Surya Narayan Temple

Surya Narayan Temple of Ranakpur is a famous Sun or Surya temple well known as the Surya Narayan Temple. This 13th-century temple was rebuilt in the 15th century after destruction. Sun temple is built with white limestone in Nagara style with a delicate ornamented work. Sun temple is facing to the east direction and has a sanctum crowned with a Chikara. Sun temple is located near the Ranakpur Jain Temple. In this Surya Temple, the Lord Sun idol is shown as riding his chariot.

Temple wall has marvelous carvings of warriors, horses, and celestial bodies which represent the artistic excellence of the people of the bygone era. It has an octagonal mandap before the sanctum. There are six veranda’s in octogonal mandap. Sun Narayan temple recieves many devotees from all around the country who came for the blessings of Lord Sun. Many devotees also visit the nearby temple of Amba Mata. This Sun temple is managed by the Udaipur Royal family trust.

Best time to visit
The suitable time to visit the Surya Narayan Temple in Ranakpur is October to march. The winter season is comparatively pleasant.

The Exterior of Ranakpur Surya Narayan Temple
You will find the structure of this sun temple to be intricately carved out of marbles. The material used was not very superior and it has faded and withered beautifully over the centuries. The main theme of the temple that is Surya or the Sun god is placed on the chariot which is drawn by horses. The sun temple faces the east side and the sanctum is topped by a shikhara. If you are a first time visitor, then you will be completely mesmerized by the motifs and the iconography on the walls.

This temple is very famous for its intricate carvings and its detailed work of art. Countless tourists visit this temple to explore the beauty of ancient architecture. The walls are carved with a lot of devakuliks and some more minor deities. People who an understanding of ancient architecture will love to explore this beautiful structure created by talented artisans. Once you are visiting this temple, don’t forget to carry your camera, you might have to pay for a permit to carry it inside the Jain Temple.