Category Archives: Wildlife in Rajasthan

Wildlife Tourism In Rajasthan

Ranthambore National Park :-

Ranthambore National Park is one of the largest national parks in northern India situated widely in the state of Rajasthan. This wonderful national park is located in the Sawai Madhopur and the wonderful experience lies with the glimpse of the wild animals and plantations. Ranthambore was established as the Sawai Madhopur Game Sanctuary in 1955 by the Government of India, and was declared one of the Project Tiger reserves in 1973. The park is known for its tiger population, and is one of India’s Project Tiger reserves. Other major wild animals include leopard, nilgai, wild boar, sambar, hyena, sloth bear and chital. It is also home to wide variety of trees, plants, birds and reptiles.  A mix of rolling hills and crags, and meadows, lakes and rivulets, this dry-deciduous forest system is home to an incredible variety of flora and fauna. Apart from the tiger, you can also spot sloth bear, leopard, caracal, jackal, fox, hyena and mongoose at Ranthambore. Ranthambore is heaven for wildlife photographers. The major attraction in the park is following the tiger on safari rides. Rides are carried out at two different times of the day. Each ride takes about three hours.

Keoladeo Ghana Bird Sanctuary  Bharatpur :-

The Keoladeo Ghana National Park was formerly known as the Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary. The sanctuary is home to a large number of migratory birds during the hibernal season. In 1971, the park was declared as a protected zone and was later included in UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites. The bird sanctuary is a man-made wetland and an important national park of Rajasthan. The bird sanctuary is home to 379 floral species,  366 bird species and several animals. The sanctuary is one of the richest areas of avian habitation in the world. The sanctuary came into existence about 250 years ago and is named after the Keoladeo Temple situated within its premises. The Keoladeo Ghana National Park is one of the best birding areas in the world and receives as many as 1,00,000 visitors every year.

Sariska National Park Alwar :-

The Sariska Tiger Reserve is situated in the Alwar district in the state of Rajasthan and is one of the important national parks in Rajasthan. It was the hunting grounds of the State of Alwar. The sanctuary was declared as a Wildlife Reserve in 1955 and was brought under the Project Tiger scheme in 1978. The most attractive feature of the Sariska Tiger Reserve is its population of Royal Bengal Tigers. It is home to a large number of wild animals including Rhesus monkeys, Hanuman langurs, hares, wild boars, chousingha or the four horned antelope, chinkara, nilgai, sambhar, golden jackals, striped hyenas, caracal, jungle cats and leopards. The park is spread over 866 square kilometers. The Sariska Tiger Sanctuary is also the first ever Tiger Reserve in the country where tiger relocation and rehabilitation has been carried out successfully.

Desert National Sanctuary Jaisalmer :-

The Desert National Park is one of the important national parks in Rajasthan and is situated near the town of Jaisalmer. Sprawling over an area of 3162 square kilometres, the national park is one of the largest national parks in the country. The unique landscape of the national park is one of the greatest attractions for tourists from all over the world. Almost 20 per cent of the park is constituted of sand dunes. The rest of the landmark comprises of fixed dunes, intermedial areas, salt lake bottoms and craggy rocks. It is an excellent example of the desert ecosystem. The most commonly sighted birds in the national park include the endangered Great Indian Bustard, sand grouse, kestrels, laggar falcons, spotted eagles, tawny eagles, short toed eagles, vultures, buzzards, falcons, harriers and eagles. the other attractions near the Desert National Park are the Sam Sand Dunes located near the Thar Desert and the Gadsisar Sagar Tank. The Gadsisar Sagar Tank is one of the most popular tourist places in Rajasthan. A large number of migratory birds visit the lake during the winters every year.  Tourists can also enjoy jeep safaris to explore a larger part of the area.

Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary Kumbhalgarh :-

The Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary is situated in the Rajsamand district of Rajasthan. The sanctuary is one of the most famous wildlife sanctuaries in Rajasthan. Sprawling over an area of 578 sq km, the sanctuary surrounds the Kumbhalgarh Fort. Situated at an elevation of 500 to 1300 metres, the sanctuary is home to a large variety of wildlife, some of which are highly endangered species. Some of the animals that inhabit the sanctuary include hares, chinkaras, four horned antelopes, nilgai, sambhar, jungle cats, hyenas, sloth bears, leopards and wolves. The sanctuary also abounds in birdlife and some of the birds that can be easily spotted here include grey jungle fowl, peacocks, doves, white breasted kingfisher, bulbuls, pigeons, golden oriole, and parakeets. The natural grandeur of Kumbhalgarh is the most attractive feature about the sanctuary. Its scenic beauty attracts tourists and travellers from all over the country and the world. Visitors can enjoy foot tracking and horse safaris in the sanctuary, arranged by local tour operators.

Tal Chhapar Sanctuary Churu (Shekhawati)  :-

For the wildlife, lovers this is certainly the spot for your following visit. Tal Chhapar Sanctuary Churu Shekhawati, Rajasthan is a standout amongst the most gone by haven in Rajasthan. Arranged in the Churu area of the north-western piece of Rajasthan. Tal Chappar haven, arranged on the edges of the Thar Desert, is known as home to around 2,000 dark bucks.

Mukundara Tiger Reserve Kota :-

While you are in Kota you need to visit this one of the best tiger reserves in Rajasthan. This is another national park in Rajasthan which allows you to explore the exotic Rajasthan wildlife. The Mukundara Hills Tiger Reserve covers a zone of 759 sq km and is the dwelling place 50 tigers. It was in the past known as Mukundara Hills National Park and has been announced as a tiger save in the year 2012 by the Government of India. Mukundara Hills Tiger Reserve is honored with a striking natural life including greenery. There is an assortment of wild animals like tiger, incorporate panthers, sloth bears,wolves, and chinkaras.

Darrah Sanctuary Kota :-

The Darrah National Park is one of the most popular national parks in Rajasthan. It was established in 2004 and comprises of three wildlife sanctuaries namely, the Darrah Wildlife Sanctuary, the Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary and the Jaswant Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary. The national park has large stretches of forests which were formerly part of the Maharaja of Kota’s hunting grounds. The sanctuary was officially declared as a protected zone in 1955.  It is home to a number of species including the wild boar, deer, nilgai, cheetah and wolves. There is a very beautiful fort also within the premises of the sanctuary. The Jenana Khana of the fort is worth visiting because of its architectural beauty. The Sun Temple in Jharipatan is another destination worth visiting during a trip to the Darrah National Park.

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Turismo de vida silvestre en Rajasthan

Rajasthan es un estado de la realeza y tiene numerosas pruebas de la cultura real en su rica herencia y sociedad. Además de su abundancia cultural, Rajastán también tiene suficiente belleza de vida silvestre. Las principales atracciones del estado son los santuarios de vida silvestre y los parques nacionales en Rajasthan. Estos hermosos santuarios y parques albergan una gran variedad de vida silvestre, algunos de los cuales han sido categorizados como críticamente amenazados. La vegetación en estos terrenos de conservación varía con el paisaje, pero todos y cada uno de los santuarios de vida silvestre ofrece una oportunidad maravillosa para experimentar la naturaleza de una manera única. Rajasthan es un refugio seguro para una amplia y colorida variedad de vida silvestre. La mayoría de estas amplias extensiones están abiertas a turistas e invitados sin cesar alrededor del año, pero permanecen temporalmente cerrados durante la temporada de lluvias.

Parque Nacional de Ranthambore : –
El Parque Nacional de Ranthambore es uno de los parques nacionales más grandes en el norte de India, se encuentra ampliamente en el estado de Rajasthan. Este maravilloso parque nacional se encuentra en el Sawai Madhopur y la maravillosa experiencia radica en la visión de los animales salvajes y las plantaciones. Ranthambore fue establecido como el Sawai Madhopur Game Sanctuary en 1955 por el gobierno de la India, y fue declarada una de las reservas del Proyecto Tigre en 1973. El parque es conocido por su población de tigres, y es una de las reservas del Proyecto Tiger de la India. Otros animales salvajes importantes incluyen leopardo, nilgai, jabalí, sambar, hiena, oso perezoso y chital. También es el hogar de una gran variedad de árboles, plantas, pájaros y reptiles. Una mezcla de colinas y riscos, y prados, lagos y riachuelos, este sistema de bosque caducifolio seco alberga una increíble variedad de flora y fauna. Además del tigre, también puedes ver osos perezosos, leopardos, caracales, chacales, zorros, hienas y mangostas en Ranthambore. Ranthambore es el paraíso para los fotógrafos de vida silvestre. La atracción principal en el parque es seguir al tigre en safaris. Los viajes se llevan a cabo en dos momentos diferentes del día. Cada viaje dura aproximadamente tres horas.

Keoladeo Ghana Bird Sanctuary Bharatpur : –
El Parque Nacional de Keoladeo Ghana anteriormente se conocía como el Santuario de Aves de Bharatpur. El santuario alberga una gran cantidad de aves migratorias durante la temporada hibernal. En 1971, el parque fue declarado como zona protegida y luego fue incluido en la lista de sitios del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO. El santuario de aves es un humedal artificial y un importante parque nacional de Rajasthan. El santuario de aves alberga 379 especies de flores, 366 especies de aves y varios animales. El santuario es una de las zonas más ricas de habitación aviar del mundo. El santuario nació hace unos 250 años y lleva el nombre del Templo de Keoladeo situado dentro de sus instalaciones. El Parque Nacional Keoladeo Ghana es una de las mejores áreas de observación de aves en el mundo y recibe hasta 1,00,000 visitantes cada año.

Parque Nacional Sariska Alwar : –
La reserva Sariska Tiger está situada en el distrito de Alwar, en el estado de Rajastán, y es uno de los parques nacionales más importantes de Rajasthan. Fue el territorio de caza del Estado de Alwar. El santuario fue declarado como Reserva de Vida Silvestre en 1955 y se incluyó en el proyecto Proyecto Tigre en 1978. La característica más atractiva de la Reserva Sariska Tigre es su población de Tigres de Bengala Real. Es el hogar de una gran cantidad de animales salvajes, incluyendo monos Rhesus, langures Hanuman, liebres, jabalíes, chousingha o los cuatro antílopes cornudos, chinkara, nilgai, sambhar, chacales dorados, hienas rayadas, caracal, gatos de la jungla y leopardos. El parque se extiende por 866 kilómetros cuadrados. El Sariska Tiger Sanctuary es también la primera Reserva de Tigres en el país donde la reubicación y rehabilitación de tigres se ha llevado a cabo con éxito.

Santuario Nacional del Desierto Jaisalmer : –
El Parque Nacional del Desierto es uno de los parques nacionales más importantes de Rajastán y está situado cerca de la ciudad de Jaisalmer. Extendiéndose sobre un área de 3162 kilómetros cuadrados, el parque nacional es uno de los parques nacionales más grandes del país. El paisaje único del parque nacional es una de las mayores atracciones para turistas de todo el mundo. Casi el 20 por ciento del parque está constituido por dunas de arena. El resto del hito se compone de dunas fijas, áreas intermedias, fondos de lagos salados y rocas escarpadas. Es un excelente ejemplo del ecosistema del desierto. Las aves más comúnmente avistadas en el parque nacional incluyen la gran avutarda, el urogallo, el cernícalo, el halcón lagarto, águila moteada, águila culebrera, águila culebrera, buitre, halcón, aguilucho y águila en peligro de extinción. las otras atracciones cerca del Parque Nacional del Desierto son las dunas de Sam Sand, ubicadas cerca del desierto de Thar y el tanque Gadsisar Sagar. El tanque de Gadsisar Sagar es uno de los lugares turísticos más populares en Rajasthan. Una gran cantidad de aves migratorias visita el lago durante los inviernos todos los años. Los turistas también pueden disfrutar de safaris en jeep para explorar una gran parte del área.

Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary Kumbhalgarh : –
El Santuario de Vida Silvestre Kumbhalgarh está situado en el distrito Rajsamand de Rajasthan. El santuario es uno de los santuarios de vida silvestre más famosos de Rajasthan. Extendiéndose sobre un área de 578 kilómetros cuadrados, el santuario rodea el fuerte de Kumbhalgarh. Situado en una elevación de 500 a 1300 metros, el santuario es el hogar de una gran variedad de vida silvestre, algunas de las cuales son especies altamente amenazadas. Algunos de los animales que habitan en el santuario incluyen liebres, chinkaras, cuatro antílopes cornudos, nilgai, sambhar, gatos de la jungla, hienas, osos perezosos, leopardos y lobos. El santuario también abunda en aves y algunas de las aves que se pueden ver fácilmente aquí incluyen aves de la jungla gris, pavos reales, palomas, martín pescador de pecho blanco, bulbos, palomas, oropéndolas y periquitos. La grandeza natural de Kumbhalgarh es la característica más atractiva del santuario. Su belleza escénica atrae a turistas y viajeros de todo el país y el mundo. Los visitantes pueden disfrutar de rastreo de pies y safaris a caballo en el santuario, organizados por los operadores turísticos locales.

Tal Chhapar Sanctuary Churu (Shekhawati) : –
Para la vida silvestre, los amantes este es sin duda el lugar para su siguiente visita. Tal Chhapar Sanctuary Churu Shekhawati, Rajasthan es un destacado entre el refugio más desaparecido en Rajasthan. Dispuestos en el área de Churu de la parte noroccidental de Rajasthan. El refugio Tal Chappar, ubicado en los bordes del desierto de Thar, es conocido por albergar alrededor de 2.000 dólares oscuros.

Mukundara Tiger Reserve Kota : –
Mientras se encuentre en Kota, debe visitar esta de las mejores reservas de tigres en Rajasthan. Este es otro parque nacional en Rajasthan que le permite explorar la exótica vida silvestre de Rajasthan. La reserva de tigres de Mukundara Hills cubre una zona de 759 km2 y es el lugar de residencia de 50 tigres. En el pasado, se lo conocía como el Parque Nacional Mukundara Hills y se ha anunciado como un ahorro de tigres en el año 2012 por parte del Gobierno de la India. Mukundara Hills Tiger Reserve es honrado con una sorprendente vida natural que incluye vegetación. Hay una variedad de animales salvajes como tigre, panteras incorporadas, osos perezosos, lobos y chinkaras.

Darrah Sanctuary Kota : –
El Parque Nacional Darrah es uno de los parques nacionales más populares de Rajastán. Fue establecido en 2004 y se compone de tres santuarios de vida silvestre a saber, el Santuario de Vida Silvestre Darrah, el Santuario de Vida Silvestre Chambal y el Santuario de Vida Silvestre Jaswant Sagar. El parque nacional tiene grandes extensiones de bosques que anteriormente formaban parte del maharajá de los terrenos de caza de Kota. El santuario fue declarado oficialmente como zona protegida en 1955. Es el hogar de una serie de especies que incluyen jabalíes, ciervos, nilgai, guepardos y lobos. Hay un fuerte muy hermoso también dentro de las instalaciones del santuario. Vale la pena visitar el Jenana Khana del fuerte por su belleza arquitectónica. El Templo del Sol en Jharipatan es otro destino digno de visitar durante un viaje al Parque Nacional Darrah.

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Bharatpur : Wildlife Tour Packages

Bharatpur Tour

The only Jat kingdom in the state, the rock-hard mud fortifications of its fort proved invincible even under repeated siege. The fort houses early remnants of artifacts and sculpture, while the modern palace outside is a sprawling structure. However, Bharatpur is better known as a bird sanctuary (Keoladeo Ghana National Park).


Founded by Maharaja Suraj Mal in 1733 AD, Bharatpur – The ‘Eastern Gateway to Rajasthan’, was once an impregnable well fortified city, carved out of the region formerly known as Mewat. The trio of Bharatpur, Deeg and Dholpur has played an important part in the history of Rajasthan. The place was named as Bharatpur after the name of Bharat, the brother of Lord Rama, whose other brother Laxman was worshipped as the family deity of the Bharatpur. The legends say the rulers Laxman’s name is engraved on the state arms and the seals. The city and the fort have been believed to be founded by Rustam, a Jat of Sogariya clan. Maharaja Suraj Mal took over from Khemkaran, the son of Rustam, and established the empire. He fortified the city by building a massive wall around the city. The 55 km Long journeys by road from Agra drives you to the town of Bharatpur – the eastern gateway to Rajasthan . Bharatpur is popular for its bird sanctuary-the Keoladeo Ghana National Park – finest in Asia with a rich avian variety . Every year the rare Siberian cranes come to spend the winter in the warmer climate of Bharatpur . Of the remnants of the royal past remains the marvelous Bharatpur Palace housing a rich repository of large number of ancient exhibits that date back to the early 15th century.

Bharatpur’s bus stand is in the west of town near Anah Gate, just off NH-11. If you’re arriving from Fatehpur Sikri , get off well before, when the bus stops at the crossroads on the opposite side of town near the park gates, as this is nearer all the hotels and guesthouses. From the main bus stand, services run to all major centres in Rajasthan (including Jaipur) and to Delhi, Agra and Fatehpur Sikri. Two kilometres northwest, the railway station lies on the main Delhi-Mumbai line. There are also two fast trains to Agra (2hr) and one to Amritsar (14hr), and an express service to Sawai Madhopur (2hr 30min). The town’s tourist office (Mon-Sat 10am-5pm), where you can pick up good state maps and information on Bharatpur and the sanctuary, stands at the crossroads near the park entrance where Fatehpur Sikri buses pull in. Cycle rickshaws are the main form of transport within the city, but fares for the long haul in and out of town soon mount up, and it makes sense to rent a bicycle , either from your hotel (around Rs35/day) or the shop on NH-11 outside the Spoonbill Restaurant . If you need to change money , head for the State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur, Binarayan Gate (Mon-Fri 10am-2pm, Sat 10am-noon).


Places to see

Keoladeo National Park :-

This would be any bird-watching enthusiasts first choice. Once the royal hunting ground of the princes of Bharatpur, the Bharatpur Keoladeo National Park is one of the finest habitat of birds in the world. Bubbling with over 400 species of resident water birds, the park is furthermore populated by the annual influx of birds from colder countries (during winter season). Exotic migratory birds from Afghanistan, Central Asia, Tibet as well as Siberia, the Arctics and China, come here in the months of October/ November to spend the winters.

Lohagarh Fort :-

The Lohagarh Fort (also known as Iron Fort) was built in the early part of 18th century by Maharaja Suraj Mal, the founder of Bharatpur. Supposedly taking its name from its invincible defense, the massive iron structure prides in being one of the few impregnable structures of Rajasthan in India. The fort complex holds three exquisitely built palaces namely – Kishori Mahal, Mahal Khas and Kothi Khas. Two of eight imposing towers – Jawahar Burj and Fateh Burj still stands in pride within the fort complex. These towers were built to symbolise his victory over the Mughals and the British rulers.

Government Museum :-

The Government Museum has a rich collection of artefacts, brilliantly carved sculptures and ancient inscriptions. All these items speak volumes about the rich heritage, art and crafts of the region.

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Sariska Pacchetti Tour della fauna selvatica

Riserva della tigre di Sariska (Wildlife Century In Rajasthan) : –
La riserva delle tigri di Sariska è ben immersa nelle colline di Aravali che coprono un’area di 800 kmq suddivisa tra praterie, foreste decidue secche, scogliere a picco e paesaggio roccioso. Sia che tu voglia fare safari sui cammelli, uscire per fare shopping nei luoghi circostanti, visitare i palazzi medievali o osservare la natura; Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary è il posto migliore per te.

Quasi il 90% dell’area del santuario è ricoperta da alberi Dhok che ospitano varie specie di animali selvatici. Una varietà di altri animali selvatici come il leopardo, il sambhar, il chital, il nilgai, l’antilope a quattro corna, il cinghiale, il macaco rhesus, il langur, la iena e i gatti della giungla si trovano nella riserva delle tigri di Sariska oltre alla tigre. Il Parco Nazionale di Sariska ospita la più grande popolazione di pavoni in India, e tra le altre specie ospita quaglie, galli cedroni, picchi dorati e aquile serpentiforme. Anche il Lago Siliserh ai margini del parco ha un gran numero di coccodrilli. Il Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary ospita le rovine dei templi medievali di Garh-Rajor che risalgono al X e XI secolo. Anche un castello del 17 ° secolo su una collina a Kankwari offre una vista panoramica di avvoltoi e aquile volanti. Il Sariska fu dichiarato un santuario nel 1955 e raggiunse lo status di Parco Nazionale nel 1979.

Informazioni su Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary : –
Spighe affilate di colline e strette vallate degli Aravallis dominano il paesaggio di Sariska, le cui foreste sono secche e caduche. All’interno del santuario della fauna selvatica di Sariska ci sono le rovine dei templi medievali di Garh-Rajor, appartenenti ai secoli X e XI. Un castello del 17 ° secolo su una collina tagliente a Kankwari, offre una vista panoramica di volatili e aquile volanti egiziani. L’area fu dichiarata santuario nel 1955 e divenne un parco nazionale nel 1979.

Principali attrazioni della fauna selvatica : –
Il parco di Sariska ospita numerosi carnivori tra cui Leopard, Wild Dog, Jungle Cat, Hyena, Jackal e Tiger. Questi si nutrono di un’abbondanza di specie preda come Sambar, Chitel, Nilgai, Chausingha, Cinghiale e Langur. Sariska è anche noto per la sua vasta popolazione di scimmie Rhesus, che si trovano in gran numero intorno a Talvriksh.

Il mondo degli uccelli è anche ben rappresentato con una ricca e variegata avifauna. Questi includono Peafowl, pernice grigia, quaglia cespuglio, pernice di sabbia, torta di albero, picchio di legno dorato, aquila di serpenti crestato e il grande gufo cornuto indiano.

Pacchetti del tour naturalistico del Rajasthan
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Turismo del Rajasthan


Sariska Wildlife Tour Packages

Sariska Tiger Reserve (Wildlife Century In Rajasthan) :-

Sariska Tiger Reserve is well nestled in the Aravali Hills covering 800 sq km area divided into the grasslands, dry deciduous forests, sheer cliffs and rocky landscape. Whether you want to have camel safaris, go out for shopping in the surrounding places, visit medieval palaces or wildlife watching; Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary is the best place for you. Nearly 90% of the area in the sanctuary is covered with dhok trees accommodating various wildlife species. A variety of other wild animals like the leopard, sambhar, chital, nilgai, four-horned antelope, wild boar, rhesus  macaque, langur, hyena and jungle cats are found in the Sariska Tiger Reserve apart from the tiger. The Sariska National Park is home to India’s largest population of peafowl, and harbours quail, sand grouse, golden- backed woodpeckers and crested serpent eagles, among other species. Also the Siliserh Lake on the edge of the park has a large number of crocodiles.

The Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary houses the ruins of medieval temples of Garh-Rajor that date back to the 10th and 11th centuries. Also a 17th century castle on a hilltop at Kankwari provides a panoramic view of flying vultures and eagles. The Sariska was declared a sanctuary in 1955 and attained the status of a National Park in 1979.


About Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary :-

Sharp cliffs of hills and narrow valleys of the Aravallis dominate the landscape of Sariska, whose forests are dry and deciduous. Within the Sariska wildlife sanctuary there are the ruins of medieval temples of Garh-Rajor, belonging to the 10th and 11th centuries. A 17th century castle on a sharp hilltop at Kankwari, provides a panoramic view of flying Egyptian vultures and eagles. The area was declared a sanctuary in 1955 and became a National Park in 1979.

Major Wildlife Attractions :- 

Sariska park is home to numerous carnivores including Leopard, Wild Dog, Jungle Cat, Hyena, Jackal, and Tiger. These feed on an abundance of prey species such as Sambar, Chitel, Nilgai, Chausingha, Wild Boar and Langur. Sariska is also well known for its large population of Rhesus Monkeys, which are found in large numbers around Talvriksh.

The avian world is also well represented with a rich and varied birdlife. These include Peafowl, Grey Partridge, Bush Quail, Sand Grouse, Tree Pie, Golden backed Wood Pecker, Crested Serpent Eagle and the Great Indian Horned Owl.

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Ranthambore Riserva delle tigri

Prendi turismo avventuroso con Tiger Safari Ranthambore 
Proprio come il safari in cammello nella città aspra del deserto di Jaisalmer, Pushkar o anche Bikaner, la maggior parte del turista si diletta a visitare il Parco Nazionale di Ranthambore per assistere alla fauna selvatica, in particolare la tigre nel loro habitat naturale. Originariamente chiamato Sawai Madhopur Wildlife Sanctuary, il Parco Naturale di Ranthambore è stato avviato nell’anno 1955. Fino ad ora, conserva i relitti di molti forti e luoghi, che sono stati trovati per essere 1000 anni che riflettono il tocco reale dello stato.

Una breve storia del turismo in Rajasthan :
Una cultura colorata insieme a un’eredità reale è considerata sinonimo dello stato desertico del Rajasthan. Ecco perchè; è diventata la destinazione più popolare per i turisti di tutto il mondo. Palazzi maestosi, templi antichi e forti formidabili sono alcuni dei marchi del Rajasthan, mentre le riserve naturali, le sabbie dorate, i laghi reali e le scenografiche cinture verdi offrono la motivazione per il lato estetico dei turisti. La facile accessibilità e la connettività da quasi tutte le principali città indiane facilitano un’esplorazione senza problemi del Rajasthan, mentre le fiere, così come i festival che vengono celebrati con grande fervore, aggiungeranno un fascino esclusivo.
Punti salienti di Tiger Safari Ranthambore :
Ranthambore nel Rajasthan gioca un ruolo essenziale nel preservare le tigri diurne. Oggi, Ranthambore è risultato essere il miglior esempio di impegno per la conservazione di Project Tiger. Non c’è dubbio che Ranthambore sarà benedetto con un habitat deciduo secco che funge da ambiente ideale per la popolazione di tigri in buona salute. Al momento, ci sono 23 villaggi disponibili nella riserva della tigre e quindi, i turisti possono divertirsi a viaggiare nelle zone rurali e visitare il parco.

Le tigri che si trovano a Ranthambore sono troppo abituate e quindi, a volte sono avvistate mentre gironzolano in pieno giorno. Gli appassionati che hanno avuto fortuna, il destino, possono avere la visione esclusiva delle tigri, che stanno vagando per le scale del forte di Ranthambore costruito nel X secolo. Jeep o Canter Safari è considerato il modo migliore per scoprire la natura selvaggia nella giungla.
Le principali attrazioni di Tiger Safari Rajasthan :
Oltre alle tigri, il Parco Nazionale di Ranthambore ospita i mammiferi di 30 specie diverse, uccelli di 200 varietà e persino rettili di 12 specie diverse. Le specie di mammiferi, che comunemente si trovano includono il leopardo, l’orso della pigrizia, il gatto della giungla, il cinghiale e il sambar ecc.
I Bird Watchers potevano anche fare clic su vari colpi di Lesser avvistato l’aquila, l’aquila serpente crestata, il gufo scops dal collare, il gufo reale eurasiatico, il pavone, il grande babbler grigio e molto altro ancora.

Un viaggio intorno alle aree lungo il fiume offrirà uno sguardo ravvicinato di Martin pescatore dal becco di cicogna, Ibis con la testa nera, Darter e talvolta Marsh Crocodile, che è il secondo Mugger più grande dell’India.
Il momento migliore per divertirsi al Tiger Safari Ranthambore :
Il momento perfetto per godersi il safari con la tigre Ranthambore è tra il 1 ° ottobre e il 30 giugno come resto del tempo, il parco sarà chiuso per i visitatori. Al Ranthambore National Park, i tempi di safari possono variare in base alle condizioni meteorologiche disponibili. Solo il veicolo omologato potrebbe entrare nel parco. All’interno della riserva naturale, quasi tutti i veicoli devono seguire la strada fissa e dovrebbero lasciare il parco entro le 18.30.


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Turismo del Rajasthan


Ranthambore Tiger Safari

Get Adventurous Tourism With The Tiger Safari Ranthambore

Just like the camel safari in the harsh desert town of Jaisalmer, Pushkar or even Bikaner, most of the tourist delight in visiting Ranthambore National Park in order to witness the wildlife especially tiger in their natural habitat. Originally named as the Sawai Madhopur Wildlife Sanctuary, Ranthambore Natural Park was started in the year 1955. Until now, it preserves the wrecks of several forts and places, which are found to be 1000 years old reflecting the royal touch of the state.

A brief history of Rajasthan Tourism :

A colorful culture together with a royal heritage is found to be synonymous with the desert state of Rajasthan. That’s why; it has become the most popular destination for worldwide tourists. Majestic palaces, ancient temples and formidable forts are some of the trademarks of Rajasthan, whereas wildlife reserves, golden sands, royal lakes and scenic green belts offer to motivate the aesthetic side of tourists. Easy accessibility and connectivity from almost all the major Indian cities facilitate a trouble-free exploration of Rajasthan, whilst the fairs, as well as festivals that are celebrated with a great fervor, will add an exclusive charm.

Highlights of Tiger Safari Ranthambore :

Ranthambore in Rajasthan plays an essential role in preserving diurnal tigers. Today, Ranthambore has turned out to be the best example of conservation efforts regarding Project Tiger. There is no doubt that Ranthambore will be blessed with a dry deciduous habitat that acts as an ideal environment for the healthy tiger population. At present, there are totally 23 villages available in the tiger reserve and so, tourist can able to enjoy traveling to the rural areas in addition to visiting the park.

Tigers found in Ranthambore are too habituated and thus, they are sometimes spotted loitering around in the broad daylight. Enthusiasts who are having luck fate may able to get the exclusive view of tigers, which are wandering up the stairs of Ranthambore fort built in 10th century. Jeep or Canter Safari is considered to be the best way to discover wildlife in the jungle.

Major attractions of Tiger Safari Rajasthan :

Besides tigers, Ranthambore National Park is home to about mammals of 30 different species, bird of 200 varieties and even reptiles of 12 different species. Mammal species, which commonly found include Leopard, sloth bear, Jungle Cat, Wild Boar and Sambar etc.

Bird Watchers could also able to click various shots of Lesser spotted the eagle, crested serpent eagle, collared scops owl, Eurasian Eagle Owl, Peacock, large Grey Babbler and much more.

A travel around the riverside areas will offer a close glimpse of Stork-billed Kingfisher, Black- headed Ibis, Darter and sometimes Marsh Crocodile who is the second largest Mugger of India.

Best Time to enjoy at Tiger Safari Ranthambore :

The perfect time to get pleasure from tiger safari Ranthambore is between 1st October and 30th June as rest of the time, the park will be closed for visitors. At Ranthambore National Park, the safari times may vary according to the weather conditions available. Only approved vehicle could enter the park. Inside the wildlife reserve, almost all the vehicles need to follow the fixed route and should leave the park by 6.30 PM.

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Jamwai Mata Tempio : Ramgarh (Jaipur)

Jamwai Mata Temple, Jaipur :-
Ci sono molti templi locali che popolano il paesaggio di Jaipur e dintorni. Jamwai Mata Temple è un antico tempio che ospita la dea locale della dinastia Kachhwaha nel Rajasthan. Il tempio, situato nei pressi dei ruscelli del lago Ramgarh, è il più antico santuario della dea della famiglia reale di Jaipur. La fondazione del tempio fu posta dal sovrano Kachhwaha Raja Dulherai, che fu anche responsabile dell’istituzione del dominio Kachhwaha in Rajputana. Le leggende locali dicono che Raja Raja Dulherai conquistò quest’area mentre era incoraggiato dal potere spirituale di Jamwai Mataji (la Dea). Per i Kachhwahas, questo è un santuario venerato e per i turisti è uno dei templi che offrono uno spaccato della cultura e della storia locale.

È opinione diffusa che Rao Dulheraoji abbia sognato Jamway Mata che lo ha diretto a conquistare l’area e quando ha vinto la guerra con il locale Meena Landlord ha ribattezzato la città ‘Maanch’ come Jamwa Ramgarh. Questo è un santuario devozionale per tutti i rajput kachwaha.

La posizione geografica del tempio Jamwai Mata è di circa 30 km nella direzione nord-est di Jaipur. Il posto è popolarmente conosciuto come Jamwa Ramgarh. È una grande attrazione turistica grazie al Tempio Jamwai Mata, al lago Ramgarh e al santuario della vita selvaggia. Il sacro tempio di Jamwai Mata Ji è aperto a tutti i suoi fedeli durante tutto l’anno. C’è una pooja speciale che viene condotta durante la stagione Navratri digiunando e cantando i bhajan in lode a Mata Ji. La gente del posto è molto disponibile e aggiunge ad essa i dintorni del tempio non sono ancora molto commercializzati, quindi è un popolare sito di escursioni spirituali per Jaipurites.

Tempi del tempio : –
Orario di apertura del tempio: 06:15 AM
Tempi di chiusura del tempio: 12:00
Orario di apertura del tempio: 14:00
Tempi di chiusura del tempio: 20:00

Anche se non c’è molto di una guida necessaria per trovare il tempio, tuttavia se si è bloccati ottenere aiuto dalla gente del posto sono davvero utili. Il tempio non è molto circondato da attività commerciali fino ad ora che lo rende una buona escursione spirituale per i visitatori.

Miglior tempo per visitare : –
Il tempio è aperto tutto l’anno per i suoi visitatori. Puoi pianificare la tua visita in qualsiasi momento dell’anno, anche se la sua bellezza è in pieno svolgimento durante la stagione Navratri (Ott-Nov) quando viene condotta una speciale “Pooja”.

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Jamwai Mata Temple : Ramgarh (Jaipur)

Jamwai Mata Temple, Jaipur :-

There are a lot of local temples that populate the landscape of Jaipur and around. Jamwai Mata Temple is an old one that houses the local Goddess of the Kachhwaha Dynasty in Rajasthan. Temple, located at the down streams of Ramgarh Lake,  is the oldest goddess shrine of the Jaipur Royal Family. The temple’s foundation was laid by the Kachhwaha ruler Raja Dulherai who was also responsible for the establishment of Kachhwaha rule in Rajputana. The local legends say that Raja Raja Dulherai conquered this area as he was encouraged by the spiritual power of Jamwai Mataji (the Goddess). For the Kachhwahas, this is a revered shrine and for tourists it is one of the temples that offer an insight into local culture and history.

It is much accepted view that Rao Dulheraoji had a dream about Jamway Mata who directed him to conquer the area and when he won the war with local Meena Landlord he renamed the town ‘Maanch’ as Jamwa Ramgarh. This is a devotional shrine for the whole of the kachwaha rajputs.

The geographical location of Jamwai Mata temple is around 30 Km in the North-East direction of Jaipur. The place is popularly known as Jamwa Ramgarh. It is a big tourist attraction due to Jamwai Mata Temple , Ramgarh lake and wild life sanctuary. The holy shrine of Jamwai Mata Ji is open for all her believers throughout the year. There is a special pooja which is conducted during the Navratri season by fasting and chanting bhajans in praise of Mata Ji. The locals are very helpful and add to it the temple surroundings are still not much commercialized, hence it is a popular spiritual excursion site for Jaipurites.

Temple Timing  :-

Temple Opening Time :    06:15 AM

Temple Closing Time:      12:00 PM

Temple Opening Time:     02:00 PM

Temple Closing Time:       08:00 PM

Although there is not much of a guidance needed to find the temple, still if you are stuck get help from the locals they are really helpful. The temple is not much surrounded by commercial activities till now which makes it a good a spiritual excursion to the visitors.

Best Time To Visit :-

The temple is open throughout the year for its visitors. You can plan your visit any time of the year, though its beauty is in full swing during the Navratri(Oct-Nov) season when special “Pooja” is conducted.

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Reservas de tigres en Rajasthan

Santuarios de Vida Silvestre en Rajasthan : –
Rajasthan es un estado de la realeza y tiene numerosas pruebas de la cultura real en su rica herencia y sociedad. Además de su abundancia cultural, Rajastán también tiene suficiente belleza de vida silvestre. Las principales atracciones del estado son los santuarios de vida silvestre y los parques nacionales en Rajasthan. Estos hermosos santuarios y parques albergan una gran variedad de vida silvestre, algunos de los cuales han sido categorizados como críticamente amenazados. La vegetación en estos terrenos de conservación varía con el paisaje, pero todos y cada uno de los santuarios de vida silvestre ofrece una oportunidad maravillosa para experimentar la naturaleza de una manera única. Rajasthan es un refugio seguro para una amplia y colorida variedad de vida silvestre. La mayoría de estas amplias extensiones están abiertas a turistas e invitados sin cesar alrededor del año, pero permanecen temporalmente cerrados durante la temporada de lluvias.

Parque Nacional de Ranthambore : –
El Parque Nacional de Ranthambore es uno de los parques nacionales más grandes en el norte de India, se encuentra ampliamente en el estado de Rajasthan. Este maravilloso parque nacional se encuentra en el Sawai Madhopur y la maravillosa experiencia radica en la visión de los animales salvajes y las plantaciones. Ranthambore fue establecido como el Sawai Madhopur Game Sanctuary en 1955 por el gobierno de la India, y fue declarada una de las reservas del Proyecto Tigre en 1973. El parque es conocido por su población de tigres, y es una de las reservas del Proyecto Tiger de la India.

Otros animales salvajes importantes incluyen leopardo, nilgai, jabalí, sambar, hiena, oso perezoso y chital. También es el hogar de una gran variedad de árboles, plantas, pájaros y reptiles. Una mezcla de colinas y riscos, y prados, lagos y riachuelos, este sistema de bosque caducifolio seco alberga una increíble variedad de flora y fauna. Además del tigre, también puedes ver osos perezosos, leopardos, caracales, chacales, zorros, hienas y mangostas en Ranthambore.

Ranthambore es el paraíso para los fotógrafos de vida silvestre. La atracción principal en el parque es seguir al tigre en safaris. Los viajes se llevan a cabo en dos momentos diferentes del día. Cada viaje dura aproximadamente tres horas.

Parque Nacional Sariska Alwar : –
La reserva Sariska Tiger está situada en el distrito de Alwar, en el estado de Rajastán, y es uno de los parques nacionales más importantes de Rajasthan. Fue el territorio de caza del Estado de Alwar. El santuario fue declarado como Reserva de Vida Silvestre en 1955 y se incluyó en el proyecto Proyecto Tigre en 1978. La característica más atractiva de la Reserva Sariska Tigre es su población de Tigres de Bengala Real.

Es el hogar de una gran cantidad de animales salvajes, incluyendo monos Rhesus, langures Hanuman, liebres, jabalíes, chousingha o los cuatro antílopes cornudos, chinkara, nilgai, sambhar, chacales dorados, hienas rayadas, caracal, gatos de la jungla y leopardos. El parque se extiende por 866 kilómetros cuadrados. El Sariska Tiger Sanctuary es también la primera Reserva de Tigres en el país donde la reubicación y rehabilitación de tigres se ha llevado a cabo con éxito.

Mukundara Tiger Reserve Kota : –
Mientras se encuentre en Kota, debe visitar esta de las mejores reservas de tigres en Rajasthan. Este es otro parque nacional en Rajasthan que le permite explorar la exótica vida silvestre de Rajasthan. La reserva de tigres de Mukundara Hills cubre una zona de 759 km2 y es el lugar de residencia de 50 tigres.

En el pasado, se lo conocía como el Parque Nacional Mukundara Hills y se ha anunciado como un ahorro de tigres en el año 2012 por parte del Gobierno de la India. Mukundara Hills Tiger Reserve es honrado con una sorprendente vida natural que incluye vegetación. Hay una variedad de animales salvajes como tigre, panteras incorporadas, osos perezosos, lobos y chinkaras.

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