Brahmani Mata Temple travel information, Expedia has you covered. When visiting Brahmani Mata Temple, Expedia can provide you with extensive Brahmani Mata Temple information, as well as great savings on nearby hotels and flights!
When traveling to Brahmani Mata Temple, Brahmani Mata Temple, leave plenty of time for sightseeing - you wouldn't want to miss out on top attractions like Brahmani Mata Temple! And before you go, make sure to read Expedia's Brahmani Mata Temple sightseeing Guide, filled with all you need to know for the best Brahmani Mata Temple experience possible.
History of Temple of Brahmani Mata :
This ancient Temple is also known as Temple of Phalvardhika Mata. It is dedicated to Brahmani Mata, one of the nine forms of Goddess Durga.
It is believed to have been built in the 10th Century A.D. Another belief is that the Temple was built during the Pratihara period. It is said that a dense forest existed here during that period and in the center of the forest, a platform had some statue in a critical condition. A King named Nahar Rao was the ruler of Pushkar (about 75 Km away in Ajmer District). He was a very religious person and wanted to become popular in history, so he ordered to build a Temple dedicated to Lord Brahma. There was no Temple dedicated to Lord Brahma in India at that time. But the royal astrologer told him that according to the Astrology Books, the construction of a Brahma Temple would bring destruction and the person building it, would not live for many days.
The King asked the astrologer to find some solution. The astrologer told the King to do holy works in favour of animals, birds and humans in the area and also to renovate the old Shrines, other religious Platforms, ponds and water sources. The King ordered to start the renovation work immediately. The royal servants renovated many Temples and water sources and one day reached the forest and renovated the Platform dedicated to Brahmani Mata. One night, Brahmani Mata instructed the King in his dreams to build a Temple dedicated to her at the place of Platform which had been renovated by his servants.
Next morning, the King asked about that place from his servants and reached there. At this place, Mata Brahmani again came in King’s dreams and told him that I am Brahmani, Your idea of building a Temple of Lord Brahma is a noble one, but for that you have to change the place and also to build a Temple here and establish a township. Thus, the King built a beautiful Maa Brahmani Temple.