Kodamdesar Temple Bikaner also known as Kodamdesar Bhainru Ji, is located at a distance of 24 km from the city center. The temple is dedicated to Lord Bhairon and was constructed by the founder of Bikaner, Rao Bikaji, between three years of his arrival from Jodhpur.
Kodamdesar Temple does not has any rooms and door, the idol of Lord Bairoji is kept in the center. In the temple complex with marble flooring, one can see the presence of a number of dogs. A dog is the carrier of Bhairoji. The temple is visited by newly-wedded couples for seeking Lord’s blessings. New born babies are also brought here for Mundan (first hair-shaving ceremony).
History of Bhairu ji Temple
Rao Bika ji, the ruler and founder of present Bikaner built this temple in 1465AD. He wanted to expand his kingdom and build his palace around this temple. However under the guidance of his advisors then he gave up on the idea and shifted base to what is present location today.
The story of this stone idol as narrated by a pujari there is: A devotee wished to bring Lord Bhairav’s idol to his hometown from Mandore in Jodhpur. Moved by his devotion Lord Bhairav agreed. He was instructed not to place the idol on ground and if he did so he will never be able to lift the idol back. The devotee carried the idol from Mandore. However on his way back to hometown he was tired and forgetting the instruction decided to rest for a while. He placed the idol down. That was it! He realised his folly and try as hard as he could the idol stayed rooted there.
Several years later when Rao Bika ji arrived in Janglabad (old name of Bikaner) he built this temple around the idol. However no roof or walls were built around it.