Category Archives: Top Attractions

Attrazioni popolari del Rajasthan

Rajasthan Attrazioni popolari
Jeep Safari Rajasthan : –
Una variante più recente ed entusiasmante del safari sui cammelli è quella dei cavalli safri, i Rajputs, dove nacquero i reders a cavallo, e la tradizione fu fortemente coinvolta nel medioevo quando la cavalleria formò uno dei più importanti fianchi degli eserciti del deserto , Case speciali sono state allevate alle thikanas o alle case aristocratiche del

Thakurs che servivano i loro re quali eserciti di cavalieri. Il cavallo Marwari è una specie indigena, agile e robusta e tra i notabili delle razze del mondo, inoltre, i cavalli Kathiawadi e Sindhi sono anche abili nel percorrere la campagna nel deserto. A seconda del lato del gruppo, il branco di cavalleria può spostarsi rapidamente o nel tempo libero, spostandosi dalla vicinanza di un vecchio forte all’altro, C’è ulteriore eccitazione nel fatto che il percorso in cui ci si trova potrebbe essere stato proprio quello in cui l’antico gli eserciti una volta cavalcarono e si accamparono.
Camel Safari Rajasthan : –
Il Rajasthan ti invita a provare l’avventura di un Camel Safari, che ti porta attraverso le sabbie dorate del vasto. Deserto del Thar Come i safari a cavallo, anche i safari sui cammelli sono popolari in Rajasthan. Il cammello, popolarmente conosciuto come la nave del deserto, non è solo comune nel deserto del Thar, ma è anche l’unico mezzo di trasporto nelle aree remote. Il safari è organizzato per portarne uno attraverso le sabbie dorate del vasto deserto del Thar e delle campagne selvagge, consentendo di vivere i giorni passati quando il tempo scorreva ad un ritmo lento. Il paesaggio ondulato della sabbia e arbusto coperto è di una bellezza mozzafiato e la gamma di flora e fauna sorprendentemente grande per una zona desertica.

Gli allevatori di cammelli o Raika sono le migliori guide. Conoscono ogni pascolo, pozza d’acqua e villaggio della regione. Si può andare a cavallo o passeggiare tranquillamente con il safari e godersi il deserti-capo.
Campeggio sulle dune di sabbia : –
Camping in Rajasthan – Scopri la tranquillità del deserto Fai un tour in campeggio del Rajasthan e scopri la vera essenza dell’India nei suoi remoti interni, lontano dal pandemonio delle città e delle città commercializzate. Desert Camping è davvero un’esperienza indimenticabile a Jaisalmer. tour a Sam Sand Dunes ad una distanza di 42 km dal centro della città.

Ricreando l’era del passato dell’ottavo e dodicesimo secolo, queste spedizioni in campeggio portano l’esterno vivo e al coperto idilliaco, anche se con stile. Queste tende moderne sono uguali agli hotel a cinque stelle, quindi assicuratevi del servizio specializzato e dei ricordi da conservare per tutta la vita.
Fiera del Cammello di Pushkar : –
Eccitazione, allegria e uno spiccato senso di competizione riempiono l’aria mentre inizia il lungo viaggio verso Pushkar. L’unico tempio dedicato a Lord Brahma (il creatore) si trova a Pushkar. Il lago Pushkar è circondato da 52 rampe di scale chiamate ghats. La leggenda narra che il Signore Vishnu apparve al Varah Ghat nella forma di un cinghiale. Brahma fece il bagno qui ed eseguì lo yagna al Brahma Ghat accompagnato da Vishnu e Mahadev. Le ceneri del Mahatma Gandhi (padre della nazione) erano immerse nel Gandhi Ghat.

Pushkar è tra i cinque principali luoghi di pellegrinaggio indù. La gente considera l’acqua del lago di Pushkar molto sacra e si crede che il rituale di immergersi nell’acqua santa doni la salvezza.
Parco nazionale di Ranthambore : –
Jungle Safari è il modo migliore per esplorare le foreste di Ranthambore. Safari è un’avventura che prende qualsiasi avventuriero a cui piace esplorare i sentieri inesplorati e gli orizzonti naturali incontaminati del deserto o della campagna o delle foreste. Uno di questi safari è il safari nella giungla.
Può anche essere definito come una pista forestale, tranne che, invece di camminare, fare escursioni o trekking, hai anche la possibilità di esplorare le regioni forestali attraverso una jeep o un elefante o anche a cavallo. Il safari nella giungla non implica solo l’esplorazione delle giungle di una particolare regione. Le opzioni possono coinvolgere parchi nazionali e riserve naturali e riserve protettive. E puoi anche optare per il campeggio selvaggio e anche per le passeggiate nella natura. Tutto sommato salutare Madre Natura nel miglior modo possibile.

Matrimoni in Rajasthan : –
Le nozze sono speciali non solo per due persone che saranno unite ma per due famiglie. È così celebrato con tanta partecipazione da parte della famiglia e di un amico. Bridges attraversa la vecchia casa ed entra in quella nuova e significa anche una nuova vita, nuova famiglia e amici. La stanza inizia la vita fresca con nuova speranza, vigore e aspetta nuovi brillanti futuro insieme a un nuovo compagno. È iniziato quando il ragazzo viene proposto dai genitori della ragazza e chiedono il suo Jamanpatri (oroscopo) su 36 cannoni (qualità) del futuro ponte e lo sposo di almeno 24 dovrebbe corrispondere. Ciò avviene quando l’avvicinamento reciproco, la famiglia della ragazza, invia i suoi Jamampatri con Sathiaa gialla (marchio da scudieri) nella casa dello sposo.

Per consolidare e relazionarsi al ragazzo viene data una moneta d’argento, cocco e applicato un ’tilak (segno di buon auspicio punto rosso) Questa usanza è conosciuta come roka o godh.

Rajasthan Autonoleggio
Pacchetti turistici del Rajasthan
Turismo del Rajasthan


Popular Attractions Of Rajasthan

Rajasthan Popular Attractions
Jeep Safari Rajasthan :-
A more recent, and exciting, variation of the camel safari is the horse safri, The Rajputs where born to be horseback reders, and the tradition wsas strongly engorced in the medieval ages when the cavalry formed one of the most important flanks of the desert armies, Special houses were bred at the thikanas or aristocratic homes of the

Thakurs who served their kings which armies of horsemen. The Marwari horse is an indigenous species, hardy agile and among the notables in worlds breeds, In addition, the Kathiawadi and Sindhi horses are also adept at traversing the desert countryside. Depending on the side of the group, the pack of cavalry can move swiftly or at leisure, moving form the vicinity of one old fort to another, There is additional excitement it that the route you stay in may have been those very ones where the ancient armies once rode and camped.
Camel Safari Rajasthan :-
Rajasthan invites you to feel the adventure of a Camel Safari, which takes you through the golden sands of the vast. Thar desert. Like horse safaris, camel safaris are also popular in Rajasthan. The camel, popularly known as the ship of the desert, is not only common in the Thar desert, but also the only means of transportation in remote areas. The safari is organised to take one through the golden sands of the vast Thar desert and untamed countryside, enabling one to experience the days gone by when time drifted at a leisurely pace. The rolling landscape of the sand & shrub covered area is breathtakingly beautiful and the range of flora and fauna surprisingly large for a desert area.

The camel breeders or Raika are the best guides. They know every pasture, waterhole and village of the region. One can ride or walk along leisurely with the safari and enjoy the deserts-cape.
Camping on sand Dunes :-
Camping in Rajasthan – Discover the tranquillity of desert Take a camping tour of Rajasthan and discover the real essence of India in its remote interiors, away from the pandemonium of the commercialised towns and cities. Desert Camping is indeed a lifetime experience in Jaisalmer. tour to Sam Sand Dunes at a distance of 42 km from the city centre.

Recreating the past era of the 8th and 12th century, these camping expeditions bring the outdoors alive and indoors idyllic, albeit in style. These modern tents are equal to the five star hotels so be sure regarding the specialized service along with memories to treasure lifelong.
Pushkar Camel Fair :-
Excitement, gaiety and a keen sense of competition fill the air as the long journey to Pushkar begins. The only temple dedicated to Lord Brahma (the creator) is located at Pushkar. The Pushkar lake is surrounded by 52 flights of steps called ghats. Legend has it that Lord Vishnu appeared at the Varah ghat in the form of a boar. Brahma took a bath here and performed yagna at the Brahma Ghat accompanied by Vishnu & Mahadev. The ashes of Mahatma Gandhi (Father of the Nation) were immersed at the Gandhi ghat.

Pushkar is among the five principal places of Hindu pilgrimage. People consider the water of the Pushkar lake to be very sacred and the ritual of taking dips in the holy water IS believed to bestow salvation.
Ranthambore national park :-
Jungle Safari is the best way to explore the forests of Ranthambore. Safari is an adventure that takes any adventurer who likes to explore the unexplored trails and unspoilt natural horizons of desert or country side or forests. One such safari is Jungle safari.

It can also be defined as a forest trail, except that instead of walking, hiking or trekking, you have also got the options of exploring the forest regions via a jeep or an elephant or even on a horse. Jungle safari not just involves exploring the jungles of a particular region. The options can involve national parks and wildlife sanctuaries as well as protective reserves. And you can also opt for wild camping as well as nature walks too. All in all saying hello to Mother Nature in the best possible ways.
Weddings in Rajasthan :-
Wedding are special not only for two people who will be united but for two families. It is such celebrated with lots of participation of family & friend’s .Bridge cross the old home and enters the new one and also signifies a new life, new family, and friends.Groom start life fresh with new hope, vigour and wait for new bright future along with a new companion. It is started when the boy is proposed by the girl’s parents and they ask for his Jamanpatri (Horoscope) out of 36 Guns (qualities) of the prospective bridge and groom at least 24 should match. This is done when both the approach of each other, the girl’s family sends her Jamampatri with yellow Sathiaa (squire mark) on into the groom’s house.

To consolidate and relationship the boy is given a silver coin, coconut and applied a ‘tilak (red dot auspious mark )This custom is known as roka or godh .Once the engagement is fixed the ceremony of tikka is performed by the both families. In India nothing auspicious is done invoking Ganeshji’s Blessings. The first invitation card is sent to him for it is believed that he will protect all from evil.
Ethnic Village Visit :-
A majority of population in Rajasthan reside in villages. The rural vistas have a lot to offer to the visitors. Being the origin of the famous folk arts and crafts of the state, the rural settings are home to the most warm-hearted people and peaceful surrounding. Away from the hustle bustle of cities, rural life is the best way to re-energize you amongst people that derive their energy from their own close knit and very generous society.

The peaceful surroundings not only present a view of the very different lifestyle but also offer the most sumptuous cuisine along with some dazzling attires and numerous celebrations. Staying with the villagers in their mud houses and spending a day or two with them will bring you across a way of life so peaceful and content that you may never want to leave. The serene surroundings not only provide a view of the very different lifestyle but also offer the most sumptuous cuisine along with some dazzling attires and innumerable festivities

Rajasthan Budget Tour Packages 

Rajasthan Heritage Tour Packages 

Rajasthan Luxury Tour Packages 

Rajasthan Car Rental 



Mystic Forts To See In Rajasthan

Top Historical Forts To See In Rajasthan :-


Amber Fort Jaipur :-

Located on the foot of the Aravalli range and overlooking the Maota Lake, the Amber (Amer) Fort is famed for its artistic craftsmanship that is laid on a four level layout. It is one of the best places to visit in Jaipur and is a fine example of red sandstone and marble architecture comprising the Hall of Public Audience, Hall of Private Audience, Sheesh Mahal and Sukh Niwas. Built in the 16th century by Raja Man Singh I, the Amber Fort within its ramparts holds a rich blend of Hindu elements including several gates and cobbled paths and the Sheela Mata Temple. Today the Amber Fort arrests the mind of millions of travellers from all over the world and the major tourist attraction remains the light and sound show that is held at Kesar Kyari inside Amber Fort every evening. Another mind-blogging display that you shouldn’t miss is when the fort is drenched in honey-gold at sundown.

Taragarh Fort Bundi :-

Overlooking the city of Bundi, this impressive structure stands tall on a steep hillside. Built in 1354 with three gateways – Lakshmi Pol, Phuta Darwaza and Gagudi Ki Phatak – which are mostly in ruins today, the Taragarh Fort… though it has lost much of its sheen with time, it still continues to amaze the tourists with a rich diorama of the erstwhile Chauhan dynasty. The fort was crafted with an excellent network of tunnels crisscrossing the entire hill side but it is inaccessible to tourists for want of proper maps. The fort comprises huge water reservoirs, a small palace with some marvelous murals and stained glass and a tomb that is known as “Miran Saheb Ki Dargah”.

Junagarh Fort Bikaner :-

One of the prominent landmarks in the heart of Bikaner city, the Junagarh Fort is an outstanding example of art, architecture and culture. The composite structure with several palaces, temples and mansions holds a fusion of Mughal, British and Rajasthani style of architecture. Within the baronial fort walls lies the ruins of the old stone fort that was built in 1478 by Maharaja Rao Bika, one of the Rathore clans. The construction of the Junagarh Fort was started in 1589 and was completed in 1594. The most impressive being the Phool Mahal, which is the oldest part of the fort.  Some other elegant architectural work are reflected from the Har Mandir, Karan Pol, Suraj Pol, Chand Pol and Fateh Pol. The intricately carved Jain temples and havelis within the rampart are the other tourist attractions in Bikaner.

Jaisalmer Fort (Sonar Quilla) Jaisalmer :-

Built in the mid of 12th century by Rawal Jaisal, the massive fortification overlooking the Jaisalmer city amid the Thar Desert is one of the largest fortifications in the world. The Jaisalmer Fort, which is often dubbed as Sonar Quila, is a yellow sandstone architecture that is rimmed with 3 layers of walls and maintains 99 bastions, two major cannon points and several architectural structures including the Royal Palace, four massive gateways, merchant havelis and temples belonging to both the Hindu and Jain religion. The Shree Nath Palace and Vyas Haveli are some of the popular tourist attractions inside the Jaisalmer Fort. There is also a museum that exhibits a fine collection of armours, portraits and paintings dilating the heroic period of the Rajput clans. At the entrance of the fort there is a small market where you can shop some Rajasthani traditional attires. The amazing view of the Jaisalmer City from the canon points and horizon at the sunset are major tourist attractions.

Mehrangarh Fort Jodhpur :-

The Mehrangarh Fort is one of the important historical sites in India which has witnessed several battles against the Jaipur and Bikaner army. The foundation stone of this imposing fort was laid atop a hill by the Rathore ruler Rao Jodha with the help of Rao Nara in 1459. Later it was extended by Jaswant Singh, who ruled between 1638 and 78. The fort is ramped up with a series of seven gates including Jayapol which commemorates the victories over Jaipur and Bikaner armies; Fattehpol which marks the defeat of the Mughals; Dedh Kamgra Pol; and Loha Pol hold an important place in the history of Rajasthan, Within the fort complex you will also come across some of the best palaces of Rajasthan – Moti Mahal, Phool Mahal, Sheesha Mahal, Sileh Khana and Daulat Khana which are notable for having exquisite architectural works with intricate carvings and expansive courtyards. Most of these palaces today together comprise a museum that displays a vast collection of palanquins, howdahs, royal cradles, miniatures, musical instruments, costumes and furniture.

Chittaur Fort Chittaurgarh :-

One of the oldest forts in Rajasthan that was built in the 7th century during the Mauryan period… the Chittaur Fort is yet another magnificent architecture that arrests the eyes of travellers from all over the world. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in India that is ramped up on a hilltop spreading over an area of 692 acres and unfolds the chivalrous history of the Mewar rulers of Sisodia. The Chittaur Fort has been witness to several battles, of which the Mewar Kings against Allauddin Khilji in 1303, Rana Sanga against Mughal Emperor Babur in 1527, Bikramjeet Singh against Bahadur Shah in 1535, and Maharana Udai Singh II against the Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1567 (final siege) holds an important place in the royal history of Rajasthan. The fort complex comprises approximately 65 historic structures.

Rajasthan Fort And Palace Tour 

Rajasthan Heritage Tour Packages 

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Rajasthan Tourism 



Khajuraho : World Heritage Sites

The Khajuraho Group of Monuments is a group of Hindu and Jain temples in Madhya Pradesh, India, about 175 kilometres (109 mi) southeast of Jhansi. They are one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India. The temples are famous for their nagara-style architectural symbolism and their erotic sculptures.

Most Khajuraho temples were built between 950 and 1050 by the Chandela dynasty. Historical records note that the Khajuraho temple site had 85 temples by the 12th century, spread over 20 square kilometers Of these, only about 25 temples have survived, spread over 6 square kilometers. Of the various surviving temples, the Kandariya Mahadeva Temple is decorated with a profusion of sculptures with intricate details, symbolism and expressiveness of ancient Indian art.

The Khajuraho group of temples were built together but were dedicated to two religions, Hinduism and Jainism, suggesting a tradition of acceptance and respect for diverse religious views among Hindus and Jains in the region

The Khajuraho monuments are located in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, in Chhatarpur district, about 620 kilometres (385 mi) southeast of New Delhi. The temples are near a small town also known as Khajuraho, with a population of about 20,000 people

Khajuraho is served by Civil Aerodrome Khajuraho with services to Delhi, Agra, Varanasi and Mumbai. The site is also linked by the Indian Railways service, with the railway station located approximately six kilometers from the entrance to the monuments .

The monuments are about 10 kilometers off the east-west National Highway 75, and about 50 kilometres from the city of Chhatarpur, which is connected to the state capital Bhopal by the SW-NE running National Highway 86.

The Khajuraho group of monuments was built during the rule of the Chandela dynasty. The building activity started almost immediately after the rise of their power, throughout their kingdom to be later known as Bundelkhand Most temples were built during the reigns of the Hindu kings Yashovarman and Dhanga. Yashovarman’s legacy is best exhibited by The Lakshmana Temple. Vishvanatha temple best highlights King Dhanga’s reign.22 The largest and currently most famous surviving temple is Kandariya Mahadeva built in the reign of King Vidyadhara. The temple inscriptions suggest many of the currently surviving temples were complete between 970 and 1030 CE, with further temples completed during the following decades.

The Khajuraho temples were built about 35 miles from the medieval city of Mahoba,the capital of the Chandela dynasty, in the Kalinjar region. In ancient and medieval literature, their kingdom has been referred to as Jijhoti, Jejahoti, Chih-chi-to and Jejakabhukti.

v was mentioned by Abu Rihan-al-Biruni, the Persian historian who accompanied Mahmud of Ghazni in his raid of Kalinjar in 1022 CE; he mentions Khajuraho as the capital of Jajahuti.The raid was unsuccessful, and a peace accord was reached when the Hindu king agreed to pay a ransom to Mahmud of Ghazni to end the attack and leave.

Khajuraho temples were in active use through the end of the 12th century. This changed in the 13th century; after the army of Delhi Sultanate, under the command of the Muslim Sultan Qutb-ud-din Aibak, attacked and seized the Chandela kingdom. About a century later, Ibn Battuta, the Moroccan traveller in his memoirs about his stay in India from 1335 to 1342 CE, mentioned visiting Khajuraho temples, calling them “Kajarra”

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Taj Mahal Agra : Seventh Wonder Of World

Taj Mahal :-

One of the Seven Wonders of the World, Taj Mahal is showpiece architecture of fine Mughal craftsmanship. It was built under the aegis of Shah Jahan as a memorial for his beloved wife Arjumand Bano Begum. Her body is enshrined in the tomb at the Taj Mahal. The designs of this structure incorporate Persian and Mughal architecture.

The highlight of the structure is the tomb which is a large structure made completely of marble. There is a dome made of marble that surmounts this region. It is spectacularly designed. The exterior decorations are as impressive as the interiors and are consistent with the surface area and the proportionality of the designs is meticulously planned and executed. Paint was the chief constituent for the decorations. In accordance with the Islamic doctrine prohibition, there are no anthropomorphic forms anywhere in the design scheme. There are multiple verses from the Qur’an used inside the complex. The interior chamber is impressively decorated with precious and semiprecious gemstones. Geometrically shaped as an octagon, this space has multiple entry points. After you have visited the interiors, experience the salubrious gardens of the Taj Mahal when on a tour of places to see in Agra. The complex is surrounded by well-kept gardens and there is a marble water tank in the middle. You can find neatly lined avenues of trees. There are plenty of fountains that are lined in order as well. Located in Agra, the magnificent monument is open from sunrise to sunset and closed to the public on Fridays. The mosque inside the Taj is open for prayers though. Visiting this place is a beautiful and romantic experience.

There Are Some More Famous Must See Monuments In Agra . Here Are Some ,,,,,

Agra Fort :-

Also called the Red Fort, this structure dates back to the 16th century. It is situated near the gardens of the Taj Mahal. Made of red sandstone, Agra Fort has walls that surround for at least two kilometers and more. Inside are many splendid palaces such as Jahangir Palace and Khas Palace. It is over here that you will find the grand hall of audiences called Diwan-i-Khas. Also on location are a couple of magnificent mosques. The Red Fort, like the Taj Mahal, is an ode to the rich legacy of the Mughals. These structures indicate the glorious past that existed during the medieval period, and must form part of any itinerary of places to visit in Agra. The Agra Fort was built in 1565 under the aegis of Akbar. Situated on the right bank of the Yamuna River, this fort and the Taj form a unity of monuments.

Both structures complement each other given that they are in the same vicinity. You can enter the fort through the Delhi or Amar Singh Gates. The bigger entrance is the former. As you go in the fort complex through the Delhi gate, you approach the inner portal. Also called the Hathi Pol this entrance is a magnificent one. Inside the tower you would be amazed at the Muhammam Burj which is an octagonal spire. The Shish Mahal is in this complex where you see some splendid reception rooms. The complex is beautifully constructed and palatial. The two mosques within this mosque are built of white marble. The Moti Masjid and Nagina Masjid are the two mosques that leave you spellbound with their structural beauty. These mosques were built under the aegis of Aurangzeb. The whole complex has intricate carvings and most structures inside are made of pure marble. The influence of Indo-Muslim art is strong in these surroundings.


Mehtab Bagh :

This is a garden complex located in the vicnity of the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort. Located in Agra and on the banks of the Yamuna River, Mehtab Bagh is a Charbagh planned garden. The spaces inside the garden are equally portioned into separations. The square shaped picturesque land measures exactly 300 x 300 metres. There were several gardens built on the banks of the river during the Mughal regime in all the places to visit in Agra. This one was the last of them. It is believed that this garden was built under the aegis of Babur. The garden was first envisioned by Shah Jahan. He selected an ideal spot for viewing the Yamuna River. He wanted a pleasure garden lit by the soft rays of the moon. Hence he named this garden Mehtab Bagh. There are plenty of pools and pavillions in the garden. The walkways are covered with white plaster. There are plenty of fruit trees here. The garden was made as an extension of the gardens in the Taj Mahal.

The idea here was to make a moonlit garden. At night the pools here reflect the view of the Taj Mahal. When Shah Jahan wanted the Mehtab Bagh, he wanted the garden exclusively for himself. He wanted to watch the reflections of the Taj in the water pools and also enjoy the view of the Yamuna River. The garden is now a horticultural delight. There are scores of plant species here. The Mehtab Bagh has been periodically restored by the Archaeological Survey. You can reach this garden on either side of the river. You can take a ferry ride for a few minutes from the Taj Mahal’s Eastern side to reach this garden. Experience a wonderful creation of imagination put into reality at the Mehtab Bagh.


Fatehpur Sikri :-

Built by Akbar, the Mughal emperor in 1570, the city was a tribute to Sufi Saint. Fatehpur Sikri is a perfect blend of Indian, Islamic and Persian architecture and it was built using red sandstone. For around 10 years, the city remained the capital of Mughal Empire. The city has a 6-kilometer long wall on three sides and there are towers and gates. It houses some of the city’s important buildings namely Buland Darwaza, Birbal’s House, Panch Mahal and Jama Masjid. The entire city along with all the important constructions including royal palaces, Jama Masjid and courts were declared as World Heritage Site in the year 1986.


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Summer Tourism attraction In Shimla and Manali

Manali is a high-altitude Himalayan resort town in India’s northern Himachal Pradesh state. It has a reputation as a backpacking center and honeymoon destination. Set on the Beas River, it’s a gateway for skiing in the Solang Valley and trekking in Parvati Valley. It’s also a jumping-off point for paragliding, rafting and mountaineering in the Pir Panjal mountains, home to 4,000m-high Rohtang Pass

Marhi is a “shanty town of roadside restaurants” in Himachal Pradesh, India, located midway between Manali and Rohtang La on the Manali-Leh Highway. Buses traveling the highway often stop in Marhi so passengers can eat


Manali is a high-altitude Himalayan resort town in India’s northern Himachal Pradesh state. It has a reputation as a backpacking center and honeymoon destination. Set on the Beas River, it’s a gateway for skiing in the Solang Valley and trekking in Parvati Valley. It’s also a jumping-off point for paragliding, rafting and mountaineering in the Pir Panjal mountains, home to 4,000m-high Rohtang Pass.

Rohtang Pass

The pass provides a natural divide between the Kullu Valley with a primarily Hindu culture (in the south), and the arid high-altitude Lahaul and Spiti valleys with a Buddhist culture (in the north). The pass lies on the watershed between the Chenab and Beas basins. On the southern side of this pass, the Beas River emerges from underground and flows southward and on its northern side, the Chandra River (flows from the eastern Himalayas), a source stream of the river Chenab, flows westward.

Solang Nala

Solang Nala (Valley) derives its name from combination of words Solang (Nearby village) and Nullah (water stream). It is a side valley at the top of the Kullu Valley in Himachal Pradesh, India 14 km northwest of the resort town Manali on the way to Rohtang Pass, and is known for its summer and winter sport conditions. The sports most commonly offered are parachuting, paragliding, skating and zorbing.

Giant slopes of lawn comprise Solang Valley and provide its reputation as a popular ski resort. A few ski agencies offering courses and equipment reside here and operate only during winters.

Hidimbi Devi Temple

Hidimbi Devi Temple, also known variously as the Hadimba Temple, is located in Manāli, a hill station in the State of Himāchal Pradesh in north India. It is an ancient cave temple dedicated to Hidimbi Devi, wife of Bhima, a figure in the Indian epic Mahābhārata. The temple is surrounded by a cedar forest at the foot of the Himālayas. The sanctuary is built over a huge rock jutting out of the ground which was worshiped as an image of the deity. The structure was built in 1553

The Hidimba Devi or Hidimbi Devi temple is built around a cave where Hidimba performed meditation. Hidimba was supposed to have lived there with her brother Hidimb, and not much is known about their parents. Born into a Rakshas family, Hidimba vowed to marry one who would defeat her brother Hidimb, who was supposed to be very brave and fearless. During the Pandava’s exile, when they visited Manali; Bhima, one of the five Pandavas, killed Hidimb. Thereafter, Hidimba married Bhima and gave birth to their son Ghatotkacha.

Pin Valley National Park

Pin Valley National Park is a National park of India located within the Lahaul and Spiti district, in the state of Himachal Pradesh, in far Northern India.

Steeped in historical and present day Buddhist Tibetan culture, the area has many Tibetan Buddhist influences, evident architecturally in monasteries and stupas, and in the daily living of its residents and lamas.

Pin Valley National Park was established by India in 9January1987.

Prendi turismo avventuroso con Tiger Safari Ranthambore

Tiger Safari Ranthambore :-

Proprio come il safari in cammello nella città aspra del deserto di Jaisalmer, Pushkar o anche Bikaner, la maggior parte del turista si diletta a visitare il Parco Nazionale di Ranthambore per assistere alla fauna selvatica, in particolare la tigre nel loro habitat naturale. Originariamente chiamato Sawai Madhopur Wildlife Sanctuary, il Parco Naturale di Ranthambore è stato avviato nell’anno 1955. Fino ad ora, conserva i relitti di molti forti e luoghi, che sono stati trovati per essere 1000 anni che riflettono il tocco reale dello stato.

Una breve storia del turismo in Rajasthan : –
Una cultura colorata insieme a un’eredità reale è considerata sinonimo dello stato desertico del Rajasthan. Ecco perchè; è diventata la destinazione più popolare per i turisti di tutto il mondo. Palazzi maestosi, templi antichi e forti formidabili sono alcuni dei marchi del Rajasthan, mentre le riserve naturali, le sabbie dorate, i laghi reali e le scenografiche cinture verdi offrono la motivazione per il lato estetico dei turisti. La facile accessibilità e la connettività da quasi tutte le principali città indiane facilitano un’esplorazione senza problemi del Rajasthan, mentre le fiere, così come i festival che vengono celebrati con grande fervore, aggiungeranno un fascino esclusivo.

Highlights di Tiger Safari Ranthambore : –
Ranthambore nel Rajasthan gioca un ruolo essenziale nel preservare le tigri diurne. Oggi, Ranthambore è risultato essere il miglior esempio di impegno per la conservazione di Project Tiger. Non c’è dubbio che Ranthambore sarà benedetto con un habitat deciduo secco che funge da ambiente ideale per la popolazione di tigri in buona salute. Al momento, ci sono 23 villaggi disponibili nella riserva della tigre e quindi, i turisti possono divertirsi a viaggiare nelle zone rurali e visitare il parco.

Le tigri che si trovano a Ranthambore sono troppo abituate e quindi, a volte sono avvistate mentre gironzolano in pieno giorno. Gli appassionati che hanno avuto fortuna, il destino, possono avere la visione esclusiva delle tigri, che stanno vagando per le scale del forte di Ranthambore costruito nel X secolo. Jeep o Canter Safari è considerato il modo migliore per scoprire la natura selvaggia nella giungla.
Le principali attrazioni di Tiger Safari Rajasthan : –
Oltre alle tigri, il Parco Nazionale di Ranthambore ospita i mammiferi di 30 specie diverse, uccelli di 200 varietà e persino rettili di 12 specie diverse. Le specie di mammiferi, che comunemente si trovano includono il leopardo, l’orso della pigrizia, il gatto della giungla, il cinghiale e il sambar ecc.
I Bird Watchers potevano anche fare clic su vari colpi di Lesser avvistato l’aquila, l’aquila serpente crestata, il gufo scops dal collare, il gufo reale eurasiatico, il pavone, il grande babbler grigio e molto altro ancora.

Un viaggio intorno alle aree lungo il fiume offrirà uno sguardo ravvicinato di Martin pescatore dal becco di cicogna, Ibis con la testa nera, Darter e talvolta Marsh Crocodile, che è il secondo Mugger più grande dell’India.

Il momento migliore per divertirsi al Tiger Safari Ranthambore : –
Il momento perfetto per godersi il safari con la tigre Ranthambore è tra il 1 ° ottobre e il 30 giugno come resto del tempo, il parco sarà chiuso per i visitatori. Al Ranthambore National Park, i tempi di safari possono variare in base alle condizioni meteorologiche disponibili. Solo il veicolo omologato potrebbe entrare nel parco. All’interno della riserva naturale, quasi tutti i veicoli devono seguire la strada fissa e dovrebbero lasciare il parco entro le 18.30.

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Pacchetti turistici del Rajasthan

Destinazioni per la luna di miele in Rajasthan

Newly Wedded Bliss – Destinazioni ideali per la luna di miele in Rajasthan

Tour in luna di miele del Rajasthan :-
Il Rajasthan è uno stato indiano, che è popolare in tutto il mondo perché è accampato per un numero enorme di turisti e viaggiatori. Se sei alla ricerca di divertirti e fare ricordi indimenticabili, puoi scegliere Rajasthan Honeymoon Tours con cui esplorare le destinazioni più romantiche come Agra, Delhi, Jaipur, Udaipur e Samode. Inoltre, il Tour include alcune attività divertenti come giro in barca, shopping, visita Taj, sound & light show e molto altro.

Perché il viaggio in Rajasthan per la tua luna di miele :-
La luna di miele è considerata una vacanza speciale nella vita di tutti, che ha il suo fascino ed eccitazione. Quando si tratta di India, ci sono diversi posti disponibili tra cui scegliere come destinazione per la luna di miele. Ma, Rajasthan è indicato come la destinazione esotica più preferita trovata in India. Qui, i magnifici forti, i palazzi, gli splendidi Havelis e gli hotel di lusso sono davvero fantastici per passare il tempo con il tuo amato compagno di vita. In effetti, l’ambiente reale e allo stesso tempo elegante offerto da questo principesco e colorato stato indiano è semplicemente ineguagliato con chiunque. Puoi goderti una cena a lume di candela nel bel mezzo della duna di sabbia o anche soggiornare in un hotel di lusso o in un resort nella giungla per esplorare la fauna indiana o anche soggiornare in alcuni dei più bei campi tendati presenti sulle dune di sabbia. Oltre agli spettacoli culturali, le comodità e le delizie reali offerte dallo stato del Rajasthan renderanno sicuramente la tua luna di miele un viaggio straordinario nella tua vita.

Highlights of Tour della luna di miele del Rajasthan :
• Visitate la Tomba di Humanyun e la Jama Masjid, a Delhi
• Puoi esplorare la Tomba di Akbar e Taj Mahal, Agra, che si dice sia un simbolo eterno d’amore
• Goditi lo spettacolo di luci e suoni a Red Fort, Delhi
• Acquista nel bazar locale di Jaipur per il tuo partner
• Gita di un giorno a Amer Fort e Jantar Mantar, Jaipur
• Visita guidata ai palazzi di Samode
• Un’escursione al Fatehpur Sikri
• Goditi un giro in barca sul lago Pichola a Udaipur

Le principali attrazioni del Tour della luna di miele del Rajasthan  :-
Se sei una coppia di sposi o sei già sposato e stai cercando di pianificare una seconda luna di miele, allora è il momento giusto per smettere di sognare una luna di miele romantica perfetta, perché qui ci sono alcune delle destinazioni di luna di miele più belle ed emozionanti del Rajasthan. Dopo aver visitato questi luoghi, non ti piacerebbe tornare a casa.

1. Udaipur – vuoi avere un tocco regale per il tuo viaggio di nozze:
Udaipur in Rajasthan è sempre indicata come la destinazione ideale per le coppie in luna di miele. Le località reali, gli splendidi laghi e i palazzi di marmo bianco insieme alla loro straordinaria architettura offrono alle coppie l’ambiente più romantico. Quindi, gli sposi otterranno sicuramente una miscela perfetta di amore e romanticismo insieme in questa città. Sia che tu stia semplicemente girando per la città o facendo giri in barca nelle acque calme e incontaminate del lago o semplicemente ricevendo la sensazione di tocchi reali date dalle strutture giganti, questa città ha quasi tutto per le coppie che cercano la fuga più romantica. Pertanto, Udaipur è considerato un luogo ideale per iniziare la tua nuova vita.

2. Jodhpur : Getting Honeymoon tra le dune di sabbia dorata
Jodhpur è senza dubbio la destinazione più romantica per il tuo viaggio di nozze in quanto offre un’esperienza unica e reale per le coppie in mezzo a scintillanti dune di sabbia dorata lontano dalle normali montagne e spiagge. Le montagne patrimonio, rustico, villaggio e anche i magnifici palazzi renderebbe Jodhpur un luogo ideale per le coppie che vorrebbero viaggiare non appena dopo le loro nozze. In realtà, i turisti avranno una sensazione reale della vita del villaggio mentre si svolgono safari in villaggio e interagiscono con la gente del posto. Inoltre, le coppie possono godere di escursioni romantiche sul lago dove possono esplorare diversi giardini e monumenti.

3. Jaisalmer : Ti piace la luna di miele passionale
Essendo la città d’oro, Jaisalmer sta emergendo come la destinazione più famosa per la luna di miele. A Jaisalmer, la bellezza di monumenti, deserti, forti e musica folk offre un’atmosfera perfetta per i viaggi di nozze. Inoltre, le coppie hanno potuto visitare luoghi come il Tempio Jain, la Torre Tazia, il Lago Gadsisar, le dune Sand Sam e il Parco Nazionale del Deserto a Jaisalmer.

4. Ranthambore : organizza il più avventuroso viaggio nella giungla
Ranthambore è rinomato a livello internazionale come il miglior santuario della fauna selvatica. La monotonia del viaggio in luoghi storici, colline e spiagge si spezzerà sicuramente quando le coppie visitano Ranthambore durante la loro luna di miele. Potrebbero incontrare la fauna selvatica nel suo habitat naturale, che sicuramente porterà più fascino nel loro viaggio di nozze.

5. Jaipur : essere isolato nella città rosa:
A Jaipur, le coppie appena sposate avranno tutto ciò che desiderano dal momento che si sono appartate dalla vita cittadina mentre assistevano alla bellezza del magnifico monumento, delle sabbie del deserto e dell’antica haveli.

Miglior tempo per ottenere Tour della luna di miele del Rajasthan :-
Il momento giusto per visitare il Rajasthan è da ottobre a marzo perché il tempo sarà piacevole per godersi il viaggio
Cose da fare in Rajasthan Honeymoon Tours:
Rajasthan Honeymoon Tours tende ad offrirti un numero enorme di attività e alcune delle quali sono elencate di seguito:
• Camel Safari: quando si tratta di viaggiare in Rajasthan, la prima cosa che ti colpisce è il safari in cammello in cui puoi sederti a dorso di cammello e osservare l’intera bellezza dello stato desertico.
• Shopping: lo shopping, in particolare nel mercato locale di Jaipur, ti dà davvero una grande esperienza in quanto potrai vedere le cose più tradizionali, inclusi tessuti e gioielli fatti a mano, che non otterrai da nessuna parte.
• Jeep Safari: Jeep Safari nel Parco Nazionale di Ranthambore è molto utile per osservare le specie selvatiche nella loro casa.
• Campeggio sulla scintillante duna di sabbia: vale davvero la pena trascorrere la notte in campeggio sulle scintillanti dune di sabbia insieme alla musica e alla danza popolare locale.

Come raggiungere:
Raggiungere il Rajasthan non sarà mai un compito problematico poiché sono disponibili diversi mezzi di trasporto per includere le vie aeree, le ferrovie e le strade. La maggior parte delle città dispone di metropolitane e strade ben sviluppate, che offrono servizi frequenti di treni e autobus da qualsiasi parte del paese. Anche alcune città hanno anche aeroporti nazionali.

Turismo del Rajasthan
Pacchetti turistici del Rajasthan
Rajasthan Autonoleggio

The Haunted Fort Bhangarh

Bhangarh Fort, Alwar

The stories of haunted forts in India is nothing new, we have grown up on them. However, the fort which symbolizes such haunted tales is Bhangarh Fort. Located at the border of the Sariska Tiger Reserve in the Alwar district of Rajasthan, this 17th century fort is infamously known as the “most haunted place in India”. Visitors to the fort attest to ghostly sightings and unnatural experiences within its compounds, and the stories of its being haunted are so widespread and believed that villages have sprung up quite far from the fort itself. The ASI, or the Archeological Survey of India, has, on its part, forbidden the locals, as well as the visitors, from visiting the fort at night.


Legends behind the Bhangarh Fort

There are several legends surrounding the eeriness of the Bhangarh Fort.  According to one legend, a king named Madho Singh built the fort after obtaining permission from an ascetic who laid down the condition that the shadow of the fort must never fall on his house. However, one of the successors of Madho Singh increased the size of the fort vertically, thereby enveloping the ascetic’s house in its shadow. As a consequence, the fort soon met its destruction and was abandoned in no time.

According to the second legend, a local black magician was supposedly bewitched by the beauty of Princess Ratnavati of Bhangarh. To possess her, he cast a spell over a certain cosmetic she was supposed to use. However, the princess soon discovered his plan, and poured the entire cosmetic upon a massive stone boulder. This boulder then crushed the princess to death. However, before breathing his last, he cursed the entire place, saying that not a soul would ever reside there in peace. The entire surroundings around the Bhangarh Fort have been haunted ever since, or so it’s believed.


Architectural significance

Bhangarh Fort is situated at the edge of a vast green expanse of Sariska Tiger Reserve between Alwar and Jaipur, with a close proximity to Delhi, too. The fort bears close resemblance to the medieval city of Shahjahanabad. It consists of four massive gates in every direction.

The premises of the fort consist of a miniature waterfall, along with temples, which lend an air of tranquility to the entire surroundings. Remnants of once existing palaces can also be found inside the fort, they are indicative of the fort’s prosperity during its glorious days. Clearly, the fort’s popularity doesn’t need to rest on the haunted stories surrounding it, it is an architectural marvel in itself.

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Adventures Activities  To Do in Sun City 

Adventures Activities  To Do in Sun City 
Jodhpur – The Sun City of Rajasthan is famous for its bright warm décor and sunny climate. The attractions of this land lists palaces, hotels, museums, natural attractions and others. Apart from iconic attractions, many activities to perform in Jodhpur are one-of-a-kind. We have created a list of activities to enjoy in Jodhpur. We have explored every nook and corner of the land from bustling markets to medieval streets to pick up top ten things that are unique to the place, interesting, iconic and worth your time.

Every activity that you find in this list is pure magical. You get to enjoy Jodhpur in an elegant way by touching every spice of vacation. Some might be a little more luxurious than others but, every nano second and every cent you spend in these activities are worth in multiple times as experience, memories and adrenaline rush.

City Exploration :-
There are numerous architectural marvels to explore here. The Mehrangarh Fort is famous for exploring. You can find museums, ancient galleries and others here. Other top exploration places are Umaid Bhavan palace, Jaswant Thada and others. Choose your guide right as he can give you a lot of information and interesting history about the place as you explore.

Flying Fox
The zip line or flying fox is an interesting tourist attraction of the city. Given the gift of rocky terrain, Jodhpur offers zip lines at various destinations including Mehrangarh Fort. You can get a good view of the city and get your adrenaline pumping. The service is open throughout the year from 9 in the morning to 5 in the evening. The price starts from 1500 INR per head and can change with time, season and others.

Street Cuisine
The Jodhpur cuisine is rich with snacks and the best way to enjoy it is through street food. Top items to enjoy are Daal Baati Choorma, Mirchi vada, Samosa, Omelet, Masala Tea, Lassi and others. If you are visiting the clock tower market, you ought to stroll for some street food here. Some people club this activity with cycling or shopping. It is up to you to mix and match.



City Markets
Top attractions of markets here are shopping, sightseeing, street food and photography. Top items to buy in Jodhpur are apices, textiles, artifacts, handicrafts and others. Top places to visit for shopping are Clock Tower Market, Handloom market and others. You can find many souvenirs here. Haggling is necessary when it comes to markets. Unique silver-based souvenirs are very common here.

Village Safari
Village safari is an iconic attraction of Bishnoi. This small safari takes you close to exotic wildlife, culture of village life and craft items. You can spot many birds, visit desert oasis and watch artisans create handicrafts. You can also have a good clicking time if you are a photo enthusiast. The most interesting part of this activity is that no two village safaris are the same. Every element of each village is different. Sometimes, the same place will provide a different spectrum of attractions during different seasons.

City Cycle Tour
The best way to enjoy the city is to start your tour early in the morning. Hire cycles and scale the place as early as 7 in the morning. You can watch many attractions without the rush, the calm pace of the city and most importantly, the photogenic face of the city will be very bright during mornings.

Opium Party
Legally opium is banned throughout the country. In Jodhpur, opium is linked with culture and thus, you can enjoy it in Amal Sabha. This opium party is more than 1000 years old. You can find opiate filtered and soaked. This is offered to deity and then served to all those present. Women are not allowed to this ceremony. You cannot take opium out of Amal Sabha.


Desert Dinner
It is a crime to visit Jodhpur and not enter the desert. Visit the dunes on a 4WD or a camel and enjoy a luxury dinner under moonlight in the desert. You can also hire tents and spend a day in the desert. It might be a luxurious option, but every penny is worth in experience. Some service provider also arrange cultural activities, dance performances and others for the tourists.

Camel Farm Tour
Perch on the camel and ride through the open fields. You can find many spice fields open for tourists to take camel tours. If lucky, you might find any farmer opening his house for a traditional home-cooked lunch. The cost of the food will be very less but, the richness of flavor is unbeatable. You can also stroll through the farm, help in their activities and watch them work.


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