founded by Rudra Pratap sinhg, a Rajput ruler of Bundelkhand. He was the first king of Orchha and built the Orchha Fort.

The city was attacked by the Mughal Army under the generalship of Shah Jahan, in the early part of the 17th century. The Mughals gained reign over the city and ruled here till 1641 A.D. All the attempts of the Marathas to rule over Orchha went in vain and in the year 1783, Tehri was declared as the capital of Orchha.

The city was ruled by Hamir Singh from 1848 to 1874 A.D and in the year 1865, the king gained the title of the ‘Maharaja’. Maharaja Pratap Singh sat on the throne of Orchha in 1874.

Orchha was declared as a part of Madhya Pradesh in the year 1956.


Ram Raja Orcha

Madhukar Shah Ju Dev (1554-1592) was a devotee of Banke Bihari (Lord Krishna) while his wife Queen Ganesh Kunwari was a devotee of LordRam.One day the King and the Queen went to Lord Krishna’s temple but the temple had closed by that time. The queen urged the king to go back but the king wanted to stay. So both the king and queen decided to stay back. They joined a group of devotees who were singing and dancing in praise of Lord Krishna outside the temple and started singing and dancing. It is believed that Lord Krishna and Radha personified and danced with them and golden flowers were showered on them.


After this the king asked the queen to accompany him to Mathura but the queen wanted to go to Ayodhya. The queen was adamant at which the king said that “You keep praying to Ram but Ram never appears in front of us. If you want to go to Ayodhya then go, but return only when you have the child form of Ram with you.” The queen left the palace and started the journey to Ayodhya. She ordered her servants to start building a temple (Chaturbhuj Temple) for Lord Ram.


On reaching Ayodhya, the Queen started praying to Lord Ram. The Queen fasted and prayed for about a month but Lord Ram did not appeared. So she jumped into the river. Just then Lord Ram appeared in child form in the Queen’s lap. Lord Ram told the queen that she could ask for a boon, at which the queen asked Ram to come with her in child form to Orchha. Ram agreed to go but he put forth three conditions: “I will travel only in Pukh Nakshatra. When Pukh Nakshatra will end I will stop and resume only when Pukh Nakshatra sets in again. Secondly, once I reach Orchha, I will be the King of Orchha and Thirdly, the first place you seat me will be my final place.” The Queen agreed and started her journey. It took 8 months and 27 days for the queen to reach Orchha from Ayodhya on foot (between 1574 to 1575).


King Madhukar Shah meanwhile had a dream where Lord Banke Bihari scolded him on discriminating between Lord Ram and himself. King was very apologetic. When he woke up he found out that the queen was returning from Ayodhya. King apologized to the queen but she did not accept king’s apology. On returning to Orchha, the queen went back to her palace with baby Ram but Lord Ram transformed into an idol and got transfixed in the queen’s palace itself.


To this day the Ram Raja Temple is in the queen’s palace and not in the Chaturbhuj Temple .Additionally, as promised by the queen, Lord Ram is the King of Orchha, hence the name Ram Raja Temple


Jehangir Palace Orch

Orchha is an emerald of Madhya Pradesh, and has a proud to be the city of Rajputs. The town situated Northern part of Central Indian in Madhya Pradesh state. Rudra Pratap Singh was a Bundela Ruler who initiated the construction of Orchha, during the medieval times of 16th century, but couldn’t complete it as he had been killed while saving a cow from the clutches of a Tiger. As Rudra Pratap has no child so his younger brother Bharti Chand became king and continued the work. After Bharti Chand next king was his son Ram Shah (1592-1605). But turn around took place when Bir Singh Dev was declared as Maharaja of Orchha by Mughal Emperor Jahangir as he helped Jahangir during his revolt against Akbar. Just to give thanks to Jahangir, Bir Singh ordered to construct Jahangir Palace and later invited Jahangir to visit Orchha and stay here. The most dashing Bundela Ruler Bir Singh Deo built around 52 forts and other things across the region during his 22 years of odd age, in them famous were citadel of Jhansi, the rembling Narsingh Dev at Datia, apart from Sheesh Mahal, which is now converted into a Heritage Hotel.


This palace was built by Raja Bir Singh Deo-1 in between years 1605 to 1626. It was made in honor of Mughal emperor Jahangir. During that time Bundela rulers of Orchha maintains good relationship with Mughals. Here entire palace is constructed around a square shaped courtyard with side of 67.6 meter each. It is a three storied palace built mainly with red and yellow sandstone and have 136 rooms decorated with wall paintings. Being constructed to resemble the good relationship of Bundelas (Hindus) with Mughals (Muslims) here we can identify the confluence of both Hindu and Islamic architectures like in domes, rooms, entrance gates, terraces, corridors. It is a percy-brown monuments covering a square of 220 feet side and rising into an immense rectangular mass supporting 8 graceful domes. It encompasses all qualities that is expected in a medieval castle. Palace is built on the bank of Betwa river with surrounding of green forest offering picturesque and romantic surrounding view. Presence of elephant images and painting inside rooms gives a touch of hindu architecture in building. Behing palace their is a camel stable. Although whole building isdedicated to Jahangir and Raja Bir Singh Deo friendship but when Jahangir came here, he stayed here for just one night.


Jahangir palace is just adjacent to Raj Mahal of Orchha. It is a Betwa river facing palace covering about 220 square feet area. It is now maintained by Madhya Pradesh Archeology department. Raj Mahal and Jahangir palace are main tourist attractions for visitors. It is open for visitors from sunrise to sunset. Tourists are required to take entrance ticket from ticket counter their before visiting this historical monument. Guides are available their in the service of visitor but it is not mandatory for visitor to take their service. Here we can get guides of different languages like Hindi, English, French, Spanish etc. Ticket taken from counter is not just limited for Raj Mahal and Jahangir Palace but can be used as entrance pass for visiting other nearby monuments like cenotaphs, temples etc. Usually it takes about one hour or more to completely visit the palace. Photography is allowed inside the palace. While visiting the Jahangir palace, one can notice the presence of vultures mostly on palace domes as inviting visitors to shoot them. If you want to see the palace in night under artificial light system, you can attend light & sound show just similar to Khajuraho light & sound show. It is separately charged where visitor can visit the monument in night and can also hear the commentary explaining the history, facts and myths of these monuments.

of Lord Vishnu with four arms but was originally meant for Lord Rama’s idol.

Legends say that when Lord Rama’s idol which is placed at the Rani Niwas, the private residence of Raja Madhukar’s wife- Maharani Gansh Kunwar, rejected to move to the temple, an idol of Lord Vishnu with four arms was kept in the temple and this is how the temple came to be known as Chaturbhuj Temple.


The magnificent architecture of Chaturbhuj Temple, Orchha in Madhya Pradesh attracts thousands of visitors every year. The temple stands on a huge, stone platform, which itself is a lofty rectangular building with a very simple exterior, ornamented on two large and four small spires. Chaturbhuj temple’s interior is rather devoid of carving ornament. The great loftiness of its ceiling is an unusual feature in a hindu temple.



Visita Pushkar Camel Fair per godersi il tradizionale Festival indiano

Fiera Del Cammello Pushkar 2018 :-
La Fiera del Cammello di Pushkar 2018 non è altro che una fiera annuale del bestiame condotta a Pushkar, dove si riuniscono quasi 30.000 cammelli sorprendentemente. Pushkar è una piccola città desertica che si trova nello stato indiano del Rajasthan. Come uno spettacolo singolare e accattivante, ti darà un’eccellente opportunità per assistere a una festa indiana ma nello stile tradizionale. La Fiera del Cammello di Pushkar è celebrata con l’intenzione di attirare l’attenzione dei commercianti di bestiame locali per svolgere i loro affari durante il divino festival di Karthika Purnima, che si tiene a Pushkar ogni anno nel mese di Karthika. Con il commercio di cammelli, la fiera si è trasformata in una grande attrazione turistica, seguita da una serie di attività organizzate dal Dipartimento del Turismo, Rajasthan.

Una breve storia della fiera dei cammelli di Pushkar :-
Pushkar rimane tenuto in grande considerazione dagli indiani, specialmente indù, tra cinque pellegrinaggi tra cui Puri, Rameswaram, Badrinath e Dwarka. La storia dietro questo è, in una battaglia, uno spirito malvagio chiamato Vajra Nabh è stato ucciso dal Signore Brahma con il suo fiore di Loto. I petali di quel fiore di loto raggiunsero la terra e sbarcarono dentro e intorno alla Pushkar dove sorsero laghi divini. Alcune leggende dicono che il Lago di Pushkar è l’unico punto circondato da numerosi templi e palazzi. Il Tempio di Brahma qui presente è l’unico tempio trovato per Brahma in India. La celebrazione della fiera di Pushkar dura cinque giorni e il quinto giorno è ritenuto il giorno più significativo durante il quale il lago Pushkar è sorto dal Signore Brahma. Quindi, i popoli di varie parti del paese sono abituati a fare un tuffo divino in questo lago.

Celebrazione della fiera dei cammelli di Pushkar :-
Perchè la Pushkar Fair Festival viene celebrata ogni anno? Per il commercio del bestiame, poiché bovini come cammelli, pecore, capre, mucche e altri animali domestici, vengono commercializzati in grande quantità durante questa fiera. Oltre al commercio di bestiame, si svolgerà una sfilata di cammelli ben decorati. Nonostante gli scambi di animali di vario tipo, i cammelli rimangono in cima alla lista. Per sfilare, i cammelli vengono lavati e decorati con tessuti e gioielli multicolori per dare motivi interessanti. Puoi vedere braccialetti e campanelli attorno allo zoccolo del cammello, che suonano mentre camminano intorno alle dune di sabbia. Piercing naso di cammello è una pratica personalizzata in Pushkar. Non c’è dubbio, il festival della fiera di Pushkar è la più grande fiera del bestiame, che tu abbia mai visto in tutto il mondo.

I punti salienti della Fiera del Cammello di Pushkar :-
La competizione di cammelli è una delle caratteristiche più sorprendenti della fiera dei cammelli di Pushkar. I cammelli splendidamente decorati sfileranno e, a loro volta, competeranno per vincere il concorso di bellezza. Durante questa competizione, le persone in grande numero sono sedute sulla schiena del cammello. Quindi, il cammello corre intorno alle dune sabbiose e getta i suoi cavalieri dalla sua parte posteriore. Questo rende gli spettatori più allegri. Il premio sarà dato al cammello che ospita le persone in numero massimo sul dorso. Insieme agli spettatori, anche gli animali traggono piacere dal fervore e dal festival. I cammelli si guardano bene e cercano di divertirsi senza perdere un po ‘di attenzione che hanno ricevuto al festival.

Date della fiera dei cammelli di Pushkar :-
La fiera si svolge normalmente ogni anno nel mese di novembre. L’annuncio ufficiale per la Fiera del Cammello di Pushkar per l’anno 2018 si svolgerà tra il 15 novembre e il 23 novembre. L’azione dei cammelli si svolgerà solo nei primi quattro giorni, dopodiché sarà il momento di concentrarsi sulle celebrazioni religiose più intense. Quindi, devi venire prima dell’inizio della fiera per partecipare alla fiera con il massimo.
Principali attrazioni :-
La fiera di Pushkar non è solo per il commercio di bestiame e la competizione di cammelli, ma esibisce anche varie arti colorate del Rajasthan per i turisti curiosi. I manufatti esposti includono gioielli per bestiame come selle, perline, archi, mucchi e cinghie da sella per le cose per la gente umana. Alcune delle principali attrazioni sono la collana di perle di Nagaur e gli ornamenti in argento e i tessuti stampati, i patchwork e i tessuti tie & dye di Ajmer. La fiera non si conclude con la moda come la fiera di Pushkar è meglio conosciuta per i suoi vari tatuaggi corporei. Durante questo periodo, si trova che ogni famiglia crea alcune bancarelle per attirare la folla che passa. Ma tieni presente che non c’è spazio per l’alcol o anche per il cibo vegetariano, perché Pushkar è ovviamente un sito religioso in cui le cose di cui sopra sono severamente vietate.

Cose da fare a Pushkar :-
La Fiera di Pushkar è davvero un grande evento e quindi, puoi concederti molte attività eccitanti tra cui mongolfiera, cammello / equitazione, quad, equitazione al tramonto, shopping e persino un bagno santificato nel lago Pushkar anche.
• Mongolfiera: questa attività è principalmente per aumentare la tua adrenalina.
• A cavallo / cammello: cavalcare su cammelli e cavalli è l’attrazione più popolare dei visitatori
• Safari al tramonto: osservare i cammelli che girano nel deserto al tramonto ti offriranno un’esperienza unica. Non dimenticare di portare la fotocamera per catturare quelle scene meravigliose.
• Corse in quad: vuoi esplorare la natura del deserto del Thar? Se è così, allora puoi farlo in quad bike, che dura da 15 minuti a 1 ora secondo il desiderio dei viaggiatori.
Come raggiungere :-
È molto facile raggiungere Pushkar da diverse parti del paese in quanto sembra essere ben collegato e la disponibilità di diversi modi di trasporto per i viaggi. Coloro che preferiscono viaggiare attraverso le strade possono raggiungere Ajmer dove si possono ottenere servizi di autobus su base regolare. Ajmer ha anche una stazione ferroviaria a soli 11 km da Pushkar. Per le persone che viaggiano attraverso, l’aeroporto di Jaipur Sanganer è l’aeroporto più vicino, che dista 146 KM da Pushkar.

Turismo del Rajasthan
Rajasthan Autonoleggio
Pacchetti turistici del Rajasthan

Visit Pushkar Camel Fair To Enjoy The Traditional Indian Festival

Pushkar Camel Fair 2018 :-

Pushkar Camel Fair 2018 is nothing but an annual cattle fair being conducted on Pushkar where nearly 30,000 camels are used to be congregated astonishingly. Pushkar is a small desert town found in the Indian state of Rajasthan. As a peculiar and captivating sight, it will give you an excellent opportunity to witness an Indian festival but in the traditional style. The Pushkar Camel Fair is celebrated with the intention to grasp the attention of local cattle traders to perform their business during the divine Karthika Purnima festival, which is held in Pushkar every year in the month of Karthika. With camel trading, the fair has developed into a major tourist attraction followed by a series of activities being arranged by the Tourist Department, Rajasthan.

A Brief History of Pushkar Camel Fair :-

Pushkar remains restrained in a high esteem by the Indian Populace especially Hindus among five pilgrimages including Puri, Rameswaram, Badrinath and Dwarka. The story behind this is, in a battle, an evil spirit named Vajra Nabh has been killed by the Lord Brahma with his Lotus flower. The petals of that lotus flower reached earth and landed in and around the Pushkar where divine lakes sprang up. Some legends say that Pushkar Lake is the only point surrounded by a number of temples and palaces. The Brahma Temple present here is the only temple found for Brahma in India. The celebration of Pushkar fair lasts for five day and the fifth day is believed to be the most significant day during which the Pushkar lake had sprung up by the Lord Brahma. So, peoples from various parts of the country are used to take a divine dip in this lake.

Celebration of Pushkar Camel Fair :-

Why Pushkar Fair Festival is celebrated every year? For cattle trading, because cattle like camels, sheep, goat, cows and other domestic livestocks, are traded in large amount during this fair. In addition to cattle trading, parading of well decorated camels will be taken place. Despite animals of various types are traded, camels remain the top of the list. For parading, camels are cleanly washed and decorated with multi-colored cloths and jewelries to give interesting patterns. You can able to see bangles and bells around camel’s hoof, which jingles while they are walking around the sand dunes. Piercing the nose of camel is a custom practice in Pushkar. There is no doubt, Pushkar fair festival is the largest cattle fair, which you have ever seen around the world.

Highlights of Pushkar Camel Fair :-

Camel competition is one among the striking features exists in Pushkar camel fair. Beautifully adorned camels will parade and in turn, compete to win the beauty contest. During this competition, people in large number are used to be seated on camel’s back. Then, the camel jogs around the sandy dunes and throws its riders from its back. This makes the spectators more cheerful. The prize will be given to the camel that accommodates individuals in maximum number on its back. Together with spectators, the animals would also get pleasure from the fervor and festival. The camels are seen grooming and tried to enjoy without missing a single bit of attention they have received at the festival.

Dates of Pushkar Camel Fair :-

The fair is normally held every year in the month of November. The official announcement for Pushkar Camel Fair for the year 2018 will be between November 15 and November 23. The camel action will take place only on first four days and after which the time for being focused on heightened religious celebrations. So, you have to come before the commencement of the fair in order to take part in the fair with a full swing.

Major Attractions :-

Pushkar fair is not just for cattle trading and camel competition, yet also exhibiting varied colorful arts of Rajasthan for the curious tourists. The artifacts displayed include jewelries for cattle like saddles, beads, strings, cowries and saddle-straps to things for human folks. Some of the major attractions are assumed to be Nagaur’s bead Necklace and silver ornaments and Ajmer’s printed textiles, patch work as well as tie & dye fabrics. The fair doesn’t end with the fashion as Pushkar fair is best known for its varied body tattoos. During this time, each and every household is found to set up certain stalls for attracting the passing crowd. But, keep it in mind that there is no space for alcohol or even vegetarian food because Pushkar is of course a religious site where the above mentioned things are strictly prohibited.

Things to do in Pushkar :-

Pushkar Fair is really a grand event and therefore, you can indulge yourself in many a number of  exciting activities including Hot air ballooning, camel/horse riding, quad bike riding, safari trip at Sunset, shopping and even a sanctified bath in the Pushkar Lake as well.

  • Hot air ballooning: This activity is mainly for raising your adrenaline.
  • Horse / camel riding: Riding on camels and horse is the most popular attraction of visitors
  • Sunset safari trip: Watching camel carts swinging around the desert at sunset will really offer you a unique experience. Don’t forget to bring camera to capture those wonderful scenes.
  • Quad bike racing: Do you want to explore the nature of Thar Desert? If so, then you can do so on quad biking, which lasts from 15 minutes to 1 hour as per the wish of travelers.

How to reach :-

It is very easy to reach Pushkar from different parts of the country as it seems to be well connected and availability of different ways of transport for travel. Those who prefer to travel via roadways can reach Ajmer where you will able to get bus services on a regular basis. Ajmer also has a railway station just 11 Km from Pushkar. For people travelling through, Jaipur Sanganer airport is the nearest airport, which is 146 KM from Pushkar.

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Top Places To Visit In Pushkar :-

Top Places To Visit In Pushkar :-

Pushkar does not need any introduction for the glory, history and culture that it exhibits. One of the ancient cities of the country, located in Ajmer, it has been largely known for its religious significance as the city boasts of one of the very rare temples of Lord Brahma(Hindu god). The annual cattle fair, the holy lake, a handful of adventure activities, and endless emotions to capture on camera — Pushkar has it all for any avid traveler. Just before we introduce you to an exclusive list of places to visit in Pushkar, here are a few essentials.

Pushkar Lake :-

Rajasthan has a number of attractions that offers a great experience to the tourists. Rajasthan offers a lot of variety to tourists. Its tourist attractions range from desert to forts and palaces. The place also has a number of beautiful lakes and gardens. The lakes in particular manage to attract a lot of tourists. These lakes not only offer scenic beauty but also have a lot of spiritual significance. Hence, not only regular tourists, it also attracts a large number of devotees. The Pushkar Lake is one of the most visited tourist spots in Rajasthan. The fairs and festivals at this place will be an added attraction for the tourists. it is also regarded as one of the most important pilgrimage spot in Rajasthan. The lake especially experiences a high tourist count during the months of October-November as a cattle fair is held in this region. Thousands of tourists flock the place to witness the fair and take a holy dip in the lake. The practice of taking a dip in the waters of Pushkar Lake is regarded auspicious. Hence, a visit to the Pushkar Lake is a must during your tour to Rajasthan.

Brahma Temple Pushkar :-

Pushkar has as many as 400 temples in this region. Among the various temples, the Brahma temple is one of the most visited temples in Rajasthan. It is one of the most important pilgrimage spot to visit in Rajasthan. Brahma temple in Pushkar is truly a worthy visit. The temple is dedicated to Lord Brahma. The temple was built in the 14th century in close proximity to the Pushkar Lake. There are a number of features of the temple that will surely attract your attention. Features like the walls of the temple being wrapped up with silver coins reflect a great art work. There is also a great silver turtle on the floor. The splendid architecture of the temple is a major draw for the tourists. On visiting the temple, you will be able to know a lot about the Rajasthani architecture. The Brahma temple in Pushkar is the only temple in India that is dedicated Lord Brahma. Apart from this, the temple also has a number of other spiritual significance attached to it. There are also a number of beliefs attached to it. It is believed that the temple had been formed by an accident. It was the accidental fall of a lotus flower from the palms of Lord Brahma that created the temple. As the flower fell into the Pushkar valley, it created a lake that boasts divine beauty. This lake later became popular as the Pushkar Lake. The serene beauty of the place acts as a perfect place to host the beautiful Brahma temple.


Man Mahal :-

The Man Mahal Pushkar is one of the greatest palaces of Pushkar. Built as a guest house of Raja Man Singh I, the palace is one of the most attractive spot to visit in Pushkar. The Man Mahal Pushkar is a dream palace. It was built to serve the purpose of royal guest house for Raja Man Singh I. This palace was mostly used by the Raja during his trip to Pushkar. Though the palace had been converted in into a heritage hotel yet it boasts the various features of the royal era of Rajasthan. The hotel is currently run by the Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation. Located in the east of Sarovar, it is a must visit in Rajasthan. By visiting the Man Mahal, you will not only enjoy the beauty of the palace but also the breathtaking view of the lakes and temples around the lake. The palace is truly a splendid piece of architecture. However, if you are visiting the palace as a guest then you will be experience a different level of hospitality.

Apteshwar Temple Pushkar :-

Pushkar with a lot of tourist attractions perfectly suit the needs of the travelers. With tourist attractions ranging from lakes to temples, it manages to offer a lot to the tourists. The temples in Pushkar are in fact one of the most popular Rajasthan Tourist Attractions. The Apteshwar Temple positions itself as one of the most visited temples in Rajasthan. It offers a perfect blend of splendid architecture and spiritual importance thus attracting both tourists as well as devotees. The Apteshwar Temple was constructed in the 12th century. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is one of the most popular attractions in Pushkar. It demands a detailed look as the various features of the architecture of the temple. The magnificent architecture of the temple will surely mesmerize you with its beauty. In fact, while looking at the intricate work, you will be left wondering about the tremendous skill of the workers of that era.

Sarafa Bazar :-

Shopping for trinkets and handicrafts in Sarafa Bazar is one of the best things to do in Pushkar. Think Rajasthan and you get colors. The markets in Pushkar are a perfect ambassador of Rajasthani handicrafts, textile, jewellery and leather products. From trinkets to turban – the markets like Sarafa Bazar and Bada Bazar have it all that has been fascinating tourists from all across the globe. The embroidered Rajasthani clothes, wall hangings, handicrafts are something that one can’t afford to miss.

Pushkar Palace :-

Pushkar palace is one of the most acknowledged palaces in Rajasthan. The famous royal mansion is located 145 kilometers from the nearest airport and only 13 kilometers from the railway station. It is not far away from the bus stand either as it is only 0.5 kilometer away from the bus stand. The marvelous architecture of the palace provides you a picture of the Rajasthani architecture. Hence, tourists flock the palace in large numbers to get a detailed idea of the various features of the Rajasthani architecture. The palace is currently converted into a heritage hotel. However, the transformation had not plundered away any of its royal features. In fact, it has opened a great opportunity for tourists to get a real taste of royal hospitality. The beautiful rooms with tasteful décor are a pleasure for the guests. The beautiful lawns and lobby further takes you back to the royal era. However, even if are not a guest of the hotel, it will still be a worthy visit to witness the splendid palace.

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Top Must See Lakes in Rajasthan

 Lakes in Rajasthan :-

Undoubtedly, it’s the forts and palaces of Rajasthan that attracts the major number of tourists as they reflect the rich heritage and past coupled with the influence of modern lifestyle. But along with these elaborate heritage architectures, lakes also attracts some tourists attention. Such beautiful are the lakes that even Udaipur, a famous destination in Rajasthan, is called ‘City of Lakes’ and ‘Venice of the East.’ The country’s largest salt lake – Sambhar Salt Lake is situated in the located quite close to Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan. Also, these lakes of Rajasthan mark many mythological events too. Legends has it that the Pushkar Lake of Rajasthan appeared when Brahma dropped a lotus flower. The place is also famous for world’s few Brahma temples. Bundi, Udaipur, Pushkar, and Ajmer are some of the famous places of Rajasthan where lakes still dominate the landscape. Even the ruling kings have a played a crucial role in the development of Rajasthan’s lake network.


Ana Sagar Lake Ajmer :-

This manmade lake was built by Anaji Chauhan (grandfather of Prithviraj Chauhan) during 1135-1150 AD. On its bank is a pleasant park, the Daulat Bagh, containing a series of marble pavilions erected in 1637 by Shah Jahan. One can witness the beautiful sunset while boating on Ana Sagar lake. Sprawling across 13 km, the pond captures the picturesque beauty of Ajmer. but acts as a source of livelihood for all the local people of this city. Right in the middle of the lake is an island which can be reached by a motor boat. There are several attractions around the Ana Sagar lake which add to its charm.

Pushkar Lake :-

Pushkar Lake is considered as the holiest lake in India. This water reservoir is enclosed by 52 ghats (personal ghats for 52 Maharajas of India) and 500 temples. According to a Hindu mythology, this lake was created by the fallen petals of Lord Brahma’s lotus when he was destroying the demon Vajra Nabha. Lotus petals were struck at a particular place and water spurted from there giving it the shape of a pious. The charm of Pushkar Lake is also mentioned in some old books like Abhigyan Sakuntalam, Mahabharat and Ramayana. A dip in this holy water can purify one from all the sins, troubles and ailments. Sacred to the Hindus as well as the Sikhs, this lake has its mention in history since the 14th century.

Pichola Lake Udaipur :-

Coming to Udaipur, and missing a boat ride on this lake is like committing a crime. One of the oldest and the biggest lakes in Udaipur, Pichola lake is world famous for its picturesque beauty and scenic surrounding. Rudyard Kipling mentioned this lake in his Letters of Marque (1899), “If the Venetian, owned the Pichola Lake, he might say with justice, see it and die'”. One will fall in love with this lake the moment one sees it. There are many islands within this lake. The famous tourist destination of Udaipur, Jag Mandir is also a part of this lake. The pristine blue waters of the lake leave a soothing impact on the spectator. At the time of sun-set, a boat ride on this lake is sufficient to enthrall anyone.

Fateh Sagar Lake Udaipur :-

Considered as the pride of Udaipur, this artificial lake was constructed under the reign of Maharana in 1960. Boating on the blue water of the lake, which is overlooked by mountains from three sides, is an experience to remember. There is a garden amidst the lake i.e. Nehru Park, which is a lovely open space with a boat-shaped restaurant. Sprawling over 2.4 kms, Fateh Sagar lake is one of the places where travellers can enjoy the scenic beauty of Udaipur. The lake lies on the northwest of the main Udaipur city.

Gadsisar Lake Jaisalmer :-

Gadsisar Lake was a water conversation tank built in 1400 AD, and was constructed under the reign of Maharwal Gadsi Singh. If a traveller wants to enjoy bird watching on their tour to Jaisalmer, then Gadsisar lake is the right place to be. On the bank of Gadsisar lake one can see a gateway made of yellow sandstones known by the name of Tilon Ki Pol. A Krishna Temple is located by the side of the archway. An interesting fact about the lake is that it never dries as it gets continuous water supply from the Indira Gandhi Canal. One can enjoy a calm and smoothing boat ride on this lake. Gadsisar Lake is home to multiple variants of catfishes as well.

Kaylana Lake Jodhpur :-

Kalyana lake is an ideal site for all the bird watchers. It is an artificial lake, and was built in 1872. Spread over an area of 8 km, Kaylana lake is the best spot to witness the spectacular sunset. It is a perfect place to enjoy a day of leisure or indulge in some good time with family, and friends.

Magnificent fort in Rajasthan

Magnificent fort in Rajasthan

Bundi Fort – Bundi Taragarh Fort or ‘Star Fort’ is the most impressive of structures of city of Ajmer in Indian state of Rajasthan. A rather ramshackle fort, with its overgrown vegetation, It was constructed in 1354 upon a steep hillside. There are three gateways to the fort, well known as Lakshmi Pol, Phuta Darwaza and Gagudi ki Phatak. Most parts of these impressive gateways are now in ruins. During its heyday, Taragarh Fort was renowned for its tunnels crisscrossing the entire hillside. However, these tunnels are now inaccessible for want of proper maps. The largest of its battlements is the 16th century bastion known as the Bhim Burj, on which was once mounted a particularly large cannon called Garbh Gunjam, or ‘Thunder from the Womb’. This erstwhile Chauhan bastion has some huge water reservoirs. These reservoirs were built to store water and supply it to the residents during time of crisis. The reservoirs have been carved out of the rocky base of the fort. Rani Mahal is a small palace within the fort complex, built for the wives and concubines of rulers. The Mahal has, however lost most of its charm as the shine of its spectacular murals and stained glass windows have completely faded away. The fort also has Miran Saheb ki Dargah. He was the governor of the fort and laid down his life in an encounter, in 1210.

BhanGarh fort Alwar– The Bhangarh Fort  is a 17th-century fort built in the Rajasthan state of India. It was built by Man Singh I (one of the navratnas of Akbar’s court) for his younger brother Madho Singh I. It was named by Madho Singh after his grandfather Man Singh or Bhan Singh. The fort and its precincts are well preserved

The Bhangarh Fort is located on the border of the Sariska Reserve in the Aravali range of hills in Alwar district of Rajasthan.The nearest village is Golakabaas. The fort is situated at the foot of the hills on sloping terrain. The ruins of the King’s palace are located on the lower slope of the hills; trees surround the pond area and a natural stream falls into the pond within the premises of the palace.

The fort is located 235 kilometres  from Delhi and the approach to the entrance gate of the fort in the last 2 kilometres  stretch of the road is an unpaved road.The fort is 32 km from Thana Ghazi.


There are two legends related to the history of the fort city, which is reported to be haunted, and no one is allowed to remain in the precincts of the fort at night, per a notice board put up by the Archaeological Survey of India at the entrance.One version of the legend is that a sadhu named Baba Balau Nath lived within the fort area. It was his injunction that any houses built in the precincts of the fort should not be taller than his house, and if the shadow of any such house fell on his house, it would result in destruction of the fort town.

In another version, N.K. Sinhai, the wizard who was adept in black magic, fell in love with Ratnavati, the princess of Bhangarh, who was very beautiful, and had suitors to marry her from many royal families of the country. One day the princess, at 18 years of age, went shopping with her friends and was buying Ittar (scent). The wizard saw this and replaced the scent with a love potion in order to ensnare the princess. He offered the potion to her so that she would take a liking to him and marry him. However, the princess saw through the wizard’s trickery, and when he offered her the bowl of potion, she threw it onto a big boulder nearby. As a result, the boulder started rolling down towards the wizard and crushed him. Before he died, he made a curse that Bhangarh would be destroyed soon and no one would be able to live within its precincts. Subsequently, Bhangarh Fort was invaded by the Mughals from the north and the city was surrounded and sacked; 10,000 people lived in the fort city at that time. All the people in the fort, including the princess, were killed. The present state of the fort is attributed to the curse of the wizard and people believe the ghosts in the fort are those of the princess and the wizard.


Amber Fort Jaipur – Amer Fort -Amber Fort is a fort located in Amer, Rajasthan, India. Amer is a town with an area of 4 square kilometres  located 11 kilometres  from Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan. Located high on a hill, it is the principal tourist attraction in the Jaipur area. The town of Amer was originally built by Meenas, and later it was ruled by Raja Man Singh I (December 21, 1550 – July 6, 1614).

Amer Fort is known for its artistic Hindu style elements. With its large ramparts and series of gates and cobbled paths, the fort overlooks Maota Lake, which is the main source of water for the Amer Palace.

Constructed of red sandstone and marble, the attractive, opulent palace is laid out on four levels, each with a courtyard. It consists of the Diwan-i-Aam, or “Hall of Public Audience”, the Diwan-i-Khas, or “Hall of Private Audience”, the Sheesh Mahal (mirror palace), or Jai Mandir, and the Sukh Niwas where a cool climate is artificially created by winds that blow over a water cascade within the palace. Hence, the Amer Fort is also popularly known as the Amer Palace.[5] The palace was the residence of the Rajput Maharajas and their families. At the entrance to the palace near the fort’s Ganesh Gate, there is a temple dedicated to Shila Devi, a goddess of the Chaitanya cult, which was given to Raja Man Singh when he defeated the Raja of Jessore, Bengal in 1604.


This palace, along with Jaigarh Fort, is located immediately above on the Cheel ka Teela (Hill of Eagles) of the same Aravalli range of hills. The palace and Jaigarh Fort are considered one complex, as the two are connected by a subterranean passage. This passage was meant as an escape route in times of war to enable the royal family members and others in the Amer Fort to shift to the more redoubtable Jaigarh Fort.

Mehrangarh Fort Jodhpur – Rao Jodha, the chief of the Rathore clan, is credited with the origin of Jodhpur in India. He founded Jodhpur in 1459 (Jodhpur was previously known as Marwar). He was one of Ranmal’s 24 sons and became the fifteenth Rathore ruler. One year after his accession to the throne, Jodha decided to move his capital to the safer location of Jodhpur, as the one thousand years old Mandore fort was no longer considered to provide sufficient security.


With the trusted aid of Rao Nara (son of Rao Samra), the Mewar forces were subdued at Mandore. With that, Rao Jodha gave Rao Nara the title of Diwan. With the help of Rao Nara, the foundation of the fort was laid on 12 May 1459 by Jodha on a rocky hill 9 kilometres  to the south of Mandore. This hill was known as Bhakurcheeria, the mountain of birds. According to legend to build the fort he had to displace the hill’s sole human occupant, a hermit called Cheeria Nathji, the lord of birds. Upset at being forced to move Cheeria Nathji cursed Rao Jodha with “Jodha! May your citadel ever suffer a scarcity of water!”. Rao Jodha managed to appease the hermit by building a house and a temple in the fort very near the cave the hermit had used for meditation, though only to the extent that even today the area is plagued by a drought every 3 to 4 years. Jodha then took an extreme measure to ensure that the new site proved propitious; he buried a man called “Raja Ram Meghwal” alive in the foundations. “Raja Ram Meghwal” was promised that in return his family would be looked after by the Rathores. To this day his descendants still live in Raj Bagh, “Raja Ram Meghwal’s” Garden, an estate bequeathed them by Jodha.


Rao Jodha then invited the famous female hindu warrior sage of Charan caste, Shri Karni Mata, to lay down the foundation stone of the Mehrangarh Fort and the same was carried out by her. Today only the forts of Bikaner and Jodhpur remain in the hands of Rathors, both had their foundation stone laid by Shri Karni Mata. All other Rajput forts of Rajasthan were abandoned for some or the other reasons by the respective clans. Only the Rathors of Jodhpur and Bikaner have their forts with them till date. This fact is considered a miracle by the local population and is attributed to Shri Karni Mata.


Rao Jodha also granted villages of Mathania and Chopasni to the two Charan warlords who were sent by him to request Shri Karni Mata to come to Jodhpur.

Jaisalmer FortJaisalmer Fort is one of the largest fully preserved fortified cities in the world. It is situated in the city of Jaisalmer, in the Indian state of Rajasthan. It is a World Heritage Site. It was built in 1156 AD by the Rajput Rawal (ruler) Jaisal, from whom it derives its name. The fort stands amidst the sandy expanse of the great Thar Desert, on Trikuta Hill. Before the days of the British Raj, the fortress city served as a refuge and way-station for caravans and travelers along the Silk Road. Its ramparts served as the backdrop for many battles in past centuries when the Silk Road still served as one of the main trade routes between East and West.the fort’s massive yellow sandstone walls are a tawny lion colour during the day, fading to honey-gold as the sun sets, thereby camouflaging the fort in the yellow desert. For this reason, it is also known as the Sonar Quila or Golden Fort. The fort is located along the southern edge of the city that bears its name, and is perhaps one of the more striking monuments in the area, its dominant hilltop location making the sprawling towers of its fortifications visible for many miles around.

Ranthambhore fort -Ranthambore Fort lies within the Ranthambore National Park, near the town of Sawai Madhopur, the park being the former hunting grounds of the Maharajahs of Jaipur until the time of India’s Independence. It is a formidable fort having been a focal point of the historical developments of Rajasthan. The fort is known for the glory and valor of Hammir dev of the Chauhan dynasty.

The Ranthambore fort was built by a Chauhan Rajput ruler, although the exact name of the ruler is disputed. A widely held belief states that the fort was built the reign of Sapaldaksha, in 944 CE. Another theory states that the fort was built during the reign of Jayant, in 1110 CE. According to Government of Rajasthan’s Amber Development & Management Authority, it is likely that the construction started in the mid-10th century during the reign of Sapaldaksha, and continued a few centuries after that.

Chittorgarh Fort-The Chittor Fort or Chittorgarh is one of the largest forts in India. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The fort was the capital of Mewar and is today situated in the Chittorgarh town. It sprawls over a hill 180 m  in height spread over an area of 280 ha above the plains of the valley drained by the Berach River. The fort precinct has several historical palaces, gates, temples and two prominent commemoration towers. These monumental ruins have inspired the imagination of tourists and writers for centuries.


From 7th century, the fort was ruled by the Mewar Kingdom. In 1303, the Turkic ruler of Delhi, Alauddin Khalji defeated Rana Ratan Singh, in 1535 Bahadur Shah, the Sultan of Gujarat defeated Bikramjeet Singh and in 1567 Akbar defeated Maharana Udai Singh II who later founded Udaipur. Each time the men fought bravely rushing out of the fort walls charging the enemy but lost every time. Following these defeats, the women are said to have committed Jauhar or mass self-immolation. Thus, the fort represents the quintessence of tribute to the nationalism, courage, medieval chivalry and sacrifice exhibited by the Mewar rulers of Sisodia and their kinsmen and women and children, between the 7th and 16th centuries. The rulers, their soldiers, the women folk of royalty and the commoners considered death as a better option than dishonor in the face of surrender to the foreign invading armies.

Kumbhalgarh fort – Kumbhalgarh (“Kumbhal fort“) is a Mewar fortress on the westerly range of Aravalli Hills, in the Rajsamand district near Udaipur of Rajasthan state in western India. It is a World Heritage Site included in Hill Forts of Rajasthan. Built during the course of the 15th century by Rana Kumbha, Kumbhalgarh is also the birthplace of Maharana Pratap, the great king and warrior of Mewar. Occupied until the late 19th century, the fort is now open to the public and is spectacularly lit for a few minutes each evening. Kumbalgarh is situated 82 km northwest of Udaipur by road. It is the most important fort in Mewar after Chittaurgarh. With a wall over 38 km long, the fort is among the largest wall complex in the world, and the second largest fort in Rajasthan after Chittor Fort.

10 Unforgettable Places To Visit In Rajasthan

Rajasthan is the largest state of India, it is one of the most popular tourism destinations in India. This state has great tourism potential and enthralls tourists and vacationers with its awe-inspiring tourism options in the forms of culture, tradition, temples, art & architecture, history, forts & palaces, monument, havelis, wildlife sanctuaries & parks, rippling sand dunes, Thar Desert etc.

There are many fascinating travel destinations in the state which can be visited, explored and enjoyed on your travel and tours in this royal state of India.

Let’s have a look at top ten travel destination of Rajasthan tourism.

Jaipur :-

Jaipur is the capital of this state.  Jaipur is also the largest city in the princely state of Rajasthan.It was founded in 1727, by the Kachwaha Rajput Ruler Sawai Jaisingh II, who was the ruler of Amber. Jaipur is also known by the nickname ‘Pink City of India’ which is due to the distinctive saffron or pink color of the buildings of city. The planning of the city was done according to the Vedic Vastu Shastra (Indian architecture). The well planned streets and detailed and artistic architecture make it one of the top preferred tourist locations.

Forts, monuments, temples, Gardens, museums and vast market places of Jaipur bring tourists who come from all around the world to experience the food, fun and frolic at this wonderful town. Jaipur is also home to a huge no. of arts and craft with over 20 unique specializations. Jaipur is the state capital city and very popular tourist destination in India. Worth visit attractions in Jaipur city are                                         Amber Fort, City Palace, Albert Hall Museum, Hawa Mahal, Jantar Mantar, Jaigarh Fort, Nahargarh Fort and Heritage Hotels And much more places to visit


Udaipur: –

Udaipur is also known as the City of Lakes. The city was the capital of the Sisodiya Rajputs of Mewar and it was founded in 1553 by the Sisodiya Rajput Ruler Maharana Udai Singh II. The Mewar Rajputs founded the city to relocate their capital from Chittor to a more secure location.

Udaipur city is known for its elegant palaces, forts, and lovely lakes. It is one of the most beautiful and romantic cities in India. Key attractions of tourist interest in the city are City Palace, Jagdish Temple, Lake Palace, Pichola Lake, Fateh Prakash Palace, Monsoon Palace, Fateh Sagar Lake, Udai Sagar Lake, Eklingji Temple, Nagda Temple, etc.

While in a few texts, it has been termed as the Venice of the East. Today, most of the palaces have been converted into hotels, thus attracting a huge no. of tourist crowd to this city.

Jodhpur: –

Jodhpur is also the second most populated city of Rajasthan after Jaipur. The city was founded in 1459 by the Rathore Rajput Ruler, Rao Jodha Singh of Marwar. The city was founded as Marwar’s new capital after the fall of the former capital of Mandore. Jodhpur is also called the Sun City as it enjoys a bright sunny weather all year round. Strategically, it is considered to be the most important city of western Rajasthan

Jodhpur is an important tourist destination as well. Jodhpur has been listed many a times in various tourism magazines and documentaries and has topped the lonely planet’s list of most extraordinary place to stay in 2014. The various hill forts, palaces and the old walled city are just a handful of attractions from the multitude that this wonderful city has to offer.

Jodhpur is also known as the Blue City of India, Jodhpur is the second largest city in the state. It is a wonderful tourist place to be visited on Rajasthan travels and tours with attractions like mammoth Mehrangarh Fort, Jaswant Thada Memorial, Umaid Bhawan Palace, Mandore Gardens and many heritage hotels.


Jaisalmer: –

Jaisalmer is also known as the Golden City of India The aptly named “golden city”, which comes from its view during the day, the city of Jaisalmer lies in the heart of the Thar Desert. The city was founded by The Bhati Rajput ruler Maharawal Jaisal Singh in 1156 Ad. The city gets its name from the golden sands of the Thar Desert and the same golden colored sandstone used in the city’s architecture. The city is a famous tourist spot due to its magnificent architecture and the various arts and crafts which are unique to this region.

The city thrives on tourism, and can be called a home away from home for a huge no. of tourists from all around the world. Key attractions of tourist interest in the city are Its Golden Fort, Jain Temples, Havelis and an exciting trip to rippling sand dunes of vast Thar Desert.

The unique feature about the city of Jaisalmer is its architecture. It was built as a walled city which makes it one of the largest living forts in the world. The fort has numerous eateries that offer Italian, French and local cuisines. Visit during the months of November and December and you will enjoy this castle city to its fullest


Bikaner :- 

Bikaner is also known as the Camel City, Bikaner is a wonderful tourist place to visit in Rajasthan. It holds a prime position in boosting tourism in Rajasthan with major attractions like Junagarh Fort, Lalgarh Palace, Havelis, and sand dunes.

The city of Bikaner was founded in 1488 by the Rathore Rajput Ruler Rao Bika. Rao Bika was the son of the Rathore Ruler Rao Jodha who founded Jodhpur.     The place is known for its forts and food. The various arts and crafts of this place are also unique, especially the intricately carved windowpanes called jharokhas.  It is one town we would personally recommend for you to visit if you want to experience the authentic taste of rajasthani cuisines. The various fairs held in Bikaner also attract a huge no. of visitors from all around India and the world.

Bikaner is a wonderful tourist place to visit in Rajasthan. It holds a prime position in boosting tourism in Rajasthan with major attractions like Junagarh Fort, Lalgarh Palace, Havelis, sand dunes And  the famous temples like Karni Mata and Laxmi Nath Temple etc.


Pushkar: –

Pushkar is a holy city in Rajasthan. It is one of the most sacred cities in India with lots of attractions like Lord Brahma Temple, Gayatri Temple, Savitri Temple, , Pushkar Palace, Rose Gardens, Pushkar Ghats, etc.

Lying in the Ajmer District of Rajasthan, the holy City of Pushkar is often described as the king of pilgrimage sites in India. The town is located at the shores of the Pushkar Lake, which was created by the tears of Lord Shiva. The town is famous for its temples and various Ghats which are frequented by hundreds of visitors during the annual bath.


Chittorgarh :–

The ancient city of Chittorgarh also known as Chittor, was said to have been founded by the Maurya Dynasty. However its significance rose when the Ruler of the Sisodiya Rajput Clan of Mewar captured the city in 734 Ad and made it the capital of Mewar. The place is known to be the birthplace of many great warriors and historical figures like the Great Maharana Pratap and the Hindu saint, Meera Bai.

One of the major places to visit in Chittorgarh is the Chittorgarh fort, which is the largest fort in India. The fort was founded in the 7th century by the 1st Sisodiya Rajput Ruler Bappa Rawal and spreads over an area of 2.8 sq kilometers and its highest elevation point is 1,075 meters above sea level. The fort complex itself contains several palaces, gardens and temples most of which have a great historical significance.

Mount Abu:-

               The place takes pride of it being the only hill station in the desert state of Rajasthan. Mount Abu is situated in the Aravalli mountain range and is a part of the Sirohi District of Rajasthan. Mount Abu was known as the Arbuda Mountain, which has been mentioned in the Hindu Epic Mahabharata and is known for to be the place where the Great Sage Vashishta retired. The hill station houses many ancient sites and temples which are frequented by many pilgrims from across India along with many forts and lakes.

The Mount Abu Wildlife Sanctuary, Trevor’s Crocodile Park, Nakki Lake, the most Famous Dilwara Jain temples, and the  Achalgarh Fort which was built in the 17th century is  the major attraction of city to visit

f natural Fauna has brought this place in this list. Major Attreaction Of city Are The Haunted Bhangarh Fort, The Karni Mata Temple, the Historic site of Pandupole, and the Sariska Tiger Reserve.  These destinations are very popular among tourists and vacationers from all over the world and various Rajasthan tour operators as well. You will surly love to visit, explore and enjoy these deserving tourist places of Rajasthan, the Royal State of India.

Famous Fair and Festivals in Rajasthan


Pushkar fair:

The sprawling annual festivities of the 100 year old Pushkar Mela through its dramatic collage of diversified pictures, mirrors the vibrancy of the gracious state of Rajasthan. It is celebrated for five days from the Kartik ekadashi to Kartik Poornima, the full moon day of Kartik (October–November) in Hindu calendar.


Desert festival Jaisalmer :

Here you can discover lovely, beautiful and well-known place of Rajasthan where you can experience desert festival. The desert festival of Jaisalmer held each year in the month of February as the locals from in and around Jaisalmer city and its villages come together to mark the starting of desert Festival. Here, the visitors can get experience open air, acrobatics, folk dance performances by local artist, puppet shows, and kiosks painted with the different colors of joy and snake enchanter. Also you can enjoy many presentation and play such as Ghair and Ghoomar balls, The animated Camp Fire, colorful Swirling Skirts and tie and dye Duppatas or Chunnies with ample of folk music with desert kiosks and decorated camels.

Kite festival:

Kite festival of Jaipur is observed on the day of Makar Sankranti or Uttarayan. Celebrated on 14th of January to mark the transition of the sun from dhanu rashi (Sagittarius) to makara rashi (Capricorn), the day is considered auspicious. It is said that Uttarayan or northward journey of the sun begins on the day of Makar Sankranti. A prominent one out of the festivals of Rajasthan is the Kite Festival. Certainly, it’s a festival that is unique in its own way. The colourful kites hovering over whole of Rajasthan brighten up the skies. This festival is largely celebrated in Jaipur and Jodhpur. The kites-with-lights flown add to the fancy of the festival. If you like kite flying, this is the festival for you.

Nagaur Fair:

Nagaur Fair is the second biggest fair in India. The fair goes on for eight days. NagaurFair, Rajasthan is held every year during the month of Jan-Feb.  It is popularly known as the Cattle fair of Nagaur. This is because the Nagaur Fair is mainly all about trading of animals. Approximately 70,000 bullocks, camels and horses are traded every year in this fair. The animals lavishly decorated and even their owners dress up wearing colorful turbans and long moustaches.

Camel Festival Bikaner:

The BikanerCamel Festival is organized in the beautiful city of Bikaner, Rajasthan by the state’s Tourism Department. The desert town of Bikaner is located in the Northern part of Rajasthan. The festival is organized every year in the month of January or late December to emphasize the value of ship of the desert – “Camel”. The two day festival is marked by different interesting activities. This
festival starts off with a magnificent procession of bedecked camels against the red sandstone backdrop of the Junagarh Fort (1588-1593) in the town.

Baneshwar Fair Baneshwar:

BaneshwarFair is a five days event starting from Shukla ekadeshi of Magh month, as per the Hindu calendar. This is the unique and biggest tribal fair of the country that attracts lakhs of devotees. This fair is annually held in Dungarpur, Rajasthan. The name Baneshwar is derived from the holy Shiva Linga located in the Shiv temple in Dungarpur. ‘Baneshwar’ in the local language Vagdi means ‘master of delta’. The fair is organised at the delta formed by rivers- Mahi and Som. The fair continues till Shukla Purnima of Magh. Baneshwar is situated 24 kms away from Aspur, which is in the Dungarpur district.

Gangaur Festival:

Gangaur is one of the most vivid festivals rejoiced with great enthusiasm and happiness all over the Indian state of Rajasthan. In the word Gangaur, ‘Gan’ is the synonym for Lord Shiva whereas ‘Gaur’ stands for Gauri or Goddess Parvati. But mainly, this festival is held in the honors of Goddess Parvati as she is regarded as the epitome of marital love, strength, courage, power and excellence. During the festivities, married women worship Goddess Parvati for the long life, well being and wealth of their husbands while the girls pray for getting a smart and an understanding life partner.


Elephant Festival:

The ElephantFestival is an annual festival which is held every year in the Pink City, Jaipur. This matchless event is organized on the full moon day of Phalgun Purnima which falls in the month of February/March. The Elephant-headed God, Ganesha, believed to be the remover of obstacles and foremost to all the gods, is revered and devotedly worshipped in all the parts of India. its venue got
changed in 2011 and has been shifted to Jaipur Polo Ground which is opposite to the Sawai Mansingh Stadium.

Urs Ajmer Sharif, Ajmer:

The DargahSharif Ajmer, located at the foot of a barren hill, is the place where the Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti mortal remains lie buried. The Dargah (tomb) with a marble dome is situated in the center of a courtyard and is surrounded by a silver platform. It’s believed that the shrine is a place of wish fulfillment for those who pray with devout and pure hearts. People of all religious faiths visit the Dargah and make offerings of rose and jasmine flowers to seek the blessings of the Khawaja.

Teej Festival:

festival is Teej, which falls in the monsoon months of July-August. On this occasion, married women pray to Lord Shiva and Parvati to bless them with happy and long married life. Celebrated in and around Rajasthan this festival of swings welcomes monsoon.


Dussehra Festival:

Dussehra is the beloved festival that is celebrated almost all over India but Dussehra in Kota certainly sets it apart with 75 feet tall effigies of the demons Ravana, Kumbhakarana and Meghnath that are burnt here on Dussehra day. Villagers dress themselves in colorful dresses and offer prayers to Lord Rama. There is a dazzling procession that mesmerizes the onlookers that come here from the surrounding villages and provide a ripe opportunity for the traders to display their wares. Cultural Programmers are organized and one can see the scintillating performances by the prominent artistes who come here from all over the country.