Reis Magos fort Goa, surrounded by sturdy laterite walls studded with typically Portuguese turrets was erected in 1551 to protect the narrowest point at the mouth of the Mandovi estuary. The fort formerly accommodated viceroys and other dignitaries newly arrived from, or en route to, Lisbon, and in the early eighteenth century proved a linchpin in the wars against the Hindu Marathas, who were never able to take it. The bastion was used as a prison and is not open to the public.
It is situated on the southeastern extremity of the tableland on the right bank of the Mandovi, in the province of Bardez, about two miles to the northeast of Fort Aguada.
It was enlarged subsequently on different occasions, and finally re-erected in 1707.
Though far inferior in size to the fortress of Mormugao, yet standing on an eminence, it commands, a splendid view all around.
It is in a good state of preservation, and is defended by 33 guns and accommodation for a small garrison. Towards the east, at a little distance from it, flows a spring with abundance of excellent water, while at its base rises the church of the Reis Magos, ascended by a beautiful flight of stairs.
This edifice was built on the ruins of a pagoda in 1550 by the Franciscans, with the sum allotted to them by the Government, and bears a crown on its façade, and the royal arms on its sanctuary and other places.
The pavement is dotted with inscriptions, the most important of which, found in the sanctuary, indicated the spot enclosing the remains of Dom Luis de Ataíde, Count of Athoughia, who twice held the position of Viceroy of Portuguese India and Goa.
This Fort stands on the north bank of the Mandovi at Reis Magos, and is very much visible from the Panaji side of the Mandovi river. It was used as a residence for viceroys and later converted to a fortress. It was occupied briefly from 1798 – 1813 by the British army. It was subsequently abandoned by the military and served as a prison until recently.
The fort which stands on the hill overlooking the Reis Magos Church today, is by no means the original structure, nor is it the first to have been constructed in this locale. The first incarnation of this fort was a military outpost, built in 1493 by the Adil Shahi Sultanate of Bijapur.
When the Sultanate was defeated by the Portuguese, a fort was constructed in 1551 to be the first line of defence for the then capital, Velha Goa. This fort was enlarged at various times, before being completely reconstructed in 1707.
Monuments In Goa If your planning to come on a holiday to Goa, dont ever miss a chance to explore the monumental wonders that flavour this palm-fringed place! Tourists from all over the world cluster here to muddle up with the golden sand and beaches of Goa. Surprisingly very few people are aware of the fact that besides, being a beach state, this place is actually a treasure trove of architectural marvels. You will be amazed to see an impressive array of medieval European architecture - an exclusive interweaving of Portuguese-Gothic style with a Tuscan exterior and Corinthian interior - exhibited inside the walls of these spectacular monuments. The sheer scale and proportion of the country mansions together with the magnificence of its interiors makes them the grandest of all country mansions.
A monument is a statue, building, or other edifice created to commemorate a person, event or as an artistic object. They are frequently used to improve the appearance of a city or location. The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958 defines an Ancient Monument
Ancient Monument means any structure, erection or monument, or any tumulus or place of interment, or any cave, rock-sculpture, inscription or monolith which is of historical, archaeological or artistic interest and which has been in existence for not less than 100 years and includes:- remains of an ancient monument, Site of an ancient monument. Such portion of land adjoining the site of an ancient monument as may be required for fencing or covering in or otherwise preserving such monument,The means of access to, and convenient inspection of, an ancient monument.
Some of the beautiful monuments of goa are:- Viceroys Arch Goa, Statue of Abbe Faria Goa, Azad Maidan Goa, Goa Medical College Goa etc.
The calm churches, rugged forts, exquisite temples and grandiose country mansions of Goa attract countless tourists from all over the world. So, feel the pleasure of visiting these numerous structures that highlights this beautiful beach land of India.