Region Wise Embroidery Embroidered leather saddles are very common in Bikaner and Jaisalmer. The embroidery of Jaisalmer Embroidery on Bikaner Leather Mirror work is often used by Jaisalmer Embroidery to create a visual effect. Counting threads is the method of embroidery used in Bikaner.
Animal figures and plain tree forms are embroidered by women in Sikar and Jhunjhuna. All of these are juxtaposed in their work to create a specific pattern in the borders of their cotton skirts. Handloom Ghagras with embroidered borders in blue and black stripes. Animal figures and vegetable designs are also embroidered on the Odhanis.
Barmer EmbroideryMirrors are used by Barmer women to enhance the elegance of their embroidered items. Different pieces of fabric are patched together to create a multicoloured mosaic of appliqué. The eye is drawn to the exotic colours, forms, and pattern variations set against contrasting backgrounds.