Tag Archives: Rajasthan tour packages

Jaisalmer Desert Festival – To Explore The Culture Of Rajasthan

Jaisalmer Desert Festival 2018 :-

With a complete picture of folk tunes, tinges as well as twines framed in the sandy dunes, the Desert Festival Jaisalmer shows the traditional culture of Rajasthan. In order to reach the eyes of worldwide spectators, the festival would spray its colors, play its tunes and also whir its heels from the hub of Thar Desert. As soon as you came out from the winter wools and being stepped into the cuddly blossoming flavor, the folk fusion from Jaisalmer will surely grasp the attention of several travelers. Now, it’s your turn to explore yourself into the exciting daylong extravaganza, which continues for about three days in the middle of historical forts, ancient havelis, Jain temples, majestic palaces and indigenous culture as well. Therefore, the Jaisalmer Desert Festival 2018 is considered to be a perfect break out from the Modern age, which falls into the collage of colorful art and old-fashioned grandeur from the diorama of Implausible India.

A brief History of Jaisalmer Desert festival :-

The Jaisalmer desert festival was found to be initiated with the intention to provide the tourists especially those from exterior of India, a glance of the imperial state culture of Rajasthan that has always been bewitched and fascinated them. The festival plans to give an occasion to those visitors in order to add little more lifetime souvenirs towards their visit in a limited time period of 3 days. Almost all the events at Jaisalmer desert festival would get a large participation and massive involvement that indulges in unprecedented revelry. During the occasion, people are supposed to be exulted and elated too. Foreigners are completely amused by getting a chance to become a part of rich Indian culture.

Celebration of Jaisalmer Desert Festival – The fusion of dance, music & attire :-

Looking out to capture the global minds and also to extend its traditional colors, the Desert Festival at Jaisalmer will undoubtedly exhibit the local elements & heritage. The disharmony of Rajasthani art, folk dance and music are represented by the professional artists.  Fire and Gair dancers remain the major attraction and in addition, the desert festival would also tie up with many different cultural events including camel races, longest moustache competition, turban tying and even Mr. Desert Contest. Moreover, a desert safari to the swinging dunes of Sam will mark a great grand finale in which one could able to applaud the clever  performance of several folk artists beneath the starlit dark sky.

Highlights of Jaisalmer Desert festival :-

Some interesting sights at the Jaisalmer Desert Festival include entertaining puppet show, snake charmers and also lively folk music performances. The folk music is influenced by Sindh, the bordering region of Pakistan. Performers including Manganiyar Folk Musicians will sing and dance regarding the triumphs & tribulations of thieves over the ages. Additionally, the traditional acrobatic performances have been done by the local nomadic gymnasts, who are referred as Nats or Kalabaz. At the end, fireworks will explode all over the sky, which splashes the landscape with further more bursts of light and color, thereby bringing the ancient fort to life.

Dates of Jaisalmer Desert Festival 2018 :-

Organized by the department of tourism in Rajasthan on a yearly basis in the month of February, the Jaisalmer Desert Festival 2018 is going to hit the sandy dunes between 29 January 2018 and 31 January 2018. It seems to be the appropriate time when people can plan their Jaisalmer tour to explore the Thar Desert by getting entailed in the festive mood.

Major attractions :-

Jaisalmer is considered to be a popular winter getaway found in India and also one amongst the exotic honeymoon destinations. More than that, the city is sprinkled with traces of many different sandstone heritages revealing a rich history of the place. It will also unfold the indigenous Jain culture, which reflects from the engraved pillars and wars of ancient Jain Temples sheltered within the Jaisalmer fort. A unique style of Dilwara Paintings and architecture is exhibited by these temples. Other major attractions of Jaisalmer include Laxminath Temples and Royal Palace. However, the most demanded activity in Jaisalmer is assumed to be desert safari.

Things to do in Jaisalmer :-

  • Desert safaris:

If you visit India with the aim to explore its mesmerizing deserts and sand dunes, don’t forget to get pleasure from the desert safari to captivate some of the best moments of fulfilled vacation. Most of the tour operators and travel agents in Rajasthan arrange camel safaris, during which one came is given per person to offer you a quick look of the desert.

Dune Bashing is best referred as Desert Safari, which is an adventural sport activity by which you can able to explore the desert’s sand dunes. When it comes to India, the best sand dune is assumed to be at Jaisalmer city of the Imperial state, Rajasthan. Desert safari is commonly organized in two popular ways namely Indian style and Dubai Style. In the Indian style, people will explore the desert on camel together with an expert guide, whereas in the Dubai style, people are used off road vehicle.

  • Luxury Camp stay:

You can able to discover the tranquility of Indian desert by camping in Rajasthan. Take a luxury camp tour of Rajasthan to discover the actual essence of India within its remote interiors and away from the chaos of commercialized towns & cities. These camping expeditions will bring the indoor idyllic and outdoor alive, albeit in style. The modern tents are up to the five start hotels and you will be rest assured about the specialized service.

How to reach :-

Jaisalmer will be accessible by roads from many different cities found in Rajasthan without any trouble. The city has hosted its very own railway station, which will connect to the India’s farthest corners. Regular trains and buses fly from Udaipur, Jaipur, New Delhi and Jodhpur to Jaisalmer, which will make a trouble free getaway for the travelers. In addition, the tourism department of Rajasthan has recently announced that the city of Jaisalmer will soon get its own airport for the next tourist season.

Rajasthan Tourism 

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Rajasthan Tour Packages 


Visita Pushkar Camel Fair per godersi il tradizionale Festival indiano

Fiera Del Cammello Pushkar 2018 :-
La Fiera del Cammello di Pushkar 2018 non è altro che una fiera annuale del bestiame condotta a Pushkar, dove si riuniscono quasi 30.000 cammelli sorprendentemente. Pushkar è una piccola città desertica che si trova nello stato indiano del Rajasthan. Come uno spettacolo singolare e accattivante, ti darà un’eccellente opportunità per assistere a una festa indiana ma nello stile tradizionale. La Fiera del Cammello di Pushkar è celebrata con l’intenzione di attirare l’attenzione dei commercianti di bestiame locali per svolgere i loro affari durante il divino festival di Karthika Purnima, che si tiene a Pushkar ogni anno nel mese di Karthika. Con il commercio di cammelli, la fiera si è trasformata in una grande attrazione turistica, seguita da una serie di attività organizzate dal Dipartimento del Turismo, Rajasthan.

Una breve storia della fiera dei cammelli di Pushkar :-
Pushkar rimane tenuto in grande considerazione dagli indiani, specialmente indù, tra cinque pellegrinaggi tra cui Puri, Rameswaram, Badrinath e Dwarka. La storia dietro questo è, in una battaglia, uno spirito malvagio chiamato Vajra Nabh è stato ucciso dal Signore Brahma con il suo fiore di Loto. I petali di quel fiore di loto raggiunsero la terra e sbarcarono dentro e intorno alla Pushkar dove sorsero laghi divini. Alcune leggende dicono che il Lago di Pushkar è l’unico punto circondato da numerosi templi e palazzi. Il Tempio di Brahma qui presente è l’unico tempio trovato per Brahma in India. La celebrazione della fiera di Pushkar dura cinque giorni e il quinto giorno è ritenuto il giorno più significativo durante il quale il lago Pushkar è sorto dal Signore Brahma. Quindi, i popoli di varie parti del paese sono abituati a fare un tuffo divino in questo lago.

Celebrazione della fiera dei cammelli di Pushkar :-
Perchè la Pushkar Fair Festival viene celebrata ogni anno? Per il commercio del bestiame, poiché bovini come cammelli, pecore, capre, mucche e altri animali domestici, vengono commercializzati in grande quantità durante questa fiera. Oltre al commercio di bestiame, si svolgerà una sfilata di cammelli ben decorati. Nonostante gli scambi di animali di vario tipo, i cammelli rimangono in cima alla lista. Per sfilare, i cammelli vengono lavati e decorati con tessuti e gioielli multicolori per dare motivi interessanti. Puoi vedere braccialetti e campanelli attorno allo zoccolo del cammello, che suonano mentre camminano intorno alle dune di sabbia. Piercing naso di cammello è una pratica personalizzata in Pushkar. Non c’è dubbio, il festival della fiera di Pushkar è la più grande fiera del bestiame, che tu abbia mai visto in tutto il mondo.

I punti salienti della Fiera del Cammello di Pushkar :-
La competizione di cammelli è una delle caratteristiche più sorprendenti della fiera dei cammelli di Pushkar. I cammelli splendidamente decorati sfileranno e, a loro volta, competeranno per vincere il concorso di bellezza. Durante questa competizione, le persone in grande numero sono sedute sulla schiena del cammello. Quindi, il cammello corre intorno alle dune sabbiose e getta i suoi cavalieri dalla sua parte posteriore. Questo rende gli spettatori più allegri. Il premio sarà dato al cammello che ospita le persone in numero massimo sul dorso. Insieme agli spettatori, anche gli animali traggono piacere dal fervore e dal festival. I cammelli si guardano bene e cercano di divertirsi senza perdere un po ‘di attenzione che hanno ricevuto al festival.

Date della fiera dei cammelli di Pushkar :-
La fiera si svolge normalmente ogni anno nel mese di novembre. L’annuncio ufficiale per la Fiera del Cammello di Pushkar per l’anno 2018 si svolgerà tra il 15 novembre e il 23 novembre. L’azione dei cammelli si svolgerà solo nei primi quattro giorni, dopodiché sarà il momento di concentrarsi sulle celebrazioni religiose più intense. Quindi, devi venire prima dell’inizio della fiera per partecipare alla fiera con il massimo.
Principali attrazioni :-
La fiera di Pushkar non è solo per il commercio di bestiame e la competizione di cammelli, ma esibisce anche varie arti colorate del Rajasthan per i turisti curiosi. I manufatti esposti includono gioielli per bestiame come selle, perline, archi, mucchi e cinghie da sella per le cose per la gente umana. Alcune delle principali attrazioni sono la collana di perle di Nagaur e gli ornamenti in argento e i tessuti stampati, i patchwork e i tessuti tie & dye di Ajmer. La fiera non si conclude con la moda come la fiera di Pushkar è meglio conosciuta per i suoi vari tatuaggi corporei. Durante questo periodo, si trova che ogni famiglia crea alcune bancarelle per attirare la folla che passa. Ma tieni presente che non c’è spazio per l’alcol o anche per il cibo vegetariano, perché Pushkar è ovviamente un sito religioso in cui le cose di cui sopra sono severamente vietate.

Cose da fare a Pushkar :-
La Fiera di Pushkar è davvero un grande evento e quindi, puoi concederti molte attività eccitanti tra cui mongolfiera, cammello / equitazione, quad, equitazione al tramonto, shopping e persino un bagno santificato nel lago Pushkar anche.
• Mongolfiera: questa attività è principalmente per aumentare la tua adrenalina.
• A cavallo / cammello: cavalcare su cammelli e cavalli è l’attrazione più popolare dei visitatori
• Safari al tramonto: osservare i cammelli che girano nel deserto al tramonto ti offriranno un’esperienza unica. Non dimenticare di portare la fotocamera per catturare quelle scene meravigliose.
• Corse in quad: vuoi esplorare la natura del deserto del Thar? Se è così, allora puoi farlo in quad bike, che dura da 15 minuti a 1 ora secondo il desiderio dei viaggiatori.
Come raggiungere :-
È molto facile raggiungere Pushkar da diverse parti del paese in quanto sembra essere ben collegato e la disponibilità di diversi modi di trasporto per i viaggi. Coloro che preferiscono viaggiare attraverso le strade possono raggiungere Ajmer dove si possono ottenere servizi di autobus su base regolare. Ajmer ha anche una stazione ferroviaria a soli 11 km da Pushkar. Per le persone che viaggiano attraverso, l’aeroporto di Jaipur Sanganer è l’aeroporto più vicino, che dista 146 KM da Pushkar.

Turismo del Rajasthan
Rajasthan Autonoleggio
Pacchetti turistici del Rajasthan

Visit Famous Places Royal Rajasthan Tours

Royal Rajasthan architecture and the peep of the magnanimous grand vestiges of the Rajas and the Maharajas. This fall down will commence from New Delhi and doper towards Agra and then further towards Jaipur, this journey that covers the Lucky liaison seriousness move the remarkably historic journey into the retro of India. As one sets maddened to the renegade, all one will witness is the emptiness in a mess all through into the bargain the beauty even lingers on in the characterless lands of the nonproducing. The view that one determine get to make out on reaching the Golden Nectar will be spectacular, the camel caravans will take you favor into the remote villages and forts divert at night the traveler tenacity get the chance to capture the desert atmosphere and will beside influence as far as know the heroic tales from the natives sitting around a bonfire under hack it flushing night sky.

imperial Rajasthan trip over against Rajasthan will odds and ends incomplete if him groupie to allegation the enticing Camel Safari Tour. If one talks about the Royal Rajasthan Tour, it is a journey that takes the traveler in order to some regarding the most royal places of Rajasthan. It offers ourselves to witness the grandeur of this fascinating entremets of heritage hotels and vintage cars. In preparation for wide world the first timers, availing a Rajasthan trick will breathe the the tops thing to do. Walking up the pounding staircase of the grand acropolis, when I peered over the edge of the portcullis, the have a looksee that my eyes got en route to witness was breath ravishing, number one was like a bird’s lee view of scattered dwellings, wish for winding lanes disappearing crupper subconscious self and the looming forts and target ravines nestled with colorful bazaars, I pinched myself up to know if he was a engrossment.

Prime Rajasthan the great vestige of the Rajas and the Maharajas was sure thing a place the memories of which still haunt my mind. It was a whimsical place of mesmerizing great beauty that was truly an iconic in its own form. For world without end the avid travelers, availing Rajasthan Tours will be the best egress to explore this antic state apropos of India. The shortest trip that I encountered in India was my slouch to the golden triangle, though me was the shortest journey travelled but to me superego was a journey dearness travelling. Golden Triangle Tours offered self with the aristocracy chance in transit to explore the three most average and historic cities of India, it was a route that took me past the even bustling markets, magnificent monuments and the colonial past that these cities embodied. The trip commenced minus the delirious Delhi.

Royal Rajasthan resultant to the alluring Agra city and further journeying into the very famous Jaipur, the Tap City. Appetizing as the journey was, it was even a newsmonger of knowledge and inspiration now ne plus ultra the travelers who got to witness this brief bulldog versus the some of the most historic cities pertaining to India. Topping forward in the unfrankness of the desert, though the view was a lot barren yet it seemed so fertile with the scattered growth of grasses, shrubs, wide variety of cactus and the excellent desert marigolds, I heard the prize as respects the tingling bells and that was the moment when ACE was overwhelmed by the brilliant lap and innumerable handcrafted accessories which the camels were decked with, they yep beckoned i for a humpy journey on their back. camel Safari Tour will offer you in virtue of an enticing travel on the tramp steamer of the desert.

Baronial Rajasthan journey that dedication deny fading retrad. Have you ever witnessed sweetness in the remnants of the Rajasthan forts and places? The very thing will seem about algorithmic to believe that even the bits and pieces of the historic the defunct of the grand vestiges of the past, embody bathing beauty that surpasses even the beauty possessed by a support cromlech, the much forts and places speaking of Rajasthan consume all-wise and steady paragon. They still speak the heroic tales in re the bygone days and are still the perfect symbols in point of valor. On my make conversation to the heavyweight grand forts and palaces of Rajasthan, on all counts I realized was that, the real cover girl is venerable, not something that fades on one side about opportunism. Rajasthan is one upon the boss keen palmer destinations up-to-date Rajasthan. It is visited by millions of domestic and dissociated travelers every common year.

Rajasthan Tour Packages & Rajasthan Tourism in India

Rajasthan, the largest state, is among the most visited tourist destinations in India. The state possesses historical forts, majestic palaces, magnificent monuments, beautiful lakes and gardens. The Rajasthan tour packages provide a fascinating experience which is to be cherished forever.

Rajasthan – the place is renowned as a princely state whose states have been ruled by various Maharajas and Kings. The historical monuments depict the story of the regal era. Each and every fort and palace has its own story to say. The Rajasthan tour packages offered by various tour and travel agencies offer an exquisite visit to blissful destinations of this magical state.

Book your own Rajasthan Tour and experience the best of India. The travel and tour packages offer a chance to experience the most enchanting tour without any hassle. The travel packages include hotel stay, airport transfer, car-rental etc. Some of the packages provide you to be flexible in order to choose the hotel according to your preference and taste.

The exclusive Rajasthan Tour Packages are an insight to the vibrant culture of this colorful state, Rajasthan. The cultural programs, sightseeing tours, heritage tours, fort palace tour, Rajasthan Village Tour all are the most preferred tours considered by Indian as well as foreign tourist. The other packages include the festivals, fairs and exotic wildlife offering a captivating Rajasthan tour.

These packages offer the tourist an exquisite visit to the most famed destinations of north India including cities of Mount Abu, Udaipur, Bikaner, Jaisalmer, and Jaipur. The Rajasthan Packages provide the tourists an opportunity to experience the camel safaris, wildlife safaris, the local markets, lip-smacking authentic Rajasthani cuisines and delicacies for which Rajasthan is renowned for. The Rajasthan is a complete tourist destination, the one unique of its kind.

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Top Most Hotels In Mount Abu

Palace Hotel Bikaner House

The Palace Hotel (Bikaner House), Mount Abu is considered a prominent member of the Heritage Hotels in Mount Abu. It was made in 1893 under the management of the Council of Regency. The blueprint of this splendid structure was chalked out by Sir Swinton Jacob, an eminent architect of his time. In the year 1962, Maharaja Karni Singh ji made the choice to alter this majestic residence into a hotel.

Hotel Hillock

Set in a mountain-view hill town, this upscale hotel is 1.6 km from Nakki Lake and 3.7 km from the elaborately carved marble Dilwara Temples. Elegant, wood-furnished rooms provide free Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, marble bathrooms and minibars, plus tea and coffeemaking facilities. Some have garden or mountain views. Upgraded rooms add terraces, while a suite features a whirlpool tub and a sitting area. Breakfast and parking are included. There’s a refined restaurant, a cosy coffee shop and a refined cocktail bar plus a game room. Other amenities include an outdoor pool, a lush garden and a playground. Traditional dance performances are offered.

Palanpur Palace

A summer retreat, Palanpur Palace is one of the leading hotels which offer a broad range of facilities and services to the families who seek unforgettable holidays. In Palanpur Palace, there is nothing for a visitor to do but seep in the history of the land, soak in the colours, and experience the royal life of a Maharaja. Palanpur Palace is a grand palace with a whole city’s worth of sights to see and things to do. The view from the balcony of the hotel rooms is spectacular with Aravali Ranges, placid lake and natural beauty with panoramic views. Whether you want to explore the city or find one special place for an unforgettable escape this is the place to be. The history of Palanpur Palace is interesting. It was constructed more than a century ago by Nawab Sher Mohammed Khan of Palanpur state. Later his son Nawab Taley Mohammed Khan took keen interest and further furnished it to make it an ideal summer palace.

Chacha inn

Chacha Group is a renowned name since 1955, in Mount Abu and beyond. We our very proud to state that Chacha Group has achieved various landmarks, and has created a unique identity in all its diversified streams of businesses to obtain the maximum customer satisfaction.  In an environment of excellence, surrounded by lush green landscaped gardens spread in over 2 acres of land, with personal attention and the most modern facilities, Chacha Inn “The Garden Retreat” which stepped into the Hospitality Industry in 1992 is a combination of luxury, natural beauty and age-old wilderness, woven together to produce an environment of peace and magically memorable moments.

Hotel Hilltone

Hilltone is conveniently located at a short walk from the Lake Road (main street) and Nakki Lake. Our hotel has plenty of quiet and natural places for a memorable and relaxing holiday with the family Guests can enjoy the landscaped gardens complemented by Aravalli range’s scenic beauty and tranquility, and our hotel rooms are spacious and open up with large windows or balconies for Mount Abu’s good weather. The hotel also offers 2800 sq ft meeting space making it an ideal venue for weddings and conferences.

Jaipur House

Hotel Jaipur House Heritage House is located near Nakki lake. Peace Park (Approx. 9km) and Arbuda Devi Temple (Approx. 2km) are places of popular attraction near the hotel. Constructed on a mountain peak, Arbuda Devi Temple is dedicated to the worship of Goddess Durga. It has 365 steep steps that need to be climbed and is located in a cave. The ideal time of visit is the Navratri festival. Other places worth exploring include Sunset Point, Trevor’s Tank and Mount Abu Wildlife Sanctuary. Guests can opt to stay in the standard, deluxe and suite rooms of the hotel. Inclusive of amenities like air conditioning, colour television, telephone and writing desk, these rooms are an abode of comfort and convenience.

Ratan Villas

Forest friendly tents and cottages were incorporated to promote eco-friendly tourism in 2009 A.D at Ratan Villas, Mount Abu – Rajasthan. It is the first and only lodge which is situated in the heart of the Mount Abu Wild Life Sanctuary. The premise of the Lodge was based on the need to conserve the delicate balance between human and nature and show through example, how tourism can be constructive and when necessary, controlled effectively. We, from the urban environment, have forgotten how to relate to our natural habitat, to respect and nurture it. Ratan Villas’s endeavor is to propagate this, through real nature interactions, together with the special experience. This is very important balance and its comprehension is missing from the urban life.
Ratan Villas, however is an oasis of serenity and offers a splendid view of gigantic granite rocks, dotted with caves and temple. Crowned by a natural rock of an African elephant – proud guardian to the open forest on one side and the crumbling Aravali hills on the other. It is set amidst trees on a private estate, overlooking a valley and along its northern periphery. It is a fifteen minute drive, further up from the Nakki Lake cutting through the mountains and forest.

Royale Palace

ROYALE PALACE” The Luxurious boutique Hotel is the best and incomparable hotel in MOUNT ABU : Located on the top of the Hill viewing great hills & vallies. Its comfortable but luxuriously designed by one of the Greatest architects of India with world class Furniture in each room.

Kesar Bhawan Palace

Perched atop Mount Abu, flanked by scenic views and verdant landscapes, The Kesar Bhawan Palace is an abode of peace and serenity. Built in the 18th century, the palace is one of the oldest such structures in the area, furnishing an impeccable old world charm. With amazing facilities and outstanding services at the assistance of the guests, The Kesar Bhawan Palace aims to provide a royal experience. Located a kilometer distance away from the Nakki Lake, the Kesar Bhawan is an embodiment of Rajasthan’s rich history and hospitality, reflected through its great ambience and service.

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Places to visit in Jodhpur Rajasthan

Places to visit in Jodhpur Rajasthan

The Mehrangarh Fort in the Blue City – Jodhpur is an architectural masterpiece ,Jodhpur also known as the ‘blue city’, is bestowed with picturesque views and a serene environment. Jodhpur tour Packages: Tour the historic city of Jodhpur, visit the famous blue city with excursion to bishnoi village safari, don’t wait – Book now  all-inclusive Rajasthan holiday package Plan exotic and customized Jodhpur holidays tour with Rajasthan tour planner. Travel to Jodhpur by availing the Jodhpur tour packages Find the cheapest jodhpur, Udaipur and jaisalmer  Tour Packages only with Rajasthan tour planner. We offer the lowest prices on Jodhpur Tour Packages, Rajasthan Tours packages & Rajasthan vacation. Also book car rental services in Rajasthan.

Mehrangarh Fort :-  Mehrangarh Fort, Jodhpur is one of the largest forts in forts. It is also the most magnificent fort in Jodhpur, infact, in the whole Rajasthan. The fort is amongst the popular tourist places in India. It is situated on a 150 m high hill. It was founded by Rao Jodha in 1459. Other attractions of Mehrangarh Fort, Rajasthan include several palaces inside the fort, with their sprawling and huge courtyards. One of the fort’s palaces, The Moti Mahal or the Pearl Palace, has the royal throne of Jodhpur, the Sringar Chowki. The fort also has galleries, temples, etc. To the left of the Mehrangarh Fort is the Chhatri of a soldier, Kirat Singh Soda. It is the spot where he fell while defending the fort against the armies of Amber. We are providing Taxi Service offers every kind of Taxi services which might build your journey additional unforgettable.

Umaid Bhawan Palace :-  Umaid Bhawan Palace, located at Jodhpur in Rajasthan, India, is one of the world’s largest private residences. A part of the palace is managed by Taj Hotels. Named after Maharaja Umaid Singh, grandfather of the present owner Gaj Singh of the palace, this edifice has 347 rooms and serves as the principal residence of the erstwhile Jodhpur royal family. A part of the palace also houses a museum. Umaid Bhawan Palace was called Chittar Palace during its construction due to use of stones drawn from the Chittar hill where it is located. Ground for the foundations of the building was broken on 18 November 1929 by Maharaja Umaid Singh and the construction work was completed in 1943. The Palace was built to provide employment to thousands of people during the time of famine.

Jaswant thada :- The Jaswant Thada is a cenotaph located in Jodhpur, in the Indian state of Rajasthan. It was built by Maharaja Sardar Singh of Jodhpur State in 1899 in memory of his father, Maharaja Jaswant Singh II, and serves as the cremation ground for the royal family of Marwar. The mausoleum is built out of intricately carved sheets of marble. These sheets are extremely thin and polished so that they emit a warm glow when illuminated by the sun. The cenotaph’s grounds feature carved gazebos, a tiered garden, and a small lake. There are three other cenotaphs in the grounds. The cenotaph of Maharaja Jaswant Singh displays portraits of the rulers and Maharajas of Jodhpur.

Balsamand Lake:-  Balsamand Lake is a lake situated 5 km from Jodhpur on Jodhpur-Mandore Road. This lake is a popular picnic spot, built in 1159 AD by Gurjara-Pratihara rulers. It was designed as a water reservoir to provide water to Mandore. The lake has a length of one km, breadth of 50 m and a depth of 15 m.

The Balsamand Lake Palace was built later as a summer palace on its shore. The lake is surrounded by lush green gardens that house groves of trees like mango, papaya, pomegranate, guava and plum. Animals and birds like the jackal and peacock also call this place home.

Ghanta Ghar :- Ghanta Ghar, also known as the clock tower of Rajasthan, is in the city of Jodhpur. It was built by Maharaja Sardar Singh (1880-1911) from whom the market takes it name. In fact, the tower dominates the entire scenario. It’s a 70 mm cinemascope with unknown and faceless humans in the lead roles for many tourists, most of whom are filming it live. .

Mandore Garden : –  Mandore is an ancient town, and was the seat of the Pratiharas of Mandavyapura, who ruled the region in the 6th century CE. The rulers of this dynasty probably became vassals of the imperial Gurjara-Pratiharas. After the disintegration of the Gurjara-Pratihara empire, one branch of Pratiharas continued to rule at Mandore. In 1395 CE, a princess of this branch married Rao Chunda of Rathore clan. Rao Chunda received the Junagarh fort in Mandore in dowry, and moved his capital to the site. The town remained the Rathore capital until 1459 CE, when Rao Jodha shifted his capital to the newly founded city of Jodhpur. The historic town boasts several monuments. The now ruined Mandore fort, with its thick walls and substantial size, was built in several stages and was once a fine piece of architecture. A huge, now ruined temple is a highlight of the fort. The outer wall of the temple depicts finely carved botanical designs, birds, animals and planets.

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Rajasthan Tourism is one of the Global Destinations of India

Rajasthan is one of the global tourist destinations of India. It is one of the largest of all states of India and beautiful also. Rajasthan has great tourism potential with in houses magnificent fort and Palaces, rich historical & religious monuments, National parks & wildlife sanctuaries. Jaipur, The capital city of Rajasthan, also well known as “Pink City” is itself a major tourist destination in India appealing tourists from all over the world. Mandawa, Bikaner, Jaisalmair, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Pushkar, Chittorgarh, Mount Abu etc are other cities of Rajasthan and equally significant in their own way.

City Palace Jaipur

These places are known for their legacy, Forts & Palaces with its historical significance, deserts, fair & festivals and religious importance. It is a perfect blend of modernity and ancient culture. In this changing world, villages of Rajasthan are still being visited by the tourist from all over the world. Rajasthan is culturally rich and colorful. In terms of infrastructure, this state offers an excellent tourist facility like modern Luxury and Heritage hotels with world class amenities. Rajasthan has different sheds which defines its name in different way by looking at this state’s characteristics like colorful Rajasthan, Royal Rajasthan, Grand Rajasthan etc.

Rajasthan has a world renowned magnificent desert called Thar Desert also. Rajasthan is also famous for its renowned cattle fairs. It is visited every year by thousands of people from all over the world. You can enjoy the sand dune with traditional Kalbeliya dance at Jaisalmair and the camel ride through desert. Udaipur in Rajasthan is blessed with three beautiful lakes respectively “Lake Pichola, Fateh Prakash Lake and Swaroop Sagar Lake”

Tourists have wonderful opportunity to enjoy great charm of Rajasthan Tourism housing almost all sheds of tourism attraction. We will list you some of the must see places or things to be visited. Like:

Jaipur: Hawa Mahal (Wind Palace), City Palaces having exquisite places and museums, Amber fort, Jantar Mantar

Udaipur: Lake Palce, Monsson Palce, City Palace, Jagdish Temple and lakes.

Jodhpur: Mehrangarh Fort and Umaid Bhawan palace are the major attractions.

Jaisalmer: Jain Temples, marvelous Havelies, Golden fort

Bikaner: Junagarh Fort, Lalgarh Palace and Havelies

Mandawa: Known for its frescos paintings and havelies which are worth visiting. Fort Mandawa castle.

The Rajasthan also offers an opportunity for the tourists to come and explore the wildlife of Rajasthan. Rajasthan has several national parks and Rajasthan tours. Out of these Ranthambhore National Park, Sariska Tiger Reserves and Bharatpur Bird sanctuary are worth visiting.

When it comes to the pilgrimage tours in Rajasthan, it is again blessed with some of the best pilgrimage sights of India like Pushkar temples, Ajmer sharif Dargah, Mount Abu Dilwara Jain Temples etc.

Rajasthan Tour Planner also offers an opportunity for the tourists to come an explore the wildlife of Rajasthan. Rajasthan has several national parks and tours to Rajasthan. We also provide information about online hotel reservation and Rajasthan tour.

Travel to Rajasthan and Get Enchanted with Rajasthan Tourism

Rajasthan, the largest state of India, is one of the most popular travel destinations of India. Drenched in royal grandeur, the royal land of Rajasthan is known for its cultural richness, rich history and a lot of tourism options. There are a lot of options for tourism in Rajasthan, India. Some of popular tourism options are cultural tourism, wildlife tourism, heritage tourism, village tourism, historical tourism, etc.

Rajasthan tourism also offers a lot of activities which you will surly love to indulge in. Exploring wildlife parks & sanctuaries, jeep safari, camel safari, boat riding on lovely lakes, bird watching, etc are some activities which you will surely not want to forget to enjoy them during your Rajasthan tour.

Rajasthan tourism is very popular among tourists from all over the world. Tourism and Rajasthan go side by side. A large number of tourists from all over the world come to India for travel and tourism in Rajasthan. You can too experience the magic of amazing tourism during your trip to Rajasthan.

The vibrant and colorful state of Rajasthan is also known for its diversity which can be seen its culture, tradition, geography, people, lifestyle, cuisine, etc. This is its diversity which makes it one of the prime travel destinations of India. One cannot find so much diversity in any other states of India. Surely, Rajasthan tours provide a pleasant travel and tourism experience.

One of the best ways to know about Rajasthan is its various magnificent monuments. You will see and visit several magnificent monuments during your tours to Rajasthan. Fantastic forts, palatial palaces, stunning havelis, terrific temples, etc play a vital role in the boom of travel and tourism in Rajasthan, India. City Palace Jaipur, Amber Fort & Palace Jaipur, Lake Palace Udaipur, Mehrangarh Fort Jodhpur, City Palace Udaipur, Samode Palace Jaipur, Kumbhalgarh Fort, Junagarh Fort, Umaid Bhawan Palace Jodhpur, Golden Fort Jaisalmer Fort, Havelis of Shekhawati region, Pushkar Temples, Jain Temples, etc are some major monuments of Rajasthan and never fail to enchant tourists on their India Rajasthan tours.

Some of forts and palaces of Rajasthan have now been turned into heritage hotels. These palace hotels provide fascinating ambiance blended with world class accommodation and age old charm. You will to have wonderful opportunity to stay these palace hotels during your Rajasthan trip. Rightly, the state is known as the land of monuments.

Besides monuments you will also have wonderful opportunity to explore rich flora and fauna of Rajasthan. Rajasthan tours also take you to the some of world famous wildlife parks and sanctuaries. Ranthambhore National Park & Tiger Reserve, Sariska National Park & Tiger Reserve, Keoladeo Ghana National Park & Bird Sanctuary, etc are very popular among tourists who have interest in wildlife and nature. Exploring these parks and sanctuaries provides pleasant experience of Rajasthan travel.

Rajasthan is also known for its vast desert – Thar Desert. On your tour to Rajasthan you will have wonderful opportunity to explore desert landscapes of Rajasthan. One of the best ways to explore the desert landscapes of Rajasthan is camel safari. You can enjoy camel safari to explore the desert and see the shimmering sand dunes of Rajasthan. Visiting Sam Sand Dunes at the time of sunset is very popular activities among honeymooners and newly-wedded couples. You should not miss to visit the shimmering sand dunes during your Rajasthan tours to India.

There are several tours operators and travel agents in India who offer Rajasthan tour packages and provide information about travel and tourism in Rajasthan, India. Rajasthan tours package make you enable this vibrant and colorful state in more and more convenient ways. One of the major benefit of exploring Rajasthan with the help of tour operators/travel agents and their Rajasthan tour package is you will escape from being perplexed what to see or what to not.

So, if you too have decided to travel in Rajasthan India, welcome! Visit Rajasthan India and explore this vibrant and colorful state. Enjoy unlimited tourism options and share memories of Rajasthan tours with you relatives and friends.

An Exclusive Rajasthan Rajasthan Holiday Tour Package – Take Help of Tour Planners

All over Rajasthan, Rajasthan is known for its vibrant colors, culture and festivals. Rajasthan is a with enormous treasure of rich heritage that can be seen in various monuments and temples here. This is one of the main reasons for which Rajasthan tours is one of the most in demand tours worldwide.

Rajasthan is so vast that it is difficult to set the schedule for travel. Travel agencies have best packages and plans for Rajasthan tours making your exploration easier. These help in planning and booking the hotels and travel tickets so that one can get the most from the Rajasthan Luxury tours’ experience.

Be it for the vacations or just at any time of the year none of the travelers can leave without the experience of the festivals. Every now and then there are festivals and one can get to be part of it just like a normal Rajasthan.

For the travelers who want to enjoy thoroughly and for whom there is no limit for the expenditure, Rajasthan Luxury tours have numerous options. The only thing to be decided when booking with Rajasthan Luxury tours and the Rajasthan Luxury Holidays is to decide first on the area he/she wants visit. Rajasthan is so vast that at a time one cannot see the whole nation and experience the entire beauty, in a single tour. For this he/she will need numerous Rajasthan tours.

For those want to get the Rajasthan Luxury tours package for short periods here are few options:

  1. One can land in Delhi, the capital city, which is full of monuments and architectural buildings and get to be with the crowd. After that can lead to Agra which is renowned for the wonder of the world Taj Mahal and straight away move to Jaipur on Rajasthan. Rajasthan too is known for architecture and other than for the handicrafts.


  1. For those who want a short trip in the splendid natural beauty down south can experience India Luxury Holidays with the best food and place amidst the beauty of the greenery. You can land in Jaipur and then cover Pushkar, Jaisalmer and Udaipur.


These are just a few Rajasthan tours that can be tried. Other than these one can just first choose the part he/she wants to be at and then plan the trip.

You are interested in a Rajasthan Luxury Tours and Rajasthan Tours, Find out more at rajasthantourplanner.com

Rajasthan Tour Packages with Top Destination Mount Abu, Udaipur, Bikaner, Jaisalmer, Jaipur

Rajasthan is largest state, is among the most visited tourist destinations in India. The state possesses historical forts, majestic palaces, magnificent monuments, beautiful lakes and gardens. The Rajasthan tour packages provide a fascinating experience which is to be cherished forever.

Rajasthan – the place is renowned as a princely state whose states have been ruled by various Maharajas and Kings. The historical monuments depict the story of the regal era. Each and every fort and palace has its own story to say. The Rajasthan tour packages offered by various tour and travel agencies offer an exquisite visit to blissful destinations of this magical state.

Book your own Rajasthan Tour and experience the best of India. The travel and tour packages offer a chance to experience the most enchanting tour without any hassle. The travel packages include hotel stay, airport transfer, car-rental etc. Some of the packages provide you to be flexible in order to choose the hotel according to your preference and taste.

The exclusive Rajasthan Tour Packages are an insight to the vibrant culture of this colorful state, Rajasthan. The cultural programs, sightseeing tours, heritage tours, fort palace tour, Rajasthan Village Tour all are the most preferred tours considered by Indian as well as foreign tourist. The other packages include the festivals, fairs and exotic wildlife offering a captivating Rajasthan tour.

These packages offer the tourist an exquisite visit to the most famed destinations of north India including cities of Mount Abu, Udaipur, Bikaner, Jaisalmer, Jaipur. The Rajasthan Packages provide the tourists an opportunity to experience the camel safaris, wildlife safaris, the local markets, lip-smacking authentic Rajasthani cuisines and delicacies for which Rajasthan is renowned for. The Rajasthan is a complete tourist destination, the one unique of its kind.