Vaishno Devi Katra Weather Information

Vaishno Devi Katra Weather Information is located in Katra at the Trikuta Mountains within the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. Summer season is relatively hot. Maximums can go as high as 45°C. Summers begin in the month of March and continue until May. Monsoon season arrives in Jammu by end of June. The months from June to September receive sufficient rainfall. November marks the beginning of the winter season in Jammu region. During this period chilly winds sneak into Jammu. The temperature usually settles between 4℃ and 18℃. Check the daily weather - current temperature, rainfall, wind speed, humidity, air-quality along with hourly, weekly and 15-days weather forecast for Vaishno Devi, Jammu and Kashmir.

Altitude of Mata Vaishno Devi
Katra town has an average elevation of only 875 metres or 2,474 feet above sea level where as the Bhawan of Mata Vaishno Devi is located at an altitude of 5200 feet or 1,584 meters above sea level. This is why, the weather in Vaishno Devi Bhawan is different from weather in Katra. While the temperature of Vaishno Devi ji is lower in a said period, the temperature of Katra will be warmer during the same time. Therefore, it will be misleading to accept the temperature at Vaishno Devi ji same as temperature of Katra. The Katra weather will always be somewhat warmer than the Mata Vaishno Devi temperature. For example, even at the peak of summer, the Bhawan area of Mata Vaishno Devi has pleasant weather and low temperature when compared to the weather of Katra.

Vaishno Devi weather in Summer
The months of March, April, May and June are summers in Vaishno Devi. It is actually the low season due to the extreme heat, especially in May and June. This is when the climate in Vaishno Devi is the hottest. The days can be very hot akin to a furnace but the evenings are cooler. Since the temperature dips a little during the night, it is advised to carry light woollens with you in summer as well. If you want to avoid the rush in crowd, then you can visit Vaishno Devi in summers to.

Weather in Vaishno Devi in Monsoon
Mid-June, July, August and September are the wettest months of Vaishno Devi. The best thing about traveling to Vaishno Devi is that you get to see voluptuous waterfalls falling from the verdant mountains. As you hike up, the views of lush green forests sooth the eyes. Depending upon your luck, you might experience medium to high rainfall in Vaishno Devi. Natural beauty apart, the risk factor of traveling here in rains includes frequent mudslides which happen in monsoon. Therefore, some people avoid visiting here during rainy months. This is also why it is off season or low season in Vaishno Devi. You can get very good deals as most hotels are available at low costs during monsoon. It is thus a great time for budget travellers as it is raining offers and discounts during monsoon months. Needless to say, you must carry windcheaters, umbrellas and raincoats when visiting Vaishno Devi in July, August and September.

Weather in Vaishno Devi in Winter
Contrary to popular belief, many people actually love to visit Vaishno Devi in winters months of December and January despite the harsh climate conditions. Some travel here in winter for the hope of snow while others for cooler climate, which makes the trekking easy. I have done high altitude treks such as Everest Base Camp trek in Nepal, Poonhill Trek in Nepal, Roopkund Trek in Nepal and Dodital Darwa Pass trek in Uttarakhand. During all of these treks I had experienced snow in one form or the other. Despite the sub-zero level temperature, it was very comfortable to trek. So, if I could do those, the trek to Vaishno Devi was much easier. Unlike the high altitude treks I mentioned, you will get all modern amenities, restaurants and clean washroom, throughout your hike to Vaishno Devi. So do not think too much about visiting Vaishno Devi in winter.
