Sanwariaji Temple is situated on the Chittorgarh-Udaipur Highway in the town of Mandaphia. It is at a distance of around 70 Km from the Udaipur city. Tourists from all over the country visit the temple to worship Lord Krishna in the temple. The idol of Lord Krishna is of ‘Dark Krishna’ also known as Sanwariya Ji with a flute. This is the reason why the temple is named so. Actually ‘Sanwariya’ means the color black and since the idol of Lord Krishna is also black, the name justifies itself.
The temple holds a great importance to the followers of the Vaishnava section. Devotees have boundless faith for Sanwariya Ji and they come in the number of hundreds every day. The architecture of the temple has been very great. The temple is grand in both area and height. Once your eyes will see the huge temple you will be left astonished. There is a ‘Shikhar’ on the main temple of Sanwariaji Temple which has a remarkable height. The carvings on the walls of the temple are no less attractive. One can clearly see how much of plan, creativity, and efforts the makers had to put in there.
It is believed that the temple is the luckiest for the businessman. There are a surprising number of wealthy businessman coming from all around the country and have struck a deal of profit sharing with the god Religious Places in Rajasthan.

History of Sanwariaji Temple
Sanwariaji Temple In Mewar, 1840, during construction of a road from Udaipur to Chittor in the village of Bagund, a babool (acacia) tree was hindering the construction. When it was removed by digging out, three statues of Lord Krishna appeared in form of Sanwaliya. One of the statues was taken to Mandaphiya, one to Bhadsoda and the third remained at Chapar, at the very place where it was found. All three locations became temples. These three temples are located close to each other, within the 5 km distance. The three temples of Sanwaliya Ji became renowned and devotees visit them in large numbers since then. Among these three temples, Mandaphia Temple is recognized as the Sanwalia Ji Dham (abode of Sanwaliya).
According to a legend, these idols were made by Naga monks, which were hidden in the ground for fear of the invaders.
Near this place is Bhadasoda village which has a history of more than 1000 years. Pritha, the sister of Veer Prithviraja Chauhan, the ruler of Ajmer and Delhi, was married to Rana Samar Singh of Chittor. After marriage, the slaves and the Charan chieftain who came to Chittor with Prtiha were given 12 villages in Jagir by Rana Samar Singh. These villages also included Bhadasoda village
Puraji Bhagat, the very famous householder saint of the Suthar caste, lived in Bhadasoda. Under his direction, these idols were handled and kept safe. An idol was taken to Bhadasoda village, where a temple was constructed by ruler of Bhinder Thikana by instruction of Bhagatji and , the temple of Samwalia ji Was built. The second idol was taken to the village of Mandafia, a temple was constructed there too, which became famous with timee. Even today, thousands of travelers from far and wide come to visit every year.

Sanwariya Seth Temple Darshan Timings
Other than this Temple, you can also visit the nearby temples in Chapar and Badsoda. Here comes the Sanwariaji Temple timings for free Darshan, every Monday to Sunday.
Regular Poojas | Timing |
Temple opening/ Aarti | 5.30 a.m |
Rajabhog, Aarti and Prasad | 10.00 to 11.15 a.m |
Morning Hours | 5.00 a.m to 12.00 p.m |
Evening Aarti | 20.00 p.m to 21.15 p.m |
Bhajan and Keerthan | 21.15 p.m to 23.00 p.m |
Shayan | 23.00 p.m |

Best Time To Visit
Sanwariaji Temple is a renowned shrine that draws a large number of tourists and devotees from different parts of the state. Although it can be visited throughout the year, there are certain occasions like Janmashtami, Vaikuntha Ekadashi, and Govardhan Pooja etc. when people visit this temple extensively.
How To Reach Sanwariaji Temple
The Dabok Airport is nearer to Chittorgarh, which is at a distance of 70 Km. Once you reach Dabok Airport through a flight, from there you can take road transport to reach Chittorgarh till you reach the Temple. If you are interested in travelling by train, then you can train from Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Udaipur, Ajmer. Kota or Jaipur to reach Chittorgarh. From there you can use road transport to reach the Sanwaria Seth Temple. Moreover, to reach Chittorgarh through bus service, private buses are available from the busiest cities like Mumbai, Jaipur, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Udaipur, and Kota.