Tag Archives: Rajasthan Wildlife Tour

Wildlife In Sariska National Park

Wildlife In Sariska 

Sariska Tiger Reserve is well nestled in the Aravali Hills covering 800 sq km area divided into the grasslands, dry deciduous forests, sheer cliffs and rocky landscape. It is 2 most famous tiger reserve after ranthambhore where tigers population are increasing day by day . Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary is the best place for you. Nearly 90% of the area in the sanctuary is covered with dhok trees accommodating various wildlife species. A variety of other wild animals like the leopard, sambhar, chital, nilgai, four-horned antelope, wild boar, rhesus  macaque, langur, hyena and jungle cats are found in the Sariska Tiger Reserve apart from the tiger. The Sariska National Park is home to India’s largest population of peafowl, and harbours quail, sand grouse, golden- backed woodpeckers and crested serpent eagles, among other species. Also the Siliserh Lake on the edge of the park has a large number of crocodiles.

The Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary houses the ruins of medieval temples of Garh-Rajor that date back to the 10th and 11th centuries. Also a 17th century castle on a hilltop at Kankwari provides a panoramic view of flying vultures and eagles. The Sariska was declared a sanctuary in 1955 and attained the status of a National Park in 1979.

About Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary :-
Sharp cliffs of hills and narrow valleys of the Aravallis dominate the landscape of Sariska, whose forests are dry and deciduous. Within the Sariska wildlife sanctuary there are the ruins of medieval temples of Garh-Rajor, belonging to the 10th and 11th centuries.

A 17th century castle on a sharp hilltop at Kankwari, provides a panoramic view of flying Egyptian vultures and eagles. The area was declared a sanctuary in 1955 and became a National Park in 1979.

Major Wildlife Attractions :-
Sariska park is home to numerous carnivores including Leopard, Wild Dog, Jungle Cat, Hyena, Jackal, and Tiger. These feed on an abundance of prey species such as Sambar, Chitel, Nilgai, Chausingha, Wild Boar and Langur. Sariska is also well known for its large population of Rhesus Monkeys, which are found in large numbers around Talvriksh.
The avian world is also well represented with a rich and varied birdlife. These include Peafowl, Grey Partridge, Bush Quail, Sand Grouse, Tree Pie, Golden backed Wood Pecker, Crested Serpent Eagle and the Great Indian Horned Owl.

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Wildlife Activities In Rajasthan

The beautiful wildlife sanctuaries and parks are home to a variety of wildlife, some of which have been categorized as critically endangered in rajasthan. The vegetation in these conservation grounds vary with the landscape but each and every wildlife sanctuary offers a wonderful opportunity to experience nature in a very unique way. Rajasthan is a safe haven for a wide and colorful range of wildlife.Most of the wide expanses are open to tourists and guests ceaselessly around the year but remain shut temporarily through the rainy season. Here are some most famous wildlife sanctuaries and national parks of rajasthan.

Ranthambore National Park
Ranthambore National Park is one of the largest national parks in northern India situated widely in the state of Rajasthan. This park is located in the Sawai Madhopur.  Ranthambore was established as the Sawai Madhopur Game Sanctuary in 1955 by the Government of India, and was declared one of the Project Tiger reserves in 1973. Apart from the tiger, you can also spot sloth bear, leopard, caracal, jackal, fox, hyena and mongoose at Ranthambore. Ranthambore is heaven for wildlife photographers. The major attraction in the park is  safari rides.

Sariska National Park Alwar
The Sariska Tiger Reserve is situated in the Alwar district in the state of Rajasthan and is one of the important national parks in Rajasthan. It was the hunting grounds of the State of Alwar. The sanctuary was declared as a Wildlife Reserve in 1955 and was brought under the Project Tiger scheme in 1978. The most attractive feature of the Sariska Tiger Reserve is its population of Royal Bengal Tigers. It is home to a large number of wild animals including Rhesus monkeys, Hanuman langurs, hares, wild boars, chousingha or the four horned antelope, chinkara, nilgai, sambhar, golden jackals, striped hyenas, caracal, jungle cats and leopards.

Desert National Sanctuary Jaisalmer
The Desert National Park is one of the important national parks in Rajasthan and is situated near the town of Jaisalmer. Sprawling over an area of 3162 square kilometres, the national park is one of the largest national parks in the country. It is an excellent example of the desert ecosystem. The most commonly sighted birds in the national park include the endangered Great Indian Bustard, sand grouse, kestrels, laggar falcons, spotted eagles, tawny eagles, short toed eagles, vultures, buzzards, falcons, harriers and eagles.

Mukundara Tiger Reserve Kota
This is another national park in Rajasthan which allows you to explore the exotic Rajasthan wildlife. The Mukundara Hills Tiger Reserve covers a zone of 759 sq km and is the dwelling place 50 tigers. It was in the past known as Mukundara Hills National Park and has been announced as a tiger save in the year 2012 by the Government of India. Mukundara Hills Tiger Reserve is honored with a striking natural life including greenery. There is an assortment of wild animals like tiger, incorporate panthers, sloth bears,wolves, and chinkaras.

Tal Chhapar Sanctuary
Tal Chhapar Sanctuary is a sanctuary located in the Churu district of Northwestern Rajasthan in the Shekhawati region of India. It is known for blackbucks and is also home to a variety of birds. Tal Chappar have arranged on the edges of the Thar Desert, is known as home to around 2,000 dark bucks. The Tal Chhapar sanctuary lies in the Sujangarh Tehsil of Churu District.

If you want to see the wildlife variety of rajasthan then you need to book a wildlife tour form a tour company who had a great knowledge about wildlife. visit our website for more information about wildlife tours. and book a tour as per your requirements.

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Adventures Wildlife Of Rajasthan

The beautiful wildlife sanctuaries and parks are home to a variety of wildlife, some of which have been categorized as critically endangered in rajasthan. The vegetation in these conservation grounds vary with the landscape but each and every wildlife sanctuary offers a wonderful opportunity to experience nature in a very unique way. Rajasthan is a safe haven for a wide and colorful range of wildlife.Most of the wide expanses are open to tourists and guests ceaselessly around the year but remain shut temporarily through the rainy season. Here are some most famous wildlife sanctuaries and national parks of rajasthan.

Ranthambore National Park
Ranthambore National Park is one of the largest national parks in northern India situated widely in the state of Rajasthan. This park is located in the Sawai Madhopur.  Ranthambore was established as the Sawai Madhopur Game Sanctuary in 1955 by the Government of India, and was declared one of the Project Tiger reserves in 1973. Apart from the tiger, you can also spot sloth bear, leopard, caracal, jackal, fox, hyena and mongoose at Ranthambore. Ranthambore is heaven for wildlife photographers. The major attraction in the park is  safari rides.

Sariska National Park Alwar
The Sariska Tiger Reserve is situated in the Alwar district in the state of Rajasthan and is one of the important national parks in Rajasthan. It was the hunting grounds of the State of Alwar. The sanctuary was declared as a Wildlife Reserve in 1955 and was brought under the Project Tiger scheme in 1978. The most attractive feature of the Sariska Tiger Reserve is its population of Royal Bengal Tigers. It is home to a large number of wild animals including Rhesus monkeys, Hanuman langurs, hares, wild boars, chousingha or the four horned antelope, chinkara, nilgai, sambhar, golden jackals, striped hyenas, caracal, jungle cats and leopards.

Desert National Sanctuary Jaisalmer
The Desert National Park is one of the important national parks in Rajasthan and is situated near the town of Jaisalmer. Sprawling over an area of 3162 square kilometres, the national park is one of the largest national parks in the country. It is an excellent example of the desert ecosystem. The most commonly sighted birds in the national park include the endangered Great Indian Bustard, sand grouse, kestrels, laggar falcons, spotted eagles, tawny eagles, short toed eagles, vultures, buzzards, falcons, harriers and eagles.

Mukundara Tiger Reserve Kota
This is another national park in Rajasthan which allows you to explore the exotic Rajasthan wildlife. The Mukundara Hills Tiger Reserve covers a zone of 759 sq km and is the dwelling place 50 tigers. It was in the past known as Mukundara Hills National Park and has been announced as a tiger save in the year 2012 by the Government of India. Mukundara Hills Tiger Reserve is honored with a striking natural life including greenery. There is an assortment of wild animals like tiger, incorporate panthers, sloth bears,wolves, and chinkaras.

Tal Chhapar Sanctuary
Tal Chhapar Sanctuary is a sanctuary located in the Churu district of Northwestern Rajasthan in the Shekhawati region of India. It is known for blackbucks and is also home to a variety of birds. Tal Chappar have arranged on the edges of the Thar Desert, is known as home to around 2,000 dark bucks. The Tal Chhapar sanctuary lies in the Sujangarh Tehsil of Churu District.

If you want to see the wildlife variety of rajasthan then you need to book a wildlife tour form a tour company who had a great knowledge about wildlife. visit our website for more information about wildlife tours. and book a tour as per your requirements.

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Riserva della tigre di Sariska

Riserva della tigre di Sariska (Wildlife Century In Rajasthan) : –

La riserva delle tigri di Sariska è ben immersa nelle colline di Aravali che coprono un’area di 800 kmq suddivisa tra praterie, foreste decidue secche, scogliere a picco e paesaggio roccioso. Sia che tu voglia fare safari sui cammelli, uscire per fare shopping nei luoghi circostanti, visitare i palazzi medievali o osservare la natura; Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary è il posto migliore per te.

Quasi il 90% dell’area del santuario è ricoperta da alberi Dhok che ospitano varie specie di animali selvatici. Una varietà di altri animali selvatici come il leopardo, il sambhar, il chital, il nilgai, l’antilope a quattro corna, il cinghiale, il macaco rhesus, il langur, la iena e i gatti della giungla si trovano nella riserva delle tigri di Sariska, a parte la tigre. Il Parco Nazionale di Sariska ospita la più grande popolazione di pavoni in India, e tra le altre specie ospita quaglie, galli cedroni, picchi dorati e aquile serpentiforme. Anche il Lago Siliserh ai margini del parco ha un gran numero di coccodrilli.

Il Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary ospita le rovine dei templi medievali di Garh-Rajor che risalgono al X e XI secolo. Anche un castello del 17 ° secolo su una collina a Kankwari offre una vista panoramica di avvoltoi e aquile volanti. Il Sariska fu dichiarato un santuario nel 1955 e raggiunse lo status di Parco Nazionale nel 1979.

Informazioni su Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary : –
Spighe affilate di colline e strette vallate degli Aravallis dominano il paesaggio di Sariska, le cui foreste sono secche e caduche. All’interno del santuario della fauna selvatica di Sariska ci sono le rovine dei templi medievali di Garh-Rajor, appartenenti ai secoli X e XI.

Un castello del 17 ° secolo su una collina tagliente a Kankwari, offre una vista panoramica di volatili e aquile volanti egiziani. L’area fu dichiarata santuario nel 1955 e divenne un parco nazionale nel 1979.

Principali attrazioni della fauna selvatica : –
Il parco di Sariska ospita numerosi carnivori tra cui Leopard, Wild Dog, Jungle Cat, Hyena, Jackal e Tiger. Questi si nutrono di un’abbondanza di specie preda come Sambar, Chitel, Nilgai, Chausingha, Cinghiale e Langur. Sariska è anche noto per la sua vasta popolazione di scimmie Rhesus, che si trovano in gran numero intorno a Talvriksh.

Il mondo degli uccelli è anche ben rappresentato con una ricca e variegata avifauna. Questi includono Peafowl, pernice grigia, quaglia cespuglio, pernice di sabbia, torta di albero, picchio di legno dorato, aquila di serpenti crestato e il grande gufo cornuto indiano.

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The Beauty Of Wildlife In Rajasthan In Their Natural Habitat

Encounter The Beauty Of Wildlife In Rajasthan In Their Natural Habitat

Rajasthan is situated in the northwest corner of India spanning an area of approximately 3,42,000 Sq km. Being one amongst the largest states of the country, Rajasthan is extraordinarily rich in National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries. A varied topography will be considered as another feature of Rajasthan tourism among grand palaces, splendid forts, sand dunes and superb heritage resorts and hotels. In short, Rajasthan is said to be a haven for a broad spectrum of wildlife. With diverse topography, Rajasthan provides an inspiring array of wildlife. All the national parks & wildlife sanctuaries boast of a huge variety of birds and animals.  Some of them will be rare, whereas others are endangered. So, join the grand Indian wildlife tours to experience the thrill and excitement of wildlife. Wildlife tours offer a perfect tour detail regarding the national parks & sanctuaries situated in the desert state of Rajasthan.

A brief history behind Rajasthan Wildlife Tourism :-

The quality of our human life will depend on the continued survival of wildlife as well as wilderness. Leaving palaces, forts, traditional art forms and sand dunes aside – Rajasthan is surprisingly the abode of a huge number of birds and animals with distinct vegetation too. Furthermore, the state enables you to get benefit from the best safaris as well. This desert state has nearly three national parks in addition to a dozen of sanctuaries. The diversity of flora and fauna that you would come across in the Rajasthan could not be found anywhere in the world.

Highlights of Wildlife in Rajasthan :-

Every year, Rajasthan captures the minds of several bird lovers and wildlife enthusiasts from all over the world. You could also able to get pleasure from an exhilarating Rajasthan wildlife tour in order to encounter its exclusive flora and fauna. The jagged park terrain varies between open grassy meadow and dry deciduous forest, which is dotted with several rivers and lakes that are made passable only by rugged roads constructed and also maintained by the Rajasthan forest service. Another greatest attraction that you could enjoy, while touring to Rajasthan wildlife, is exciting wildlife safari. You can get thrilling from several options including camel safari, jeep safari and even horse safari. Enjoy a close encounter with beautiful birds and wild beats in their individual home. There is also an availability of boat safari that will give you an unforgettable experience.

Major attractions of Wildlife in Rajasthan :-

Some famous national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in Rajasthan include Ranthambore National Park, Kumbhalgarh Sanctuary, Sariska Tiger Reserve, Sitamata Sanctuary, Keoladeo Ghana National Par, Gajner Sanctuary, Tal Chappar Wildlife Sanctuary, Mount Abu Sanctuary, Darrah Sanctuary and Desert National Park. However, the major national parks, as well as bird sanctuaries, are Sariska Tiger Reserve, Ranthambore National Park and also Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary. Ranthambore National Park is specially meant for Project Tiger. Among other creatures, tourists could watch birds such as Langur, Owlets, Caracal, Leopard, Hyena, Jungle Cat, Jackal, Bears, Wild Bear, Marsh Crocodiles and different species of Deer too.

Best time to visit wildlife tour in Rajasthan :-

The best time to enjoy Rajasthan wildlife tour is between October and June as most of the national parks and sanctuaries will be open for visitor only during this time period.

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Wildlife Sanctuaries and National Parks of Rajasthan

Rajasthan is home to some of the most famous and highly visited wildlife sanctuaries as well as national parks. Those who have interest in visiting wildlife sanctuaries can now make the most of wildlife travel packages in Rajasthan which also takes you to some of the offbeat destinations. There are many underrated national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in Rajasthan. Here you will learn about three off beat wildlife sanctuaries and national parks.

Ranthambore Tiger Reserve

Ranthambore Tiger Reserve, before a princely game conserve is the scene where the celebrated Indian Tiger is best seen. Ranthambore Tiger Reserve lies on the junction of Aravali and Vindhyas just 14 Kms from Sawai Madhopur in Eastern Rajasthan. It sprawls over a varying and undulating landscape. The scenery changes dramatically from gentle and steep slopes of the Vindhyas and sharp and conical hills of the Aravali. A tenth century fort also blends amicably with the background. Pure sands of Dhok (Anogeissus pendula) interspersed with grasslands at the plateaus, meadows in valleys and luxuriant foliage around the canals make the jungle. Three big lakes – Padam Talab (meaning Lake), Malik Talab and Raj Bagh – are similar turquoises studded in the vast forest that abounds with aquatic vegetation including duckweeds, lilies and lotus.

A significant geological feature within the park is the ‘Great Boundary Fault’ where the Vindhaya plateau meets the Aravali range. The Rivers Chambal in the South and the Banas in the North bound the National Park. The park is dotted with steep rocky hills and the dominating architecture of Ranthambhor Fort (built in the 10th century), adds to its landscape. The rugged park terrain alternates between dry deciduous forest, open grassy meadow, dotted by several lakes and rivers that are only made passable by rough roads built and maintained by the Forest Service.The tiger is not the only attraction at Ranthambore although it is the one park resident that people come to see. A variety of birds including Owlets, the ubiquitous Langur (monkey), Leopard, Caracal, Hyena, Jackal, Jungle Cat, marsh Crocodiles, Wild Boar, Bears and various species of Deer are the other attractions.

Sariska Tiger Reserve

Sariska Tiger Reserve is situated only 200 km from Delhi and 107 kms from Jaipur. Although larger than Ranthambor, it is less commercialised and has less tigers but a similar topography. It covers an area of 800 sq km in total, with a core area of approximately 500 sq km. The Northern Aravali Hills dominate the skyline with their mixture of sharp cliffs and long narrow valleys. The area was declared a sanctuary in 1955 and became a National Park in 1979.

The landscape of Sariska comprises of hills and narrow valleys of the Aravali hill range. The topography of Sariska supports scrub-thorn arid forests, dry deciduous forests, rocks and grasses. The broad range of wildlife here is a wonderful example of ecological adoption and tolerance, for the climate here is variable as well as erratic.

It is located in the contemporary Alwar district and is the legacy of the Maharajas of Alwar. Pavilions and Temples within Sariska are ruins that hint at past riches and glory. The nearby Kankwadi Fort has a long and turbulent history.In morning and evening, wildlife in Sariska heads towards the many water holes, which litter the park, thus providing the guests with their best chance of viewing game. At some of these watering holes it is possible to book hides which are situated in prime spots for wildlife viewing.

The park is home to numerous carnivores including Leopard, Wild Dog, Jungle Cat, Civets Hyena, Jackal, and Tiger. These feed on species such as Sambar, Chital, Nilgai, Chausingha, Wild Boar and Langur. Sariska is also well known for its large population of Rhesus Monkeys, which are found around Talvriksh.

So, while choosing wildlife travel packages in India, make sure that you do include above slated three parks and sanctuaries.

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Wildlife in Rajasthan

Rajasthan is home to some of the most famous and highly visited wildlife sanctuaries as well as national parks. Those who have interest in visiting wildlife sanctuaries can now make the most of wildlife travel packages in Rajasthan which also takes you to some of the offbeat destinations. There are many underrated national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in Rajasthan. Here you will learn about three off beat wildlife sanctuaries and national parks.

Ranthambore Tiger Reserve

Ranthambore Tiger Reserve, before a princely game conserve is the scene where the celebrated Indian Tiger is best seen. Ranthambore Tiger Reserve lies on the junction of Aravali and Vindhyas just 14 Kms from Sawai Madhopur in Eastern Rajasthan. It sprawls over a varying and undulating landscape. The scenery changes dramatically from gentle and steep slopes of the Vindhyas and sharp and conical hills of the Aravali. A tenth century fort also blends amicably with the background. Pure sands of Dhok (Anogeissus pendula) interspersed with grasslands at the plateaus, meadows in valleys and luxuriant foliage around the canals make the jungle. Three big lakes – Padam Talab (meaning Lake), Malik Talab and Raj Bagh – are similar turquoises studded in the vast forest that abounds with aquatic vegetation including duckweeds, lilies and lotus.

A significant geological feature within the park is the ‘Great Boundary Fault’ where the Vindhaya plateau meets the Aravali range. The Rivers Chambal in the South and the Banas in the North bound the National Park. The park is dotted with steep rocky hills and the dominating architecture of Ranthambhor Fort (built in the 10th century), adds to its landscape. The rugged park terrain alternates between dry deciduous forest, open grassy meadow, dotted by several lakes and rivers that are only made passable by rough roads built and maintained by the Forest Service.The tiger is not the only attraction at Ranthambore although it is the one park resident that people come to see. A variety of birds including Owlets, the ubiquitous Langur (monkey), Leopard, Caracal, Hyena, Jackal, Jungle Cat, marsh Crocodiles, Wild Boar, Bears and various species of Deer are the other attractions.

Sariska Tiger Reserve

Sariska Tiger Reserve is situated only 200 km from Delhi and 107 kms from Jaipur. Although larger than Ranthambor, it is less commercialised and has less tigers but a similar topography. It covers an area of 800 sq km in total, with a core area of approximately 500 sq km. The Northern Aravali Hills dominate the skyline with their mixture of sharp cliffs and long narrow valleys. The area was declared a sanctuary in 1955 and became a National Park in 1979.

The landscape of Sariska comprises of hills and narrow valleys of the Aravali hill range. The topography of Sariska supports scrub-thorn arid forests, dry deciduous forests, rocks and grasses. The broad range of wildlife here is a wonderful example of ecological adoption and tolerance, for the climate here is variable as well as erratic.

It is located in the contemporary Alwar district and is the legacy of the Maharajas of Alwar. Pavilions and Temples within Sariska are ruins that hint at past riches and glory. The nearby Kankwadi Fort has a long and turbulent history.In morning and evening, wildlife in Sariska heads towards the many water holes, which litter the park, thus providing the guests with their best chance of viewing game. At some of these watering holes it is possible to book hides which are situated in prime spots for wildlife viewing.

The park is home to numerous carnivores including Leopard, Wild Dog, Jungle Cat, Civets Hyena, Jackal, and Tiger. These feed on species such as Sambar, Chital, Nilgai, Chausingha, Wild Boar and Langur. Sariska is also well known for its large population of Rhesus Monkeys, which are found around Talvriksh.

So, while choosing wildlife travel packages in India, make sure that you do include above slated three parks and sanctuaries.

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Top Tourist Attractions In Chittorgarh

Top Tourist Attractions In Chittorgarh: Perched upon the banks of Rivers Gambheri and Berach, the city of Chittorgarh boasts of a glorious Rajput history. Chittorgarh used to be the capital of the Sisodia Dynasty of Mewar. The most alluring factor of this city is the Chittorgarh Fort. Famous for the Jauhar that Rani Padmini and Rani Karnavati underwent during siege, the Chittorgarh Fort has seen a lot of valiant battles. The fort is the largest one in India, and attracts tourist in a large number throughout the year. Owing to the battles and wars the city has seen, some of the warriors even have their statues installed in the fort by Emperor Akbar. Let’s travel through the various tourist spots of Chittorgarh.

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Chittorgarh Fort

The fort is an important landmark in Chittorgarh and is a must visit for tourists on a tour of Chittorgarh. The fort is believed to date back to the times of the Mauryas in the 7th century. The fort offers panoramic view of the area.

Vijay Stambh (Victory Tower)

This tower was built by Rana Kumbha to commemorate his victory over Mahmud Khilji of Malwa in 1440 A.D. This 37 mtr High tower is 9 storeyed and has a number of balconies at each storey which gives a nice view of the monuments within the fort.

Kirti Stambh (Tower of Fame)

The 22 mtr high Tower of fame was built by a wealthy Jain merchant in the 12 century A.D. and is dedicated to Adinathji, the first of the Tirthankaras. The tower is decorated with Jain Pantheons.

Rana Kumba Palace

The palace is another popular tourist attraction in Chittorgarh. The palace was the site of the last jauhar, when Akbar attacked Chittor. The palace houses a beautiful Shiva Temple and the royal stable.

Fateh Prakash Palace

You can also visit Fateh Prakash Palace, which was built by Maharaja Fateh Singh in 1920. Built beautifully, the palace now has been converted into the government museum.

Padmini Palace

Built beside a pool, this is a magnificent palace. It was here that Rana Rattan Singh showed a glimpse of Rani Padmini to Allauddin Khilji. Rani Padmini stood in the Zenana Mahal, and her reflection was visible to Khilji in a mirror placed in the main hall. Khilji, after having a glimpse of the queen, was smitten by her beauty and with the passion to posses her invaded Chittaur.

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