Sahastra Bahu Temples is a tenth century sanctuary complex and is devoted to Lord Vishnu. Incredible Kachhwa King Mahapala was constructed this sanctuary. The term 'Sas-Bahu' recommends 'Relative and Daughter-in-law' separately. Notwithstanding, it is most likely only a neighborhood debasement of the first Sahastra-Bahu name, signifying 'one with thousand arms', a type of Vishnu.
The fundamental access to the sanctuaries is made through an entryway that has cut lintels and a multi-lobed curve in its center. Both the structures are laid out on a same arrangement having a holy place, a mandapa ordered supplication lobby with projections and a yard. The sanctuary of Sas is nearly bigger than that of the Bahu.
The Sas sanctuary is encompassed by ten auxiliary places of worship and has a torana opening in the front and it is more plentifully adorned than the littler Bahu sanctuary. The Bahu sanctuary has an octagonal roof which is enhanced with eight multifaceted female figures. It is trusted that the picture of the Lord Vishnu was swung from the torana alongside psalms in the acclaim of master on stylized events.
History of Sahastra Bahu Temple
Going by the historical records, there are no temples committed to glorifying the saas (mother-in-law) and also bahu (daughter-in-law). Rather, a particular king Mahapala of Kachchhwaha Dynasty got them built sometime in the 10th or 11th century A.D.
It is a commonly held belief that the queen of Mahapala was a devotee of Lord Vishnu. The king was kind enough to get a temple made for his wife, where she could worship her favored deity. Later, the royal prince got himself a wife that was a worshipper of Lord Shiva. Therefore, one more temple of Lord Shiva was constructed right next to the Vishnu temple for the daughter-in-law.
Because the temple of Lord Vishnu was built first, it was named Sahastrabahu Temple, meaning ‘the one having a thousand arms’, a basic synonym for Lord Vishnu. However, later on, the twin temples were jointly called Sahastrabahu Temple. As time passed, the name got corrupted, as well as the temple became to be popular as Saas-Bahu Temple due to the reason of its origin. Apparently, the Saas temple is relatively larger than the various other shrines.