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Visit India In August :

August is the time, when monsoons have set in every corner of India. This should set your imagination free to all the places that you could not visit before. Do not hesitate in planning a trip this time, as this versatile country has a place for every season, budget and mood. And what more of a reason can you look for, when the monsoon has created the perfect ambience everywhere.

To feed your imagination, this time of the year gives you lush green mountains, beautiful sunsets, crystal clear waters reflecting vibrant green surroundings and not to miss, the sky high waterfalls. Can’t wait to be there, already? Well, hold your horses and read out the list of some of the best places to be visited in India during the month of August.

Varanasi :-

Famously known as Banaras or Kashi, the holy city of Varanasi is located on the banks of river Ganga and is considered the holiest city in India owing to its location and history and the numerous temples in it.

The city of temples or Banaras, as it is popularly known, is a holy city on the banks of the River Ganga. Said to have been discovered by Lord Shiva, this town has immense historical as well as religious importance. Not just a place where pilgrims throng to visit the temples, Varanasi is also the destination where most people come to spend their last days as it is believed that an individual who dies in this sacred place can attain salvation. Varanasi is one of the oldest continually inhabited places in the world and oldest in India.

Khajuraho :-

Khajuraho is most famous for its erotic wall carvings — from voluptuous nymphs to men having their way with horses and orgies, it is all here! These carvings on temples — only 20 of 85 remain — are pretty much the beginning and end of all things touristy in Khajuraho. Situated some 400 km from Kanpur, Khajuraho in Madhya Pradesh is one of the most popular tourist destinations of India. Standing against the backdrop of Vindhyas, Khajuraho presents a magnificent view to the beholder.

The sacred temples of Khajuraho are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Because of the sculptures, the temples are also referred as Kamasutra temples. However, unlike popular belief, the temples neither have any connection nor were inspired by Vatsyayana’s famous book. In fact just 10 per cent of the art is erotic or sexual in nature.

Delhi :-

Old Delhi and New Delhi are the two parts of this city. It has everything from monuments, parks, shopping and delicious delicacies. The Major Attraction Of city are Akshardham Temple, Lotous Temple, The Red Fort, India gate, Qutub Minar and much more .

Akshardham temple represents the architectural essence of India’s rich history, culture and tradition. Well-connected by the metro route of Delhi this is a must see destination in the capital city of the country. Lotus Temple is one of the most iconic structures in India and a must see sight for any traveler worth his buck. The Red Fort Built in 1638 by Mughal Emperor Shahjahan, this is a World Heritage site located in Delhi. Red Fort was the home to most Mughal Emperors of the dynasty for up to almost 200 years, and is situated right in the centre of Delhi. Qutub Minar The tallest minar in the country,

Agra :-

It is the land which has one of the seven wonders of the world. Here you can get lots of Mughal Era’s architecture and Taj Mahal is one of them. Don’t miss to taste the “Agra ka Petha” as it is popular in India and comes into various flavors. The Major Attraction Of The city is Taj Mahal, The red Fort Agra/ Agra fort and much more.

The biggest symbol of love the Taj Mahal  is also a World Heritage site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World. No trip to India is ever complete without a glimpse of the Taj Mahal. The Agra Fort is very centrally located and probably the most popular building in Agra after the Taj Mahal. You can actually get a glimpse of the Taj Mahal from Agra Fort.

Jaipur :-

Jaipur is the last destinations of Golden Triangle and known as The Pink City of india. The majestic fort and monuments are the special treat here. It is the perfect destination for those who wants photography, sightseeing and entertainment. This city is the symbol of royal culture, delicacies etc. Starting from walking through the streets to travelling in a hot air balloon, this city has everything for all kinds of travelers. This is the place with royal heritage and modern culture. The Major Attraction Of city are the Amber Fort. City Palace, Hawamahal, Jantar Mantar,  Jaigarh Fort, Nahargarh Fort, Jalmahal (Palace In Water) And Much More Palces To visit in city

Mount Abu :-

Being the only hill town of Rajasthan, Mount Abu naturally invites curiosity and much awe when finally seen. This oasis retreat is a pleasant cool-off from the sweltering heat of an otherwise temperate state. It is the pick for nature walks and less demanding treks. You shall be treated to unending view of sky high mountains and green forest cover. This is infact thus one of the most preferred places to visit in August in India in the plains of the country.

India Heritage Tour Packages 

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Le principali destinazioni minori del Rajasthan

Destinazioni minori del Rajasthan

Abhaneri City : –
Abhaneri è un villaggio a circa 95 km da Jaipur sulla Jaipur-Agra Road. Una deviazione è ben meritata per i suoi meravigliosi pozzi a gradino o “baoris” e il Tempio di Harshat Mata. Secondo una leggenda, il villaggio è così chiamato perché si ritiene che la dea Harshat Mata, raffigurata in uno stato d’animo gioioso, diffonda luminosità o “abha” tutt’attorno. Il nome originale del villaggio era Abha Nagri, e il suo nome oggi è Abhaneri.

Città di Deshnok : –
Deshnok è un piccolo villaggio situato a 32 km a sud della città di Bikaner lungo la Jodhpur Road. È collegato da un’autostrada nazionale e ferrovia. È un centro di pellegrinaggio di Karni Mata. Karni Mata, considerato come un’incarnazione della Dea Durga, visse qui nel XIV secolo e compì molti miracoli.

Jhalawar City : –
Lo stato principesco dei Jhalas fu creato nel 1838 d.C., dopo essere stato separato da Kota dagli inglesi. È meglio esplorarlo a piedi in città e fare un safari a cavallo nei dintorni, poiché Jhalawar vanta una ricca ricchezza naturale, con flora e fauna attive.

Città di Kishangarh : –
Kishangarh si trova a 27 km a nord est di Ajmer ed è stata fondata da Kishan Singh, un principe di Rathore. Nel 18 ° secolo ha acclamato la fama come una delle migliori scuole di dipinti di miniature. Anche se una scuola più piccola con una durata molto più breve aveva uno stile più raffinato. Raggiunse l’apice sotto il patronato di Savant Singh, un erede al trono, che in seguito divenne un eremita.

Nathdwara City : –
Nathdwara si trova a 48 km da Udaipur e significa letteralmente la porta del Signore. Questo grande santuario Vaishnavite fu costruito nel XVII secolo in un punto esattamente definito dal Signore stesso. Le leggende dicono che l’immagine del Signore Krishna fu trasferita in un posto più sicuro da Vrindaban per proteggerla dall’ira distruttiva dell’imperatore Moghul Aurangzeb.

Pali City : –
Pali prende il nome dai Brahmins Paliwal che un tempo abitavano la zona. L’antica Pali ospitava una civiltà molto evoluta. Il terreno, preso in affitto dall’allora capo di Mandore (l’ex capitale del distretto di Jodhpur), fu coltivato diligentemente dai Paliwals che abbandonarono la loro precedente professione sacerdotale.

Pokran City : –
Si trova all’incrocio tra Jodhpur, Jaisalmer e Bikaner Road. È sulla strada per Jaisalmer ed è anche una città forte, anche se il forte non è delle dimensioni di Jaisalmer o Jodhpur. Anche Pokran è venuto alla ribalta, dato che era il sito per la detonazione nucleare indiana. Pokran è anche rinomata per i suoi mobili e oggetti d’artigianato.

pacchetti turistici rajasthan
rajasthan noleggio auto
turismo del rajasthan

Attrazione turistica estiva a Shimla e Manali

Manali è una località turistica himalayana ad alta quota nello stato settentrionale dell’India del Himachal Pradesh. Ha una reputazione come centro backpacking e destinazione per la luna di miele. Situato sul fiume Beas, è un punto di partenza per sciare nella Valle di Solang e fare trekking nella Valle di Parvati. È anche un punto di partenza per il parapendio, il rafting e l’alpinismo sulle montagne di Pir Panjal, sede del Passo Rohtang alto 4.000 metri

Marhi è una “baraccopoli di ristoranti lungo la strada” in Himachal Pradesh, in India, situata a metà strada tra Manali e Rohtang La sull’autostrada Manali-Leh. Gli autobus che percorrono l’autostrada spesso si fermano a Marhi in modo che i passeggeri possano mangiare

Manali : –
Manali è una località turistica himalayana ad alta quota nello stato settentrionale dell’India del Himachal Pradesh. Ha una reputazione come centro backpacking e destinazione per la luna di miele. Situato sul fiume Beas, è un punto di partenza per sciare nella Valle di Solang e fare trekking nella Valle di Parvati. È anche un punto di partenza per il parapendio, il rafting e l’alpinismo nelle montagne Pir Panjal, sede del Passo Rohtang alto 4.000 metri.

Passo Rohtang : –
Il passo offre uno spartiacque naturale tra la valle di Kullu con una cultura prevalentemente indù (a sud) e le aride valli di Lahaul e Spiti ad alta quota con una cultura buddista (a nord). Il passo si trova sullo spartiacque tra i bacini di Chenab e Beas. Sul lato meridionale di questo passo, il fiume Beas emerge dal sottosuolo e scorre verso sud e sul suo lato settentrionale, il fiume Chandra (flussi dall’Himalaya orientale), un flusso sorgente del fiume Chenab, scorre verso ovest.

Solang Nala : –
Solang Nala (Valle) deriva il suo nome dalla combinazione di parole Solang (villaggio vicino) e Nullah (flusso d’acqua). Si tratta di una valle laterale nella parte superiore della valle Kullu, nell’Himachal Pradesh, in India, a 14 km a nord-ovest della località turistica di Manali, sulla strada per il Passo Rohtang, ed è nota per le sue condizioni estive e invernali. Gli sport più comunemente offerti sono paracadutismo, parapendio, pattinaggio e zorbing. I pendii giganti del prato comprendono la valle di Solang e forniscono la sua reputazione di rinomata stazione sciistica. Alcune agenzie di sci che offrono corsi e attrezzature risiedono qui e operano solo durante gli inverni.

Tempio di Hidimbi Devi : –
Il Tempio di Hidimbi Devi, noto anche come Tempio di Hadimba, si trova a Manali, una stazione collinare nello Stato di Himachal Pradesh nel nord dell’India. È un antico tempio rupestre dedicato a Hidimbi Devi, moglie di Bhima, una figura nell’epopea indiana Mahābhārata. Il tempio è circondato da una foresta di cedri ai piedi degli Himālayas. Il santuario è costruito su un’enorme roccia sporgente dal terreno che è stata venerata come immagine della divinità. La struttura fu costruita nel 1553
Il tempio Hidimba Devi o Hidimbi Devi è costruito attorno ad una grotta dove Hidimba praticava la meditazione. Hidimba avrebbe dovuto vivere lì con suo fratello Hidimb, e non si sa molto dei loro genitori. Nato in una famiglia Rakshas, ​​Hidimba ha promesso di sposare uno che avrebbe sconfitto suo fratello Hidimb, che doveva essere molto coraggioso e senza paura. Durante l’esilio di Pandava, quando visitarono Manali; Bhima, uno dei cinque Pandava, uccise Hidimb. Da allora in poi, Hidimba sposò Bhima e diede alla luce il loro figlio Ghatotkacha.

Pin Valley National Park: –
Il Pin Valley National Park è un parco nazionale dell’India situato nel distretto di Lahaul e Spiti, nello stato di Himachal Pradesh, nell’estrema India del Nord. Immersa nella cultura buddista tibetana storica e attuale, l’area ha molte influenze buddiste tibetane, evidentemente architettonica nei monasteri e negli stupa, e nella vita quotidiana dei suoi residenti e dei suoi lama. Il Pin Valley National Park è stato fondato dall’India nel 9 gennaio1987.

Pacchetti turistici di Shimla Manali

Summer Tourism attraction In Shimla and Manali

Manali is a high-altitude Himalayan resort town in India’s northern Himachal Pradesh state. It has a reputation as a backpacking center and honeymoon destination. Set on the Beas River, it’s a gateway for skiing in the Solang Valley and trekking in Parvati Valley. It’s also a jumping-off point for paragliding, rafting and mountaineering in the Pir Panjal mountains, home to 4,000m-high Rohtang Pass

Marhi is a “shanty town of roadside restaurants” in Himachal Pradesh, India, located midway between Manali and Rohtang La on the Manali-Leh Highway. Buses traveling the highway often stop in Marhi so passengers can eat


Manali is a high-altitude Himalayan resort town in India’s northern Himachal Pradesh state. It has a reputation as a backpacking center and honeymoon destination. Set on the Beas River, it’s a gateway for skiing in the Solang Valley and trekking in Parvati Valley. It’s also a jumping-off point for paragliding, rafting and mountaineering in the Pir Panjal mountains, home to 4,000m-high Rohtang Pass.

Rohtang Pass

The pass provides a natural divide between the Kullu Valley with a primarily Hindu culture (in the south), and the arid high-altitude Lahaul and Spiti valleys with a Buddhist culture (in the north). The pass lies on the watershed between the Chenab and Beas basins. On the southern side of this pass, the Beas River emerges from underground and flows southward and on its northern side, the Chandra River (flows from the eastern Himalayas), a source stream of the river Chenab, flows westward.

Solang Nala

Solang Nala (Valley) derives its name from combination of words Solang (Nearby village) and Nullah (water stream). It is a side valley at the top of the Kullu Valley in Himachal Pradesh, India 14 km northwest of the resort town Manali on the way to Rohtang Pass, and is known for its summer and winter sport conditions. The sports most commonly offered are parachuting, paragliding, skating and zorbing.

Giant slopes of lawn comprise Solang Valley and provide its reputation as a popular ski resort. A few ski agencies offering courses and equipment reside here and operate only during winters.

Hidimbi Devi Temple

Hidimbi Devi Temple, also known variously as the Hadimba Temple, is located in Manāli, a hill station in the State of Himāchal Pradesh in north India. It is an ancient cave temple dedicated to Hidimbi Devi, wife of Bhima, a figure in the Indian epic Mahābhārata. The temple is surrounded by a cedar forest at the foot of the Himālayas. The sanctuary is built over a huge rock jutting out of the ground which was worshiped as an image of the deity. The structure was built in 1553

The Hidimba Devi or Hidimbi Devi temple is built around a cave where Hidimba performed meditation. Hidimba was supposed to have lived there with her brother Hidimb, and not much is known about their parents. Born into a Rakshas family, Hidimba vowed to marry one who would defeat her brother Hidimb, who was supposed to be very brave and fearless. During the Pandava’s exile, when they visited Manali; Bhima, one of the five Pandavas, killed Hidimb. Thereafter, Hidimba married Bhima and gave birth to their son Ghatotkacha.

Pin Valley National Park

Pin Valley National Park is a National park of India located within the Lahaul and Spiti district, in the state of Himachal Pradesh, in far Northern India.

Steeped in historical and present day Buddhist Tibetan culture, the area has many Tibetan Buddhist influences, evident architecturally in monasteries and stupas, and in the daily living of its residents and lamas.

Pin Valley National Park was established by India in 9January1987.

Templo de Ramdevra: un centro de la fe de los pueblos

El templo de Shri Ramdev en Ramdevra es un maravilloso centro de peregrinación que es ejemplar de unidad nacional y armonía comunal a medida que los devotos de todas las religiones se acumulan aquí para rendirle homenaje. El majestuoso templo de Shri Ramdev en Ramdevra, Runicha, a 13 km de Pokhran en el distrito de Jaisalmer, alberga el santuario de Ramdev. La tumba de Shri Ramdev ji es venerada aquí. Esta tumba o cenotafio se coloca en el centro del campus del templo. La cabeza mira hacia el norte mientras los pies están hacia el sur. En este templo también se pueden encontrar varias tumbas de los miembros de la familia de Shri Ramdevji. Según el dharma hindú, los cadáveres que se incineran aquí se asignan al polvo en una tumba y se construye una tumba para mostrar respeto. La singularidad del templo de Baba Ramdev radica en el hecho de que personas de la fe tanto hindú como musulmana vienen aquí para presentar sus respetos a San Ramdevra. Los hindúes consideran que Baba es una reencarnación de Lard Krishna. Para los musulmanes, es una figura reverenciada ya que los cinco Pirs de La Meca llegaron a probar sus poderes y se convencieron de su divinidad.

Historia del templo de Shri Ramdev : –

Se cree que Shri Ramdev ji se encarnó en la tierra por el bienestar de la humanidad y nació en las casas de Ajmalji en la familia Tanwar Rajput. Él tenía algunos poderes divinos innatos. Desde la infancia, realizó muchos milagros y se ganó los corazones de la gente. También se cree que mató a un demonio llamado Bhairav. Ramdevji eligió a Ramdevra como el lugar donde alcanzó un Samadhi y entró en un estado divino de meditación. Sin embargo, muchas personas dicen haberlo visto a caballo. El presente cenotafio fue construido por Maharaja Shri Ganga Singh ji de Bikaner en Shri Ramdevra Runecha.

Las ferias se llevan a cabo aquí dos veces al año cuando las personas acuden al templo y cantan la gloria de Ramsa Pir, para que sus oraciones puedan ser respondidas. Muchos eventos culturales también se organizan durante esta feria. Principalmente se celebran dos ferias principales en honor del gran sabio. La primera feria se lleva a cabo en el mes de enero y febrero y la segunda feria se lleva a cabo en el mes de agosto y septiembre. Miles de devotos visitan el templo Ramdev Shri Ramdev. La gente tiene una gran creencia y fe en el templo.

La entrada a la tumba se ha permitido a todos, independientemente de la casta y la religión. Los devotos ofrecen dulces, cocos, makhanas, misri y telas hechas a imagen de caballo en la tumba. Dentro del complejo del Templo Shri Ramdev en Ramdevra también hay un tanque de agua. Se cree que fue construido por Baba Ramdev. Una inmersión en eso se considera que tiene un efecto curativo sobre las enfermedades de la piel. Este lugar está bien conectado desde todas las principales ciudades de Rajasthan por carretera y tren.

Turismo en Rajasthan

Alquiler de autos en Rajasthan

Paquetes de viaje de Rajasthan

Deogarh Una gemma nascosta tra Mewar E Marwar

Deogarh si trova ai confini di Marwar, Merwara e Mewar a circa 80 miglia a nord-est di Udaipur nello stato del Rajasthan. Deogarh è circondato da villaggi Bhil il cui stile di vita colorato e la celebrazione del festival sono unici. Si trova ad un’altitudine di circa 2100 piedi sopra il livello del mare ed è più fresco rispetto ad altre parti del Rajasthan.Deogarh è una famosa scuola di dipinti in miniatura e alcune delle più belle miniature di Deogarh decorano la collezione personale dell’attuale Rawat Sahib. Questo tipo di affreschi può essere visto sulle pareti del forte di Deogarh. Deogarh è un posto conveniente per organizzare gite di un giorno ai famosi templi Jana di Ranakpur e al forte di Kumbhalgarh.

Storia di Deogarh :-
Deogarh Mahal si erge orgogliosamente in cima a una collina nella catena montuosa degli Aravalli, tra paesaggi incantevoli e numerosi laghi. Deogarh Mahal, che è l’attrazione principale di Deogarh, fu fondata nell’anno 1670 d.C. da Rawal Dwarka Das Ji come residenza di famiglia. Il palazzo divenne gradualmente un importante punto di attività del villaggio. La famiglia ha interagito con gli abitanti del villaggio e ha invitato una serie di banchetti e celebrazioni che si svolgono all’interno dei confini di Mahal. Il Maharana di Udaipur aveva onorato ‘The Rawal’, che era il capo tribù tra i sedici umraos (baroni feudali). Il feudo di queste proprietà feudali in quei tempi era conferito dal sovrano ai nobili a causa di una relazione sanguinaria o per un atto di coraggio. Deogarh Palace è stato trasformato in un hotel del patrimonio dall’attuale proprietario Rawal-Nahar Singh.

Attrazioni turistiche a Deogarh :-
Importante attrazione turistica a Deogarh è il Deogarh Mahal. Deogarh Mahal è un palazzo del 17 ° secolo. Deogarh Mahal si trova sulla cima di una collina e offre una splendida vista sui laghi e Aravallis. Deogarh Mahal è stato convertito in un hotel storico circa 3 anni fa dall’attuale proprietario Rawal Nahar Singh. Una parte del Mahal è ancora occupata dai suoi parenti che si occupano dell’albergo. Un’altra attrazione a Deogarh è il meraviglioso tempio di Dashavatar, è il primo tempio del nord India ad avere uno shikhara o guglia dove oggi è presente solo la parte inferiore dello shikhara, è dedicata al Signore Vishnu e appartiene al periodo Gupta quando era conosciuto come il tempio di Panchayatan.

Turismo del Rajasthan
Rajasthan Autonoleggio
Pacchetti turistici del Rajasthan

Golden Triangle Tour – Visit Three Indian Marvels And Explore Its History & Culture

Golden Triangle Tour :-

At present, India has become the most important tourist destination regardless of season and travelers. Millions of tourists will visit this magnificent land every year with the intention to get an unforgettable holiday experience. Maybe, it is one among the few countries having numerous attractions, which are really worth to be discovered at least once in a lifetime. If you explore more this country, then you will become more inquisitive as it boasts of beauty and attractions, which are simply incredible. In case you are planning to have a trip to North India, there will not be any better option than Golden Triangle Tours.

Golden Triangle Tour is said to be the highly preferred and the most popular tours of India. The reason behind the uniqueness of this tour is because it generally covers India’s most three enchanting tourist destinations such as Delhi , Agra as well as Jaipur. Being blended with rich tradition and cultural heritage, almost all the above-mentioned destinations have remarkable attractions. Furthermore, each destination has too much to offer to range from ancient chronological marvels to world’s famous and delicious cuisines.

The rich blend of historic and cultural heredity of these 3 cities will make a visit an essential for each and every tourist who is traveling to the country for the very first time. Generally speaking, the major highlights of this Golden Triangle tour is said to be the stunning historical & political monuments, which these three cities have. The Golden Triangle Tour provides the best possible opportunity to discover the beautiful giant structures of Mughals and even the opulent forts and palaces of raj-maharajas of Rajasthan.

Highlights of Golden Triangle tour :-

Delhi :-

The capital city of India, Delhi beckons you to travel around its heritage with a number of historic sites. The city offers some of the main attractions including Red Fort , Chandni Chowk, Moti Masjid, Raj Ghat, Jantar Mantar, Rajpath and much more. In addition to this, the capital city also has numerous majestic buildings and monuments related to the British and modern period such as President House, Parliament House, India Gate, Humayun’s Tomb, Red Fort , Qutab Minar and so on. Moreover, the architecture found in the Vishwa Shanti Stupa, Lotus Temple and Akshardham Temple is fine examples of India’s contemporary construction. Without any doubt that this city will reflect the distinction and legacy between the capitals of Mughals and British respectively.

Agra :-

Agra, which will be 200 Km from Delhi and 235 Km from Jaipur. Being situated in the state of Uttar Pradesh, the city is considered to be the next prime location of Mughal Empire. Better known for its construction during Mughal era, the major highlight of this city is found to be Taj Mahal. As one among the seven wonders of the world, Taj Mahal is being renowned as world heritage site because of its aesthetic beauty. Besides Taj Mahal, the other two world heritage sites declared by UNESCO at Agra are Agra Fort and Fatehpur Sikri. other major attraction of agra  are Taj Mahal Garden, Mehtab Bagh, Moti Masjid And Much More.

Jaipur :-

Jaipur, which is just 260 KM away from Delhi, is the next significant destination in Golden Triangle tour. Next to Delhi,  The majestic fort and monuments are the special treat here. It is the perfect destination for those who wants photography, sightseeing and entertainment. Jaipur is another destination best known for its wonderful forts. Also, it has some of the best heritage buildings of Jaipur such as Amber Fort, Hawa Mahal, City Palace, Rambagh Palace and Nahargarh Fort, Jaigarh Fort . This is the place with royal heritage and modern culture.

Major attractions :-

Apart from the above mentioned historical attractions, these three cities have its individual culture and tradition. In the recent times, the cities have developed as the cultural centers of the nation in which you will receive the flavor of roots of India’s enriched art and culture. Jaipur, which is the princely city of Rajasthan, has its large plazas and wide avenues to elephant parades, which heralded the kings in the ancient times and also represent the magnificent culture of the state. Today, Golden Triangle tour to these cities is really an excellent idea to explore the shopper’s paradise. In which you can able to shop for handicrafts, artifacts and also semi-precious stones in Kishanpol Bazaar, Johri Bazaar and Tripolia Bazaar.

More than that, Agra is also found to be an excellent place to purchase marble handicrafts including stonework artistic tabletops and Taj Miniatures. Then we come to Delhi, then its bustling markets will offer a wide range of traditional Jewelry, garments, handicrafts and modern electronic goods too. Whether it may be handloom items in Dilli Haat or the road-side stalls in Connaught Place, shopping will become a major attraction for most of the visitors who visit Delhi.

Best time to have Golden triangle tour :-

Between October and March is the best time to enjoy Golden Triangle tour as you will get escape from hot weather and city’s high temperature.

Things to do in Golden Triangle Tour :-

Golden Triangle show is really wonderful with the gorgeous place to spot and activities to do. Given below are some of the things you can do at Golden Triangle Tour

  • Shopping : Always shopping holds its position as these three cities have bustling markets where you will able to get some exotic items.
  • Hot Air Ballooning : It is a new form of adventurous sport that attracts a number of adventure enthusiasts each year to get benefit from it
  • Desert Safari : When it comes to Desert Safari, you will get many options including Camel Safari, Jeep Safari and Elephant Safari etc. You can choose anyone as per your wish and budget.

How to reach :

If you feel regarding how to reach Indian Golden Triangle, then don’t worry as you will get different modes of transportation by which you would travel to these cities in a trouble free manner. When it comes to airways, all the three cities have their own airports that are well-connected to almost all the national as well as international cities. Furthermore, well-maintained trains are found to be run across all the three cities. Finally, a cluster of roads will be nicely planned, which connects Jaipur, Agra, and Delhi easily with each other.

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Golden Triangle Tour 

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Magnificent fort in Rajasthan

Magnificent fort in Rajasthan

Bundi Fort – Bundi Taragarh Fort or ‘Star Fort’ is the most impressive of structures of city of Ajmer in Indian state of Rajasthan. A rather ramshackle fort, with its overgrown vegetation, It was constructed in 1354 upon a steep hillside. There are three gateways to the fort, well known as Lakshmi Pol, Phuta Darwaza and Gagudi ki Phatak. Most parts of these impressive gateways are now in ruins. During its heyday, Taragarh Fort was renowned for its tunnels crisscrossing the entire hillside. However, these tunnels are now inaccessible for want of proper maps. The largest of its battlements is the 16th century bastion known as the Bhim Burj, on which was once mounted a particularly large cannon called Garbh Gunjam, or ‘Thunder from the Womb’. This erstwhile Chauhan bastion has some huge water reservoirs. These reservoirs were built to store water and supply it to the residents during time of crisis. The reservoirs have been carved out of the rocky base of the fort. Rani Mahal is a small palace within the fort complex, built for the wives and concubines of rulers. The Mahal has, however lost most of its charm as the shine of its spectacular murals and stained glass windows have completely faded away. The fort also has Miran Saheb ki Dargah. He was the governor of the fort and laid down his life in an encounter, in 1210.

BhanGarh fort Alwar– The Bhangarh Fort  is a 17th-century fort built in the Rajasthan state of India. It was built by Man Singh I (one of the navratnas of Akbar’s court) for his younger brother Madho Singh I. It was named by Madho Singh after his grandfather Man Singh or Bhan Singh. The fort and its precincts are well preserved

The Bhangarh Fort is located on the border of the Sariska Reserve in the Aravali range of hills in Alwar district of Rajasthan.The nearest village is Golakabaas. The fort is situated at the foot of the hills on sloping terrain. The ruins of the King’s palace are located on the lower slope of the hills; trees surround the pond area and a natural stream falls into the pond within the premises of the palace.

The fort is located 235 kilometres  from Delhi and the approach to the entrance gate of the fort in the last 2 kilometres  stretch of the road is an unpaved road.The fort is 32 km from Thana Ghazi.


There are two legends related to the history of the fort city, which is reported to be haunted, and no one is allowed to remain in the precincts of the fort at night, per a notice board put up by the Archaeological Survey of India at the entrance.One version of the legend is that a sadhu named Baba Balau Nath lived within the fort area. It was his injunction that any houses built in the precincts of the fort should not be taller than his house, and if the shadow of any such house fell on his house, it would result in destruction of the fort town.

In another version, N.K. Sinhai, the wizard who was adept in black magic, fell in love with Ratnavati, the princess of Bhangarh, who was very beautiful, and had suitors to marry her from many royal families of the country. One day the princess, at 18 years of age, went shopping with her friends and was buying Ittar (scent). The wizard saw this and replaced the scent with a love potion in order to ensnare the princess. He offered the potion to her so that she would take a liking to him and marry him. However, the princess saw through the wizard’s trickery, and when he offered her the bowl of potion, she threw it onto a big boulder nearby. As a result, the boulder started rolling down towards the wizard and crushed him. Before he died, he made a curse that Bhangarh would be destroyed soon and no one would be able to live within its precincts. Subsequently, Bhangarh Fort was invaded by the Mughals from the north and the city was surrounded and sacked; 10,000 people lived in the fort city at that time. All the people in the fort, including the princess, were killed. The present state of the fort is attributed to the curse of the wizard and people believe the ghosts in the fort are those of the princess and the wizard.


Amber Fort Jaipur – Amer Fort -Amber Fort is a fort located in Amer, Rajasthan, India. Amer is a town with an area of 4 square kilometres  located 11 kilometres  from Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan. Located high on a hill, it is the principal tourist attraction in the Jaipur area. The town of Amer was originally built by Meenas, and later it was ruled by Raja Man Singh I (December 21, 1550 – July 6, 1614).

Amer Fort is known for its artistic Hindu style elements. With its large ramparts and series of gates and cobbled paths, the fort overlooks Maota Lake, which is the main source of water for the Amer Palace.

Constructed of red sandstone and marble, the attractive, opulent palace is laid out on four levels, each with a courtyard. It consists of the Diwan-i-Aam, or “Hall of Public Audience”, the Diwan-i-Khas, or “Hall of Private Audience”, the Sheesh Mahal (mirror palace), or Jai Mandir, and the Sukh Niwas where a cool climate is artificially created by winds that blow over a water cascade within the palace. Hence, the Amer Fort is also popularly known as the Amer Palace.[5] The palace was the residence of the Rajput Maharajas and their families. At the entrance to the palace near the fort’s Ganesh Gate, there is a temple dedicated to Shila Devi, a goddess of the Chaitanya cult, which was given to Raja Man Singh when he defeated the Raja of Jessore, Bengal in 1604.


This palace, along with Jaigarh Fort, is located immediately above on the Cheel ka Teela (Hill of Eagles) of the same Aravalli range of hills. The palace and Jaigarh Fort are considered one complex, as the two are connected by a subterranean passage. This passage was meant as an escape route in times of war to enable the royal family members and others in the Amer Fort to shift to the more redoubtable Jaigarh Fort.

Mehrangarh Fort Jodhpur – Rao Jodha, the chief of the Rathore clan, is credited with the origin of Jodhpur in India. He founded Jodhpur in 1459 (Jodhpur was previously known as Marwar). He was one of Ranmal’s 24 sons and became the fifteenth Rathore ruler. One year after his accession to the throne, Jodha decided to move his capital to the safer location of Jodhpur, as the one thousand years old Mandore fort was no longer considered to provide sufficient security.


With the trusted aid of Rao Nara (son of Rao Samra), the Mewar forces were subdued at Mandore. With that, Rao Jodha gave Rao Nara the title of Diwan. With the help of Rao Nara, the foundation of the fort was laid on 12 May 1459 by Jodha on a rocky hill 9 kilometres  to the south of Mandore. This hill was known as Bhakurcheeria, the mountain of birds. According to legend to build the fort he had to displace the hill’s sole human occupant, a hermit called Cheeria Nathji, the lord of birds. Upset at being forced to move Cheeria Nathji cursed Rao Jodha with “Jodha! May your citadel ever suffer a scarcity of water!”. Rao Jodha managed to appease the hermit by building a house and a temple in the fort very near the cave the hermit had used for meditation, though only to the extent that even today the area is plagued by a drought every 3 to 4 years. Jodha then took an extreme measure to ensure that the new site proved propitious; he buried a man called “Raja Ram Meghwal” alive in the foundations. “Raja Ram Meghwal” was promised that in return his family would be looked after by the Rathores. To this day his descendants still live in Raj Bagh, “Raja Ram Meghwal’s” Garden, an estate bequeathed them by Jodha.


Rao Jodha then invited the famous female hindu warrior sage of Charan caste, Shri Karni Mata, to lay down the foundation stone of the Mehrangarh Fort and the same was carried out by her. Today only the forts of Bikaner and Jodhpur remain in the hands of Rathors, both had their foundation stone laid by Shri Karni Mata. All other Rajput forts of Rajasthan were abandoned for some or the other reasons by the respective clans. Only the Rathors of Jodhpur and Bikaner have their forts with them till date. This fact is considered a miracle by the local population and is attributed to Shri Karni Mata.


Rao Jodha also granted villages of Mathania and Chopasni to the two Charan warlords who were sent by him to request Shri Karni Mata to come to Jodhpur.

Jaisalmer FortJaisalmer Fort is one of the largest fully preserved fortified cities in the world. It is situated in the city of Jaisalmer, in the Indian state of Rajasthan. It is a World Heritage Site. It was built in 1156 AD by the Rajput Rawal (ruler) Jaisal, from whom it derives its name. The fort stands amidst the sandy expanse of the great Thar Desert, on Trikuta Hill. Before the days of the British Raj, the fortress city served as a refuge and way-station for caravans and travelers along the Silk Road. Its ramparts served as the backdrop for many battles in past centuries when the Silk Road still served as one of the main trade routes between East and West.the fort’s massive yellow sandstone walls are a tawny lion colour during the day, fading to honey-gold as the sun sets, thereby camouflaging the fort in the yellow desert. For this reason, it is also known as the Sonar Quila or Golden Fort. The fort is located along the southern edge of the city that bears its name, and is perhaps one of the more striking monuments in the area, its dominant hilltop location making the sprawling towers of its fortifications visible for many miles around.

Ranthambhore fort -Ranthambore Fort lies within the Ranthambore National Park, near the town of Sawai Madhopur, the park being the former hunting grounds of the Maharajahs of Jaipur until the time of India’s Independence. It is a formidable fort having been a focal point of the historical developments of Rajasthan. The fort is known for the glory and valor of Hammir dev of the Chauhan dynasty.

The Ranthambore fort was built by a Chauhan Rajput ruler, although the exact name of the ruler is disputed. A widely held belief states that the fort was built the reign of Sapaldaksha, in 944 CE. Another theory states that the fort was built during the reign of Jayant, in 1110 CE. According to Government of Rajasthan’s Amber Development & Management Authority, it is likely that the construction started in the mid-10th century during the reign of Sapaldaksha, and continued a few centuries after that.

Chittorgarh Fort-The Chittor Fort or Chittorgarh is one of the largest forts in India. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The fort was the capital of Mewar and is today situated in the Chittorgarh town. It sprawls over a hill 180 m  in height spread over an area of 280 ha above the plains of the valley drained by the Berach River. The fort precinct has several historical palaces, gates, temples and two prominent commemoration towers. These monumental ruins have inspired the imagination of tourists and writers for centuries.


From 7th century, the fort was ruled by the Mewar Kingdom. In 1303, the Turkic ruler of Delhi, Alauddin Khalji defeated Rana Ratan Singh, in 1535 Bahadur Shah, the Sultan of Gujarat defeated Bikramjeet Singh and in 1567 Akbar defeated Maharana Udai Singh II who later founded Udaipur. Each time the men fought bravely rushing out of the fort walls charging the enemy but lost every time. Following these defeats, the women are said to have committed Jauhar or mass self-immolation. Thus, the fort represents the quintessence of tribute to the nationalism, courage, medieval chivalry and sacrifice exhibited by the Mewar rulers of Sisodia and their kinsmen and women and children, between the 7th and 16th centuries. The rulers, their soldiers, the women folk of royalty and the commoners considered death as a better option than dishonor in the face of surrender to the foreign invading armies.

Kumbhalgarh fort – Kumbhalgarh (“Kumbhal fort“) is a Mewar fortress on the westerly range of Aravalli Hills, in the Rajsamand district near Udaipur of Rajasthan state in western India. It is a World Heritage Site included in Hill Forts of Rajasthan. Built during the course of the 15th century by Rana Kumbha, Kumbhalgarh is also the birthplace of Maharana Pratap, the great king and warrior of Mewar. Occupied until the late 19th century, the fort is now open to the public and is spectacularly lit for a few minutes each evening. Kumbalgarh is situated 82 km northwest of Udaipur by road. It is the most important fort in Mewar after Chittaurgarh. With a wall over 38 km long, the fort is among the largest wall complex in the world, and the second largest fort in Rajasthan after Chittor Fort.

Desert Safari in jaisalmer

Jaisalmer THAR Desert Rajasthan

The best way to venture into the Thar Deserts on a camel’s back but if you are not comfortable with that then you can go for a jeep safari in the desert. But whatever way you choose adventure is very much a part of the journey. In Rajasthan the famous destination for desert safari is Jaisalmer.

Jaisalmer is an enchanting city which attracts many a tourists from all over the world. It’s most captivating attraction of safari. Apart from this it is known for majestically carved havelies and Jaisalmer Fort. The rustic charm of Rajasthan can be best experienced here. To make the holidays of tourists memorable and adventurous camps are organized on the sand dunes. Stay in the camps under the star-studded sky, treat your eyes with traditional dance performances and experience the lifestyle of nomads on this tour.


Rajasthan is an enchanting land with amazing diversity in its geographical features. And the most fascinating of all is its desert with golden-hued sand dunes which create magic. If you are traveling to Rajasthan then Desert Safari in Rajasthan is something you must not miss at any cost. It is the star attraction of this land of raja-maharajas. The Thar Desert tour will take you to unfathomable sand dunes, isolated villages and enchanting historical ruins. On this tour you will get a wonderful opportunity to acquaint yourself with the people, culture, history and lifestyles of the people living in the desert.



On this safari enjoy the traditional cuisine of Rajasthan and participate in the cultural programs organized for your entertainment. The sights of sand dunes stretching for miles and changing shapes under the influence of wind will surely leave you enchanted.

The Sam Sand Dunes of Jaisalmer is the most famous spot for those who wish to see the overwhelming beauty. Visit it in the evening and you will be greeted with a breathtaking sunset view which you will cherish for long. As the evening falls the sand-dunes look orange in color in the rays of sun.


And the charm of these desert of Jaisalmer increases manifold during the Desert Festival celebrated here in the month of February/March every year. During the festival the desert comes alive and looks colorful.

famous Attraction In Udaipur

Udaipur is a good Monuments of Hill Station

The City Palace stands tall over Pichola Lake, having served as an abode for the ruling royalty. Construction was begun by Maharana Udai Singh and was continued by successive Maharanas who incorporated several palaces and structures to the complex. Interestingly, each addition preserved the original style of the design. Visitors enter the palace through Bari Pol (the Big Gate) which leads one to Tripolia (the Triple Gate) where it was once a custom to distribute the Maharaja’s weight in gold and silver to his subjects. It now serves as the main ticket office. The palace has numerous balconies, cupolas and towers that overlook Pichola Lake. The structure is just as beautiful inside as it is spectacular from the outside. Each palace is designed in a unique way, and decorations like mirrored tiles, paintings, glass work and ornamental tiles bring to life the opulence of the era. Today, the main section of the palace has been converted into a museum that houses a large collection of artifacts.

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Jag mandir  Udaipur

Jag Mandir is a palace built on an island in the Lake Pichola. It is also called the “Lake Garden Palace”. The palace is located in Udaipur city in the Indian state of Rajasthan. Its construction is credited to three Maharanas of the Sisodia Rajputs of Mewar kingdom. The construction of the palace was started in 1551 by Maharana Amar Singh, continued by Maharana Karan Singh (1620–1628) and finally completed by Maharana Jagat Singh I (1628–1652). It is named as “Jagat Mandir” in honour of the last named Maharana Jagat Singh. The royal family used the palace as a summer resort and pleasure palace for holding parties. The palace served as a refuge to asylum seekers on two separate occasions.

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Maharana Pratap Memorial Udaipur


Maharana Pratap Memorial is a historic site that is dedicated to the gallant Maharana Pratap. Situated at the top of Moti Margi or Pearl Hill, the memorial overlooks the Fateh Sagar Lake. In Hindi, memorial is known as “smarak” and smarak is always made in the memory of loved ones. Maharana Pratap Memorial was constructed with the initiative taken by Maharana Bhagwat Singh Mewar with the help of a public trust.

The memorial comprises a life-sized bronze statue of Maharana Pratap balanced on his loyal and favorite horse, Chetak. It is believed that Chetak was a faithful horse. He was extremely protective towards Maharana Pratap and stood by his master till his last breath. Chetak was killed in the battle of Haldighati. People visit this memorial to pay their homage to the Rajput hero, Rana Pratap and his loyal mount ‘Chetak’.  This outstanding statue has also been picturised for various Bollywood movies. If you are a photographer, then you will truly love this place. From the comfortable height of the hill, you can click some of the best pictures of Udaipur city. One can also visit the attractive Japanese Rock Garden and the remnants of one of the forts of Udaipur, which are located near this hill.

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