Narayani Mata Temple is a famous temple which is located in Rajasthan. Apart from this temple, there is one more temple for Ma Narayani and it is located in Lonavala, Maharashtra.
Sati narayani belongs to Sain caste sain samaj and all over India there is two temple of Narayani maa. The famous Narayani Mata Temple is built on the edge of Sariska National Park, 14 kilometres from Amanbagh, Rajasthan.
As per ancient legend, Narayani was a pious and a chaste woman who lived in Rajasthan before 1,000 years. She is considered to be an incarnation of Ma Sati, a form of Shakti Devi, and she is a sincere devotee of Lord Shiva.
After getting married with a nice gentleman, when she was on the way to her in-laws house, suddenly, her husband was bitten by a snake and died at the moment itself. The young Narayani was very much upset, and through her powers, she prayed to Lord Agni, and asked him to burn her alive as well as to burn the dead body of her husband, in order to join with her loving consort in the heaven.
Lord Agni Bhagavan accepted her wishes, and he blessed her, and burnt her and her husband into ashes. But due to her selfless devotion on her husband, she didn’t get any pain on her body when Lord Agni had burnt her into death. She is such a kind of noble lady. After her death, she along with her husband went to the abode of Lord Indra, the Indra Loka, and it is believed that still they are residing in the heaven by enjoying all sorts of comforts in their life.
Narayani Mata Temple at Rajasthan is visited by thousands of devotees during festival times like Shiva Rathri, NavaRathri and also during Deepavali. Ma Narayani is mainly worshipped by the young married couples in Rajasthan and also in the nearby cities, in order to live their life peacefully and without any clashes among them.
She also blesses the young couples for getting delivered nice children. Ma Shakti Devi had so far taken more than hundreds of incarnations, and in each and every incarnation, she blesses her devotees, and come with them throughout their life. But only thing, she expects from us is the true bhakti and nothing more else.