Bird-watching is a surreal experience and there are places where you can spot multiple species of birds in a particular season or month. Jawai is one of those places that bring you closer to the birddom and gives you a chance to see these magnificent creatures who can entice with their appearance, gait, and traits. Here, you can find more than 100 species of migratory species who find temporary shelter here between the months of October and March. According to the ornithologists, Jawai is one of the places in Rajasthan that give you a fulsome experience of bird-watching.
Jawai Dam area in Rajasthan is renowned for Migratory birds with Flamingos being the prime attraction. More than 100 bird species are found around the area with 50 of them being migratory and found during Winter (Oct – March).
Following birds may be seen usually:
1. Indian Eagle Owl
2. Indian Courser
3. Pallas Gull
4. Spot Billed Duck
5. Bar Headed geese
6. Indian Darter
7. Rudy Shelduck
8. Little Cormorant
9. Common Kestrel
10. Steppe Eagle
11. Short Toed Snake Eagle
12. Blue Rockthrush
13. Paddyfield Pipit
14. Blackwinged Stilt
15. White Tailed lapwing
16. Knob-billed Duck
17. Jungle Crow
18. Brown Shrike
19. Red vented Bulbul
20. Black Drongo
21. Common Pochard
22. Purple Heron
23. Grey Heron
24. Cattle Egret
25. Little Egret
26. Pond Heron
27. Little Stint
28. Little Ringed Plover
29. Red Wattled Lapwing
30. Northern Shoveller
31. Northern Pintail
Apart from birds, we also saw a Indian jackal, Mugger Crocodile can also be seen. Most probably, Jawai dam is best place to see a Indian Rock Eagle and Mugger Crocodile and best time is to visit jawai Dam is in winter.