Hobbies & Interests activities in Pushkar
Here you will find Hobbies & Interests activities in Pushkar that you can include in your tour package to make it more meaningful and interesting - Vocational Classes, Activity Classes, Book Tickets for Training And Workshops events in Pushkar, find local groups and activities, Culture and leisure, Sport and physical activity. as per your interest we can customize the trip.
Pushkar fair programmes
The Pushkar Fair is no less than an encyclopedia on the tradition and culture of the state of Rajasthan. It is the event when a better population of the state can be found at one place and at one time.
Cookery Classes in Pushkar
The finest cuisine in Pushkar was derived from the Mughals and, along with European cooking, influenced the royal kitchens of Pushkar. But in Rajasthan the common man’s kitchen remained untouched.
Pushkar Yoga Garden
Yoga or union of the self with the cosmic soul is believed to revitalize an individual, the release of hidden energies by freeing the mind. It is said that a true yogi (practitioner of yoga) is able to surmount.
Photography in Pushkar
From Photographers interested to capture the lifestyle and travel stories; the grand occasion of Pushkar festival is definitely a priceless treat. The fair embarks in Kartik Shukal Ekadasi and falls.